2023-04-09: News Headlines

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-04-09). Tuesday 4/18: 2023 California Pan African Global Trade – Urban Agriculture Producers and Consumers. indybay.org Online – In person Watch Party | The Grand Ballroom | 1215 J Street | Sacramento, California…

Khubaka Michael Harris (2023-04-09). Friday 4/21: CA Black Agriculture Working Group hosts Farm to Fork Friday "A Taste of Africa" indybay.org Fresno, California…

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-04-08). Recuerdan en Ruanda aniversario de genocidio contra los tutsis. telesurtv.net La tragedia causó más de 800.000 muertos, principalmente de la etnia tutsi, último pueblo que se asentó en la nación africana.

teleSUR, nama, MER (2023-04-08). Unicef: casi un millón de niños puede sufrir desnutrición aguda en Sahel. telesurtv.net Unicef indicó que Níger presentará la mayor carga de emaciación grave en el Sahel central, con un estimado de hasta 430.000 niños en este año.

WSWS (2023-04-08). Following mass shooting in Nashville, fascistic Tennessee Republicans expel two Democratic lawmakers. wsws.org The gerrymandered Republican supermajority in the lower Tennessee House expelled two freshman African American Democratic lawmakers, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson, for leading a peaceful student protest demanding gun reform.

Anonymous669 (2023-04-09). Egyptian Army Foiled Attempt To Fire Rockets From Sinai At Israel — Reports. southfront.org Illustrative image. | The Egyptian military has foiled an attempt to fire rockets from the Sinai Peninsula at Israel, Al Jazeera reported late on April 8, citing Hebrew media reports. | According to the reports, a multiple rocket launcher set up in an unspecified part of Sinai to fire in the direction of the southern Israeli port town of Eilat was uncovered and dismantled by the Egyptian military. Neither Cairo, nor Tel Aviv have commented on these claims yet. | The alleged rocket launch attempt…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-04-09). Tuesday 4/18: 2023 California Pan African Global Trade – Urban Agriculture Producers and Consumers. indybay.org Online – In person Watch Party | The Grand Ballroom | 1215 J Street | Sacramento, California…

Khubaka Michael Harris (2023-04-09). Friday 4/21: CA Black Agriculture Working Group hosts Farm to Fork Friday "A Taste of Africa" indybay.org Fresno, California…

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-04-08). Recuerdan en Ruanda aniversario de genocidio contra los tutsis. telesurtv.net La tragedia causó más de 800.000 muertos, principalmente de la etnia tutsi, último pueblo que se asentó en la nación africana.

teleSUR, nama, MER (2023-04-08). Unicef: casi un millón de niños puede sufrir desnutrición aguda en Sahel. telesurtv.net Unicef indicó que Níger presentará la mayor carga de emaciación grave en el Sahel central, con un estimado de hasta 430.000 niños en este año.

WSWS (2023-04-08). Following mass shooting in Nashville, fascistic Tennessee Republicans expel two Democratic lawmakers. wsws.org The gerrymandered Republican supermajority in the lower Tennessee House expelled two freshman African American Democratic lawmakers, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson, for leading a peaceful student protest demanding gun reform.

Anonymous669 (2023-04-09). Egyptian Army Foiled Attempt To Fire Rockets From Sinai At Israel — Reports. southfront.org Illustrative image. | The Egyptian military has foiled an attempt to fire rockets from the Sinai Peninsula at Israel, Al Jazeera reported late on April 8, citing Hebrew media reports. | According to the reports, a multiple rocket launcher set up in an unspecified part of Sinai to fire in the direction of the southern Israeli port town of Eilat was uncovered and dismantled by the Egyptian military. Neither Cairo, nor Tel Aviv have commented on these claims yet. | The alleged rocket launch attempt…

Staff (2023-04-08). Recibió Marrero Cruz a Ministro de Estado de Angola. cubadebate.cu En el encuentro, el Jefe de Gobierno cubano reiteró la voluntad de ampliar las relaciones económicas y comerciales entre ambos países, sobre todo en los sectores agroalimentario y de la energía…

teleSUR, jaa, JDO (2023-04-09). Reportan muerte de 44 personas tras ataques terroristas en Burkina Faso. telesurtv.net Un grupo de hombres armados atacaron los pueblos de Kourakou y Tondobi.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-04-09). Asesinan a líder de la etnia asháninka en el centro de Perú. telesurtv.net Según las versiones de las autoridades locales, dos hombre encapuchados acribillaron a balazos a Santiago Camilo Contoricón Antúnez, para luego huir del lugar en motocicletas.

FP Staff (2023-04-08). German ambassador to Chad to be expelled within 48 hours over 'impolite attitude'. firstpost.com

Ryan Cristián (2023-04-08). Mice "Vaccinated" With mRNA-Loaded Milk, The Long-COVID Con & The Twitter Psyop Falls Apart. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (4/8/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

Staff (2023-04-08). La educación cubana: un referente a nivel internacional. cubadebate.cu Hasta el cierre de febrero del presente año, el Ministerio de Educación de Cuba, cuenta actualmente, con 543 colaboradores distribuidos en trece países de àÅfrica, América Latina y el Caribe y Oceanía ( Bahamas, Argentina, Ecuador, Jamaica, Panamá, Honduras, México, Venezuela, Guinea Ecuatorial, Sudáfrica, República àÅrabe Saharaui, Islas Reunión y Australia) donde se han promovido varios proyectos, entre ellos y el más importante el de alfabetización, a través del método "Yo, sí puedo", "Yo, sí puedo seguir".

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-04-08). Countries Worldwide Are Dropping The US Dollar. popularresistance.org The global de-dollarization campaign is gaining momentum, as countries around the world seek alternatives to the hegemony of the US dollar. | China and Russia are trading in their own currencies. | Beijing and Brazil have also dropped the dollar in bilateral trade. | The UAE is selling China its gas in yuan, through a French company. | Southeast Asian nations in ASEAN are de-dollarizing their trade, promoting local payment systems. | Kenya is buying Persian Gulf oil with its own currency. | Even the Financial Times newspaper has acknowledged that a "multipolar currency world" is emerging.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). China-built Mombasa-Nairobi railway promotes Kenya growth. ecns.cn Data released by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics show that the revenue from the Mombasa-Nairobi railway, built by Chinese enterprises, reached KES 15.3 billion (0.11 billion) last year. Both passenger and freight volumes have steadily increased, continuing to play a positive role in the economic and social development of Kenya.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-04-08). Fascist RESTRICT Bill is the State's Reaction to an Irreversible Escalation in Class Conflict. libya360.wordpress.com Rainer Shea With the introduction of the RESTRICT bill, the element of the ruling elite that's most committed to advancing imperialism has made its intentions clear: to criminalize anti-imperialist activities and sentiments, starting with efforts to build solidarity with anti-imperialist countries. Should it pass, it will make the organizers I know whose job is to…

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-04-09). Reunión en la capital de Yemen para iniciar proceso de paz. telesurtv.net La reciente normalización de las relaciones diplomáticas entre Irán y Arabia Saudita, dos grandes rivales en la región, ha abierto una ventana de esperanza al fin del conflicto.

Middle East Monitor (2023-04-08). Netanyahu Brought Israeli Extremists to Power and Seeks more Arab Recognition; He can't have Both. juancole.com Dr Adnan Abu Amer AdnanAbuAmer2 There are concerns in Israel that the path towards normalisation with more Arab countries is no longer smooth in light of the planned legislation to suit the extreme far-right in the coalition government. Added to this is the stepping up of action to annex the occupied West Bank, and …

Vanessa Beeley (2023-04-08). Syria rising from the ashes of twelve years hybrid war — with Kevork Almassian. thealtworld.com I talk with Syrian journalist and analyst Kevork Almassian about the recent seismic events in Syria starting with the earthquake on February 6th and culminating in some unexpected and positive geopolitical shifts towards a new Pan-Arabism in the region. | We discuss what the US, UK and Israel can do to prevent normalisation of trade and economic relations between Syria and former US/UK/Israel-allies in the destabilisation project that began in 2011. The US occupation will end sooner or later and while Israel flexes its military muscles for war it knows it is faced with an unprecedented Resistance unity and milita…

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-04-09). Asesinan al menos a 32 personas en región nigeriana de Benue. telesurtv.net Las víctimas fueron atacadas por un número importante de hombres armados que dispararon contra la muchedumbre que intentaba huir.

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