2023-08-07: News Headlines

_____ (2023-08-07). Russia-Africa Summit Held Amid Worsening Global Security Situation. transcend.org 2 Aug 2023 – African Union member-states put forward their peace plan for ending the conflict in Ukraine and received a positive response from Moscow.

_____ (2023-08-07). In Haiti, Kenya Chooses Imperialist Servitude Over Pan-African Solidarity. transcend.org 3 Aug 2023 – By agreeing to send troops into Haiti, the Kenyan government is assisting in undermining the sovereignty and self-determination of Haitian people, while serving the neocolonial interests of the United States, the Core Group, and the United Nations.

_____ (2023-08-07). The East Is Still Red: Chinese Socialism in the 21st Century. transcend.org 1 Aug 2023 – Western media never stop warning us of China: it menaces Taiwan, threatens its neighbors and shipping lanes in the South China Sea, and sticks military bases on Cuba. It spies on us by the most devious means, through TikTok, Huawei 5G, and weather balloons, and ensnares Africa with debt traps.

_____ (2023-08-07). Is There a Difference Between Nigeria and Niger? transcend.org Niger and Nigeria are two separate countries in the African continent.

A Guest Author (2023-08-07). A declaration from West Africa Peoples Organization on Niger. workers.org The slightly edited statement was released on Aug. 2, 2023. The West Africa Peoples Organisation (WAPO) released a declaration condemning the ultimatums announced by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and West African Economic and Monetary Union (Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine, UEMOA) on the situation in . . . |

infobrics (2023-08-07). South Africa Chinese Investment Ahead of BRICS Summit. infobrics.org The country is looking to Chinese infrastructure expertise as it struggles with energy blackouts and stubbornly high long-term unemployment rates…

infobrics (2023-08-07). Africa's Turn Towards Russia. infobrics.org Interview with Ashley Otu, Founder and researcher at IDCOOP…

infobrics (2023-08-07). Experts: BRICS May Introduce a Common Currency, Reducing US Dollar Dominance. infobrics.org Chinese experts predict that efforts by countries to replace the US dollar in international trade will intensify as BRICS nations discuss the feasibility of introducing a common currency at a summit in South Africa later this year…

Stephen Sefton (2023-08-07). Latin America and West Africa — Patterns of Neocolonialism. globalresearch.ca

Pavan Kulkarni. People's Dispatch. (2023-08-07). Nigeria's Senate Refuses To Support ECOWAS Plan For Military Intervention. popularresistance.org The regional bloc, Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), has drawn up a plan for a military invasion of Niger to restore the ousted Mohamed Bazoum to presidency. However, in Nigeria, whose president Bola Tinubu is the current chair of ECOWAS, the Senate has refused to support the military intervention. | On Saturday, August 5, at a closed-door executive session to deliberate on Tinubu's letter seeking the Senate's support for "military buildup and deployment of personnel for military intervention," "almost all senators… totally ruled out the military options," an unnamed senator told Premium Times…

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-08-07). US/France Threaten Intervention In Resource-Rich Niger. popularresistance.org The US and France have threatened foreign intervention to re-install a pro-Western regime in Niger. | Niger is a major producer of gold and uranium, the latter of which is needed for European nuclear energy. The country has significant oil reserves to which foreign corporations have wanted access. It also hosts large US drone bases. | These Western threats follow coups led by nationalist, anti-colonial military officers in neighboring Burkina Faso and Mali, whose governments have warned that intervention would be considered an act of war, and could thus set off a regional conflict. | West Africa is rich in natura…

_____ (2023-08-07). Countries That Rely on Tourism the Most: Europe, Middle East, and Northern Africa. strategic-culture.org This infographic shows the countries where international tourism revenue constitutes more than 3% of the GDP. All data is for 2019, the last pre-pandemic year. | (Click on the image to enlarge)…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-08-07). Golden Harvest Parade and Festival – World Dashiki Week showcases Pan African Culture. indybay.org California Pioneers of Pan African Ancestry (1840-1875) are overcoming the challenge towards broader acceptance for future equity and inclusion. As part of our Golden Harvest Parade and Festival we share our common and unique historical journey here in the Great State of California, toward a "Greener Tomorrow for Youth"

WSWS (2023-08-07). West African states to hold Thursday summit on Niger intervention. wsws.org ECOWAS commissioner for political affairs, peace and security Abdel-Fatau Musah warned Friday, "All the elements that will go into any eventual intervention have been worked out."

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-07). Latin America and West Africa: Patterns of Neocolonialism. libya360.wordpress.com Stephen Sefton The patterns of neocolonial intervention in the majority world by the United States and its allies since their victories over Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in 1945 are very clear. Almost immediately the Western countries started a cycle of bloody aggression against peoples resisting colonialism, followed later by the dependence of most African…

thecommunists (2023-08-07). Russia pulls out of phony Ukrainian grain deal, 'turns its face' towards Africa. thecommunists.org In July 2022. it was announced that Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and the United Nations had come to an understanding whereby Russia would ensure Ukraine's continued export of grain and fertiliser. At the same time, all restrictions on the export of Russian agricultural products and fertilisers to countries in need would also be lifted. To allow …

teleSUR, DRL (2023-08-07). Buscan salvar lengua garífuna en San Vicente y las Granadinas. telesurtv.net San Vicente es la patria de la lengua y la cultura garífuna, que nacieron de la asimilación de los africanos que escaparon de la trata de esclavos y la población indígena caribe-arahuaca de la isla.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-08-07). China sends aid to Somalia to alleviate crisis. plenglish.com Beijing, Aug 7 (Prensa Latina) China donated 150,996 dollars to Somalia as emergency aid for victims of the conflict and other disasters in that African country, local media reported on Monday.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-08-07). South Africa: 34 countries confirmed for upcoming Brics Summit. plenglish.com Pretoria Aug 7 (Prensa Latina) South Africa's Minister of International Relations, Naledi Pandor, revealed that to date 34 countries have confirmed their participation in the meetings associated with the upcoming 15th Brics Summit.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-08-07). South Africa is confident in strengthening the Brics group. plenglish.com Pretoria, Aug 7 (Prensa Latina) South Africa's Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Naledi Pandor, today expressed her confidence that the Brics group will be strengthened by the end of 2023, with benefits for Global South nations.

Eric A. Gordon (2023-08-07). African-American composer Florence Price receives her due on new CD. peoplesworld.org Having earlier reviewed Randall Goosby's CD of violin music highlighting the Black experience, and another featuring Black composers, including Florence Price, we come now to the most recent release—the same violinist with a program including the Max Bruch Violin Concerto and not one but two violin concertos by Price, who is undergoing a major and …

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-08-07). Niger's military authorities are taking extreme measures. plenglish.com Niamey, Aug 7 (Prensa Latina) The Government deployed forces here, closed the airspace and mobilized the youth in case that the Economic Commission of West African States (ECOWAS) launches its announced military operation on Monday.

teleSUR (2023-08-07). Expiration of Ultimatum for Niger Motivates ECOWAS Meeting. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) will host a new extraordinary presidential summit on Niger, after its ultimatum for the Nigerien military to step down expired at midnight on Sunday. | RELATED: | "The ECOWAS leaders will assess and discuss the political situation and recent developments in Niger," ECOWAS said. This high-level meeting, which will be held in Abuja, the capital of Ni…

teleSUR (2023-08-07). Niger Denounce Possible Military Intervention, Airspace Closed. telesurenglish.net The military junta in Niger announced this Sunday that it is closing again the airspace of the African country as of midnight local time (UTC), coinciding with the expiration of the ultimatum given by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to the military in power to restore the constitutional order, under the threat of a military intervention. | Related: | According to a communiqué read by Major Colonel Amadou Abdara…

Vijay Prashad, Kambale Musavuli (2023-08-07). Niger is just the latest in a string of anti-colonial coups in Africa. peoplesworld.org At 3 a.m. on July 26 2023, the presidential guard detained President Mohamed Bazoum in Niamey, the capital of Niger. Troops, led by Brigadier General Abdourahmane Tchiani, closed the country's borders and declared a curfew. The coup d'etat was immediately condemned by the Economic Community of West African States, the African Union, and the European Union. Both France and the …

Editor (2023-08-06). No U.S./French-backed invasion of Niger! workers.org "When Africa becomes economically free and politically united, the monopolists will come face to face with their own working class in their own countries, and a new struggle will arise within which the liquidation and collapse of imperialism will be complete." — Kwame Nkrumah, Neo-Colonialism, the Last Stage of imperialism . . . |

Alexander Rubinstein (2023-08-06). From Chi-Town bagman to ECOWAS chairman: meet the former money launderer leading the push to invade Niger. thegrayzone.com Since the overthrow of Niger's US-friendly government, West African nations of the ECOWAS bloc have threatened an invasion of their neighbor. Before leading the charge for intervention, ECOWAS chair Bola Tinubu spent years laundering millions for heroin dealers in Chicago, and has since been ensnared in numerous corruption scandals. Hours after Niger's Western-backed leader was detained by the country's presidential guard on July 28, Nigerian President and chair of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Bola Tinubu leapt …

_____ (2023-08-06). The Russia-Africa Summit Defeats West's 'Russia-Isolation' Project. journal-neo.org

WSWS (2023-08-06). Full-scale war threatens Niger and West Africa. wsws.org Waging wars and interventions prosecuted under their professed objective of "fighting Islamist insurgents" the imperialist powers omit the fact that Islamist militants wreaking havoc across the Sahel are the product of Washington and its allies' earlier use of them as a proxy army in the 2011 US/NATO war against Libya.

Staff (2023-08-06). U.S./EU Stay Out of Niger! wibailoutpeople.org The recent popularly supported coup in Niger is seen by many in that country as a blow against France and Western Imperialism. Now, France, the U.S. and their imperialist partners and African puppet regimes have threatened to invade Niger to re-install the former complient government of Mohamed Bazoum. | Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea, all former Franch colonies, have stated that they will defend the new government of Niger. | Resources have been stolen from these countries to keep the colonial powers in Europe and North America rich. UNAC demands, "hands of Niger." | Below are some articles from UNAC members a…

Dave DeCamp (2023-08-06). Nigeria Senate Warns Against Military Intervention in Niger. news.antiwar.com Nigeria's Senate has warned against military intervention in neighboring Niger after Nigerian President Bola Tinubu requested backing for such an action against Niger's new military junta. Nigeria currently holds the rotating presidency of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), which has threatened to use military force if Niger's President Mohamed Bazoum is not …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-06). Algeria and the Sahel on the Brink of War. libya360.wordpress.com Mohsen Abdelmoumen France wants to burn Africa. Here, the French army north of Niamey. D. R. All the imperialist scavengers are there. All the ingredients are ready for war, and all the geopolitical players are in place. All that remains is the final act. Don't imagine that Europe will be spared. The fires of hell…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-06). From Chi-Town Bagman to ECOWAS Chairman: Former Money Launderer Leads the Push to Invade Niger. libya360.wordpress.com Alexander Rubenstein and Kit Klarenberg Since the overthrow of Niger's US-friendly government, West African nations of the ECOWAS bloc have threatened an invasion of their neighbor. Before leading the charge for intervention, ECOWAS chair Bola Tinubu spent years laundering millions for heroin dealers in Chicago, and has since been ensnared in numerous corruption scandals. Hours after…

Anonymous103 (2023-08-06). Coup D'Etat In Niger: Africa On Verge Of New War With Deep Geopolitical Effects. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Eleven days have passed since the military coup against the pro-Western government of Mohamed Bazoum, and foreign efforts to thwart the coup d'état and return Bazoum to power continue. At first glance, this coup may not seem so important, but the background and the special value of Niger in Africa show the high importance of the recent events in the country, important events that can ultimately lead to political, military and even economic changes in Africa. | On Wednesday, July 26, Niger…

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-08-07). Neighboring countries show support to Niger's military junta. plenglish.com Niamey, Aug 7 (Prensa Latina) Burkina Faso and Mali dispatched a joint delegation to this capital in support of the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland (CNSP), the military junta that governs Niger after the ouster of pro-West president Mohamed Bazoum.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-08-07). Miles de personas desafían en Níger ultimátum de la Cedeao. telesurtv.net Las multitudes, que se cuentan por cientos, han marchado por las calles de la capital de Níger, Niamey, en apoyo al autoproclamado nuevo líder del país, Abdourahmane Tchiani.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-08-06). Ethiopian manufacturing SMEs generated more than 122,000 jobs. plenglish.com Addis Ababa, Aug 6 (Prensa Latina) Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) involved in Ethiopia's manufacturing sector generated more than 122,000 jobs during the concluded fiscal year (2015, according to Ethiopian calendar), an official source revealed today.

Ryan Cristián (2023-08-07). Australia Approves Original Pfizer Jab Despite Evidence, Trans Agenda Collapses & What Is Disease X? thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (8/7/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

Robert Inlakesh (2023-08-06). Debunking Robert F. Kennedy Jr's Pro-Israel Talking Points. thelastamericanvagabond.com US Democratic Party Presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr recently sat down with celebrity rabbi Shmuley Boteach at an event in New York to perform a pre-prepared set of pro-Israel talking points. This came after the politician stated that Covid-19 didn't affect Jewish and Asian people as much as White and Black Americans, drawing complaints

Derrick Broze (2023-08-06). Mexican Presidential Candidate Marcelo Ebrard Announces "Angel Plan" Surveillance State Nightmare. thelastamericanvagabond.com Mexican Presidential candidate Marcelo Ebrard recently announced a security plan which calls for using several digital technologies with the potential to create a nationwide surveillance state. On July 10th, Mexican politician Marcelo Ebrard announced the Angel Plan, a security program which would use eight digital technologies in an attempt to end the infamous instability and

Ryan Cristián (2023-08-06). George Webb Interview — AI-Created Drugs, The Fake "China Lab" & Being Primed With A "Life Switch" thelastamericanvagabond.com Joining me today is independent investigative journalist, George Webb, here to discuss the future of drugs designed entirely by artificial intelligence and how that overlaps with the mRNA platform design already overtaking the pharma industry. We also discuss what George calls the fake "China Lab" story and why he feels this is not what it

Dan Cohen (2023-08-06). With Canada and CARICOM Balking, Kenya Offers to Lead US-Pushed Military Intervention into Haiti. orinocotribune.com

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-08-06). Ethiopian manufacturing SMEs generated more than 122,000 jobs. plenglish.com Addis Ababa, Aug 6 (Prensa Latina) Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) involved in Ethiopia's manufacturing sector generated more than 122,000 jobs during the concluded fiscal year (2015, according to Ethiopian calendar), an official source revealed today.

Ryan Cristián (2023-08-07). Australia Approves Original Pfizer Jab Despite Evidence, Trans Agenda Collapses & What Is Disease X? thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (8/7/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

Robert Inlakesh (2023-08-06). Debunking Robert F. Kennedy Jr's Pro-Israel Talking Points. thelastamericanvagabond.com US Democratic Party Presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr recently sat down with celebrity rabbi Shmuley Boteach at an event in New York to perform a pre-prepared set of pro-Israel talking points. This came after the politician stated that Covid-19 didn't affect Jewish and Asian people as much as White and Black Americans, drawing complaints

Derrick Broze (2023-08-06). Mexican Presidential Candidate Marcelo Ebrard Announces "Angel Plan" Surveillance State Nightmare. thelastamericanvagabond.com Mexican Presidential candidate Marcelo Ebrard recently announced a security plan which calls for using several digital technologies with the potential to create a nationwide surveillance state. On July 10th, Mexican politician Marcelo Ebrard announced the Angel Plan, a security program which would use eight digital technologies in an attempt to end the infamous instability and

Ryan Cristián (2023-08-06). George Webb Interview — AI-Created Drugs, The Fake "China Lab" & Being Primed With A "Life Switch" thelastamericanvagabond.com Joining me today is independent investigative journalist, George Webb, here to discuss the future of drugs designed entirely by artificial intelligence and how that overlaps with the mRNA platform design already overtaking the pharma industry. We also discuss what George calls the fake "China Lab" story and why he feels this is not what it

Dan Cohen (2023-08-06). With Canada and CARICOM Balking, Kenya Offers to Lead US-Pushed Military Intervention into Haiti. orinocotribune.com

_____ (2023-08-07). USA: How to Hide and Ignore 4.5 Million Deaths. transcend.org 1 Aug 2023 – A 'Costs of War' study estimates that the USA's 9/11 wars caused 4.5 million deaths in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia and Syria with 40—60 million people displaced from their homes. "Pax Americana"

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-07). NATO Imposes the Yoke. The SCO Brings Freedom and Equality. libya360.wordpress.com Adnan Akfirat Türkiye should immediately leave NATO and join the SCO and BRICS to protect its sovereignty, territorial integrity and ensure the development of its national economy! The motto "America must not leave us, otherwise Russia will come" was used by far-right organizations in Türkiye in the 1970s that were governed by the US Gladio….

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-06). What is the OAS Doing in Guatemala, 70 Years After the Fatal and Irredeemable Coup d'Etat it Endorsed? libya360.wordpress.com Ollantay Itzamná Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the OAS, visited Guatemala and evaluated both presidential candidates. In March 1954, the U.S. government promoted and organized the X Summit of the Organization of American States (OAS), in Caracas, Venezuela, with the objective of punishment of the Guatemalan National Revolution (1944-1954). Two months after that Summit, where…

Larry Johnson (2023-08-06). Is Ukraine Awakening to the Likelihood that It Will be Tossed Under the NATO Bus? sonar21.com Foreigners who place their trust in the promise of the United States to have their back apparently are unaware of the fate of Vietnamese, Libyans, Cambodians, Afghanis and Iraquies who…

teleSUR (2023-08-07). Somalia: 150,000 USD Donation From China to Boost Aid Delivery. telesurenglish.net On Sunday, the Somali Disaster Management Agency (SoDMA) received a 150,000 USD donation from China to support the delivery of emergency aid to victims of conflict and national disasters in the country. | Related: | Mahamud Moallim Abdulle, SoDMA commissioner, hailed China for the donation, stressing the vitality of the long-term relationship between the two nations. | "The Chinese government and the people of Somalia sha…

Labor Video Project (2023-08-07). Namibia Captured By Chinese Capital & Union Busting Drive With George Martin &Hewat Beukes. indybay.org China is the largest exporter of capital in the world and in Namibia Chinese public and private companies have taken over all the uranium and marble mines. According to unionists they are also on a union busting drive to destroy the unions and bring in contract labor.

_____ (2023-08-07). The Niger Coup — Syria Military Escalation as U.S. Increases Pressure. transcend.org

Staff (2023-08-07). Headlines for August 7, 2023. democracynow.org Nigerien Coup Leaders and Supporters Remain Defiant as ECOWAS Deadline to Restore Bazoum Passes, Attacks by Ukrainian and Russian Forces Intensify as World Leaders Meet in Jeddah for Peace Talks, Ukrainian Authorities Charge Peace Activist Yurii Sheliazhenko, Raid His Home, Russian Court Sentences Alexei Navalny to Another 19 Years in Prison, Ex-Pakistani PM Imran Khan Calls for Supporters to Keep Up Protests as He Receives 3-Year Sentence, Rahul Gandhi, Lawmaker Critical of Narendra Modi, Reinstated to Indian Parliament, Another Bloody Weekend in the West Bank as Israelis Kill at Least 5 Palestinians, Incl. Teen…

Al Mayadeen, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-08-07). Niger Puts An End To Uranium And Gold Export To France. popularresistance.org With immediate effect, the Republic of Niger, under the leadership of new president General Abdourahamane Tchiani, and supported by the people of the country, announced the suspension of the export of uranium and gold to France on Sunday. | In parallel to the decision, protestors were surrounding the French Embassy in Niger calling for the end of French colonial practices repeating the slogan "Down with France!" and reaffirming their support to the coup leader, Tchiani. | Wazobia Reporters, a Nigerien news website,reported one protestor proclaiming "We have uranium, diamonds, gold, oil, and we live like slaves? W…

ecsorinoco (2023-08-07). Coup in Niger: Old Europe on Trial. orinocotribune.com By Geraldina Colotti—Aug 4, 2023 | Gold, silicon, oil—with reserves estimated at 2 billion barrels, and above all uranium are essential for both French nuclear power stations and atomic bombs. They are strategic raw materials for imperialism, which needs to consolidate its dominion at the expense of the southern countries. This is the key to understanding the fibrillation provoked in the United States and especially in the European Union, by the coup d'état in Niger. | On July 28, General Abdourahamane Tchiani, head of the Presidential Guard, was proclaimed the new leader of Niger and assumed the pres…

Tanupriya Singh (2023-08-07). Mass rally in Niamey backs Niger's military leaders as ECOWAS-led intervention looms. peoplesdispatch.org 30,000 people gathered in Niamey on August 6 in support of Niger's military leaders hours before a deadline of intervention imposed by ECOWAS was set to expire…

Staff (2023-08-07). Three Military Governments Say They Will Resist Any Western-backed Intervention in Niger. wibailoutpeople.org

teleSUR, DRL (2023-08-07). Níger cierra espacio aéreo y denuncia posible intervención militar. telesurtv.net La Junta avisó que "sigue con atención los preparativos de esta guerra por delegación", mientras que en otro comunicado lanzó "un vibrante llamamiento" a los jóvenes para prepararse a "defender a la patria".

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-08-07). Cedeao prepara una declaración tras vencer ultimátum en Níger. telesurtv.net El bloque de África Occidental señaló que no descarta los intentos diplomáticos antes de emplear la fuerza militar.

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