2023-04-10: News Headlines

Abayomi Azikiwe (2023-04-10). Two African American State Representatives Expelled by Tennessee Republican Majority. globalresearch.ca

Editor (2023-04-10). Thirtieth anniversary of the brutal murder of Chris Hani. mronline.org This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of the brutal murder of the South African Communist Party (SACP) General Secretary, Comrade Thembisile Martin "Chris" Hani.

Khubaka Michael Harris (2023-04-10). Friday 4/21: CA Black Agriculture Working Group hosts Farm to Fork Friday "A Taste of Africa" indybay.org Fresno, California…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-04-10). 'The Struggle for Health': 38 years later, the book remains as relevant as ever. peoplesdispatch.org Tinashe Njanji from PHM South Africa and Wim De Ceakulaire, co-editor of the second edition of "The Struggle for Health" discuss the legacy of the iconic book by renowned health activist David Sanders…

reprint (2023-04-10). Pan-African approach needed to tackle food insecurity arising from conflict and climate. indybay.org California Pan African Food and Ag Pavilion will explore the challenges and opportunities. External factors — the disruption of food systems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent reduced purchasing power, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which led to an increase in world food, fuel and fertiliser prices — coupled with drastic weather changes, and continuation or intensification of conflict and insecurity have compromised an already fragile food chain.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-04-09). Tuesday 4/18: 2023 California Pan African Global Trade – Urban Agriculture Producers and Consumers. indybay.org Online – In person Watch Party | The Grand Ballroom | 1215 J Street | Sacramento, California…

Anonymous669 (2023-04-09). Egyptian Army Foiled Attempt To Fire Rockets From Sinai At Israel — Reports. southfront.org Illustrative image. | The Egyptian military has foiled an attempt to fire rockets from the Sinai Peninsula at Israel, Al Jazeera reported late on April 8, citing Hebrew media reports. | According to the reports, a multiple rocket launcher set up in an unspecified part of Sinai to fire in the direction of the southern Israeli port town of Eilat was uncovered and dismantled by the Egyptian military. Neither Cairo, nor Tel Aviv have commented on these claims yet. | The alleged rocket launch attempt…

teleSUR, jaa, JDO (2023-04-09). Reportan muerte de 44 personas tras ataques terroristas en Burkina Faso. telesurtv.net Un grupo de hombres armados atacaron los pueblos de Kourakou y Tondobi.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-04-10). Asesinan a líder de la etnia asháninka en el centro de Perú. telesurtv.net Según las versiones de las autoridades locales, dos hombre encapuchados acribillaron a balazos a Santiago Camilo Contoricón Antúnez, para luego huir del lugar en motocicletas.

Robert Inlakesh (2023-04-10). From Gaza To Syria And Lebanon: A United Front Responds To Israel. thelastamericanvagabond.com After Israeli occupation police forces raided the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, a total of three times, attacking worshippers and provoking popular outrage across the Muslim and Arab World, the response was overwhelming. For the first time since 1973, Israel is directly threatened with a multi-front war, this time in reaction to its assaults on a

Frida Berrigan (2023-04-10). 90 Seconds to Midnight: The Doomsday Clock and Me. juancole.com (Tomdispatch.com ) — I'm not a TikTok person. I'm too old. But when I finally ventured onto that popular but much-maligned app, which traffics in short videos and hot takes, I was surprised to find many videos about the Doomsday Clock. It's nothing like a conventional timepiece, of course. It's meant to show how close …

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-04-10). Reunión en la capital de Yemen para iniciar proceso de paz. telesurtv.net La reciente normalización de las relaciones diplomáticas entre Irán y Arabia Saudita, dos grandes rivales en la región, ha abierto una ventana de esperanza al fin del conflicto.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-04-10). Asesinan a líder de la etnia asháninka en el centro de Perú. telesurtv.net Según las versiones de las autoridades locales, dos hombre encapuchados acribillaron a balazos a Santiago Camilo Contoricón Antúnez, para luego huir del lugar en motocicletas.

Robert Inlakesh (2023-04-10). From Gaza To Syria And Lebanon: A United Front Responds To Israel. thelastamericanvagabond.com After Israeli occupation police forces raided the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, a total of three times, attacking worshippers and provoking popular outrage across the Muslim and Arab World, the response was overwhelming. For the first time since 1973, Israel is directly threatened with a multi-front war, this time in reaction to its assaults on a

Frida Berrigan (2023-04-10). 90 Seconds to Midnight: The Doomsday Clock and Me. juancole.com (Tomdispatch.com ) — I'm not a TikTok person. I'm too old. But when I finally ventured onto that popular but much-maligned app, which traffics in short videos and hot takes, I was surprised to find many videos about the Doomsday Clock. It's nothing like a conventional timepiece, of course. It's meant to show how close …

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-04-10). Reunión en la capital de Yemen para iniciar proceso de paz. telesurtv.net La reciente normalización de las relaciones diplomáticas entre Irán y Arabia Saudita, dos grandes rivales en la región, ha abierto una ventana de esperanza al fin del conflicto.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-04-10). Asesinan al menos a 32 personas en región nigeriana de Benue. telesurtv.net Las víctimas fueron atacadas por un número importante de hombres armados que dispararon contra la muchedumbre que intentaba huir.

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