2023-07-09: News Headlines

unitedEditor (2023-07-09). The causes and consequences of the Turkish-Egyptian rapprochement. uwidata.com By Andrew Korybko The global systemic transition to multipolarity, which predates Russia's special operation but was unprecedentedly accelerated by it, is leading to increased stability in West Asia-North Africa despite Western fearmongering forecasts to the contrary. Far from regional fault lines worsening to the point of open warfare or at least an even more intense cold …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-07-09). Climate Related News: Eco-fascism is coming to the fore. expose-news.com Finland has reminded us of the rise of eco-fascism as a Minister who called for "climate abortions" for African women four years ago is forced to resign. This comes as the World …

_____ (2023-07-08). The Magic Skin of US dollar hegemony. journal-neo.org The dominance of the US dollar in the global economy continues to wane quietly but relentlessly as many countries actively seek other currencies. First and foremost, they are the BRICS nations of Russia, China, India, Brazil, and South Africa. Although it appeared to be only a few countries, the total population is over 3.23 billion, […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

mforinoco (2023-07-08). Africa Sets the Course for Latin America and Multipolarity. orinocotribune.com By Eder Peña — Jul 6, 2023 | The African continent, like the American continent, was subjected to colonization and intervention by European nations and, although the processes were different, there are common channels between the two histories, just as there are with Asia. | One such conduit is the slave trade that took place from Africa to America between the 16th and late 19th centuries. Another is the current international division of labor, that global order in which the European metropolises imposed on both continents the role of being extractive enclaves, no matter what economic model was involved. | I…

Prof. Maurice Okoli (2023-07-08). Russia-Africa Relations. "Tense Global Situation". The Saint Petersburg Summit. globalresearch.ca

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-07-08). Presidente Putin participará en cumbre Rusia-àÅfrica. telesurtv.net "Esperamos una cumbre altamente representativa con una agenda bastante ocupada y numerosos eventos ", señaló Peskov.

WSWS (2023-07-08). 10 years since the military coup in Egypt. wsws.org This week marks the tenth anniversary of the military coup in Egypt. On July 3, 2013, the then-military chief General Abdel Fatah al-Sisi took power with the support of the imperialist powers and established one of the most brutal and bloodiest regimes in the entire globe.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-07-08). Excellent relations between Iran and Algeria highlighted. plenglish.com He stressed in a joint press conference with Ahmed Attaf, his Algerian counterpart, held on Saturday in the Persian capital, that Tehran and Algeria have always had important dialogues and consultations at the highest authorities level on political issues and that it will continue to be so. | "Relations between the two countries are on the right track (…) In today's meeting, we agreed to hold a follow-up committee of the Joint High Commission at the level of Iran's first vice president and Algeria's prime minister, the relevant ministries are also in charge of organizing the follow-up committee. Their meetings…

Ryan Cristián (2023-07-08). US Sends Illegal Cluster Bombs To Ukraine, The "Safe & Effective" Lie & UN's Global Emergency Powers. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/8/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

Ryan Cristián (2023-07-08). Freddie Ponton Interview — What Is Really Happening In France? thelastamericanvagabond.com Joining me today Freddie Ponton, here to discuss what's really going on in France, and break down the many different factors at play. We of course discuss the many false and misleading narratives circulating within the two party paradigm and postulate about why this may be happening, and what it may be covering up. (odysee.com/@TLAVagabond: 5)

teleSUR, JCM (2023-07-09). Líderes de la Cedeao celebran cumbre en Guinea Bissau. telesurtv.net Los líderes de África Occidental se reunirán el domingo en la capital de Guinea Bissau, Bissau, para discutir varios temas que afectan a la región.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-07-08). Russia's Indigenous Heartland. libya360.wordpress.com Oleg Yasinsky Oleg Yasinsky and José Salcedo (Image by Pressenza) My friend, the Ecuadorian anthropologist José Salcedo, a researcher of shamanic cultures and civilisational crises, had a dream: he wanted to get to know the ancestral Siberian cultures and be able to compare their oral creation myths and healing ceremonies with those of the indigenous…

Norman Solomon (2023-07-09). Making Madness Normal in Wartime. indybay.org Normalized baselines, basically insane…

teleSUR, JCM (2023-07-09). Detienen en México a general vinculado al caso Ayotzinapa. telesurtv.net El general en retiro Hernández Nieto era el comandante del 41 Batallón de Infantería de Iguala, Guerrero, durante los hechos del 26 de septiembre de 2014, donde desaparecieron los 43 estudiantes normalistas.

Ann Garrison (2023-07-09). Somalia: The Lawless Frontier (Interview). orinocotribune.com Last week the UN Security Council adopted a resolution to extend the UN peacekeeping mission in Somalia until the end of December 2023, but the troops are supposed to withdraw entirely by the end of December 2024. The mission's name is the

Anonymous669 (2023-07-09). Kiev Regime Says Crimean Bridge Attack Was 'Milestone' For Ukraine. southfront.org File image. | The Kiev regime has finally claimed responsibility for last autumn's attack on the Crimean Bridge, calling it a "milestone" for Ukraine. | On July 8, Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Anna Maliar published a post on Telegram commemorating 500 days since the start of the conflict between Kiev and Moscow, outlining several highlights. | The list includes an apparent public acknowledgment of Kiev's role in the attack on the key link between the eastern part of the Russian peninsula and the rest of…

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