2020-01-25: News Headlines

sputniknews (2020-01-25). Unseen-Before Swarms of Voracious Locusts to Hit East Africa, Mideast, Leaving Behind Barren Earth. sputniknews.com A real plague of pests has been forecast for the region that saw unprecedented rainfall over the last three months of 2019, with the scale of it reaching well beyond the Horn of Africa, where it all started.

Paul Antonopoulos (2020-01-24). Turkish Intervention in Libya: Another Erdogan Reckless Attempt to Revive Neo-Ottoman Empire. globalresearch.ca With Turkey failing to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from power in their drive to forge a regional hegemonic order under their rulership, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has set his eyes on other Eastern Mediterranean issues, primarily aggression against …

Louis Proyect (2020-01-24). Isabel dos Santos and Africa's Lumpen-Bourgeoisie. counterpunch.org Thirty years ago, I was part of a Tecnica delegation that visited the African National Congress headquarters in Lusaka, Zambia. We were there to discuss the feasibility of a technical aid project for the ANC and the frontline states with Thabo Mbeki, the future president of post-apartheid South Africa. Back then, the term frontline referred

Chuck Churchill (2020-01-24). The Long History of Elite Rule: What Will It Take To End It? counterpunch.org Elites have ruled over people and commanded the surplus produced by their labor for many millennia. It is this long history we have to contend with in today's crisis of capitalism that has produced endless wars and environmental catastrophes as corporate billionaire rulers continue to promote business as usual while preparing to fight each other with armed forces and nuclear weapons. This has all been "normalized."

news.un (2020-01-24). FROM THE FIELD: Niger supporting the most vulnerable, as crises mount. news.un.org The number of people requiring humanitarian assistance in Niger, a country which the UN humanitarian agency, OCHA, says is "being assaulted on all fronts", is expected to increase in 2020.

Fight Back (2020-01-24). President plans to expand travel ban to more countries. fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN – The Wall Street Journal reported this week that President Trump wants to expand his travel ban to Nigeria, Sudan, Belarus, Myanmar, Tanzania, Kyrgyzstan and Eritrea. January 27 will be the third anniversary of Trump's first executive order, which was his first attempt at a Muslim ban. AP, BuzzFeed, CNN and other media outlets have previously reported that the White House could announce a dramatic expansion of the ban on or around that date. | The MN Anti-War Committee organized multiple protests, including one of 15,000 people in downtown Minneapolis in January 2017, to protest the Trump's Musli…

Staff (2020-01-23). "The New Colossus": In New Play, Tim Robbins Tackles Immigration & Xenophobia. democracynow.org President Trump said Wednesday that he would expand his highly controversial travel ban, which already bars citizens from seven countries, most of which have Muslim-majority populations — Libya, Iran, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, North Korea and Venezuela — from entering the United States. Politico reports that the expanded ban could implement immigration restrictions on seven more countries: Belarus, Burma, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Sudan and Tanzania, according to two sources. We speak with acclaimed actor, director and activist Tim Robbins, whose recent work has focused on immigration to the United S…

RT (2020-01-22). 'Obvious malicious intent': Tulsi Gabbard hits Clinton with defamation suit over 'Russian asset' smear. rt.com Democratic presidential hopeful Tulsi Gabbard is suing two-time White House runner-up Hillary Clinton over her claim that Gabbard was a "Russian asset," alleging that the lie hurt not just her campaign but the entire election. | Clinton "lied about her perceived rival Tulsi Gabbard… publicly, unambiguously, and with obvious malicious intent" when she claimed Gabbard was "the favorite of the Russians," the campaign alleges in the

news.un (2020-01-21). Joint UN-Congolese strategy needed to address insecurity following deadly attacks. news.un.org Authorities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the UN peacekeeping operation in the country, MONUSCO, are being urged to develop a comprehensive joint strategy to address insecurity in Beni territory, located in the east.

RT (2020-01-21). Trump's 2nd travel ban may include Belarus & Myanmar, as well as more Muslim countries. rt.com US President Donald Trump is considering expanding his controversial travel ban to seven more countries, five of which are majority Muslim and two that are not, according to reports citing insider sources in Washington. | Trump, who is currently in Switzerland for the World Economic Forum in Davos, told the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday he was considering adding more countries to the list, but gave no further details. According to "two people familiar with the matter" who spoke with Politico, however, countries that should brace for restrictions are Belarus, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Nigeria, Sudan and Ta…

news.un (2020-01-20). East Africa locusts threaten food security across subregion, alerts UN agriculture agency. news.un.org Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia are dealing with desert locust swarms of "unprecedented size and destructive potential" that could spill over into more countries in East Africa, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) warned on Monday.

news.un (2020-01-20). Major humanitarian hub in northeast Nigeria burned in attack. news.un.org The top UN aid official in Nigeria has condemned a weekend attack against a major humanitarian facility in the north-east of the country.