2023-08-12: News Headlines

WSWS (2023-08-12). The Niger crisis and the global threat of war. wsws.org The impoverished West African state of Niger is the latest flashpoint in the struggle by the imperialist powers for a redivision of the world.

teleSUR (2023-08-11). South Africa Supports Iran's Entry Into BRICS. telesurenglish.net South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said Friday that Pretoria fully supports Iran's membership in the BRICS group. | RELATED: | In a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, Ramaphosa said "South Africa is interested in Iran being accepted as a friendly country by the BRICS," Iran's Mehr news agency reported. | Ramaphosa told the 15th meeting of the Islamic Republic of Iran-South Africa Joint Commissio…

Alan MacLeod, Mintpress News. (2023-08-11). Beyond Niger: How ECOWAS Became A Tool For Western Imperialism In Africa. popularresistance.org Niger is shaping up to be the surprising frontline of the new Cold War. Yesterday, the 15-member Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) ordered the "activation" and "deployment" of "standby" military forces to the country, an action that threatens to spark a major international war that could make Syria look minor by comparison. | In this venture, ECOWAS has been fully supported by the United States and Europe, leading many to suspect it is being used as an imperial vehicle to stamp out anti-colonial projects in West Africa. | On July 26, a group of Nigerien officers overthrew the corrupt government o…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-08-11). South African police attack and arrest striking workers at Ekapa diamond mines. peoplesdispatch.org Hundreds of NUMSA members began a strike at the Ekapa diamond mines on August 7. On August 10, police forces arrested 43 striking workers after attacking the picket line with water cannons and tear gas…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-08-11). Golden Harvest Parade and Festival – World Dashiki Week showcases Pan African Culture. indybay.org California Pioneers of Pan African Ancestry (1840-1875) are overcoming the challenge towards broader acceptance for future equity and inclusion. As part of our Golden Harvest Parade and Festival we share our common and unique historical journey here in the Great State of California, toward a "Greener Tomorrow for Youth"

Editor (2023-08-11). From Chi-Town bagman to ECOWAS chairman: meet the former money launderer leading the push to invade Niger. mronline.org Since the overthrow of Niger's U.S.-friendly government, West African nations of the ECOWAS bloc have threatened an invasion of their neighbor. Before leading the charge for intervention, ECOWAS chair Bola Tinubu spent years laundering millions for heroin dealers in Chicago, and has since been ensnared in numerous corruption scandals.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-08-11). France Never Stopped Looting Africa, Now the Tables Are Turning. orinocotribune.com By Brad Pearce — Aug 8, 2023 | As developments in West Africa demonstrate, the francophone countries are no longer willing to accept French neo-colonialism. With the fear factor finally removed, Africa's quest for genuine independence is steadily coming to fruition. | The 26 July coup in the West African nation of Niger, which threatens to undermine

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-08-11). Africans thank Cuba and Fidel Castro for their formation. plenglish.com Addis Ababa, Aug 11 (Prensa Latina) Messages of gratitude to Cuba and the historic leader of the Revolution Fidel Castro Ruz for having formed them as good people prevailed on Friday during a virtual meeting with graduates from Africa.

ecns.cn (2023-08-11). Trade ties with S. Africa to deepen. ecns.cn China will deepen and expand trade and investment cooperation with South Africa, besides strengthening cooperation in emerging fields, the country's Commerce Ministry said on Thursday.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-08-11). France Never Stopped Looting Africa, Now the Tables Are Turning. orinocotribune.com By Brad Pearce — Aug 8, 2023 | As developments in West Africa demonstrate, the francophone countries are no longer willing to accept French neo-colonialism. With the fear factor finally removed, Africa's quest for genuine independence is steadily coming to fruition. | The 26 July coup in the West African nation of Niger, which threatens to undermine

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-08-11). Africans thank Cuba and Fidel Castro for their formation. plenglish.com Addis Ababa, Aug 11 (Prensa Latina) Messages of gratitude to Cuba and the historic leader of the Revolution Fidel Castro Ruz for having formed them as good people prevailed on Friday during a virtual meeting with graduates from Africa.

ecns.cn (2023-08-11). Trade ties with S. Africa to deepen. ecns.cn China will deepen and expand trade and investment cooperation with South Africa, besides strengthening cooperation in emerging fields, the country's Commerce Ministry said on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-08-11). China, South Africa to enhance economic and trade cooperation, strengthening close ties: officials. ecns.cn Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao met with Paul Mashatile, the deputy president of South Africa, on Wednesday in Pretoria. The two officials pledged to enhance economic and trade cooperation.

Owen Schalk, Canadian Dimension. (2023-08-11). Niger Coup Will Have Ramifications For United States, France And Canada. popularresistance.org On July 26, the African continent was rocked by news of a military coup in Niger, the fourth in West Africa since 2020. Cooperation between the US and Nigerien militaries has been suspended. The Niger government has withdrawn from its military agreements with France. The over 1,000 US troops in Niger have been restricted to their bases. France has evacuated 600 nationals from the country, while in a veiled threat, President Emmanuel Macron declared he "would not tolerate any attack against France and its interests." | Meanwhile, a rift has emerged in West Africa, with the Economic Community of West African States…

Stephen Sefton, Tortilla Con Sal. (2023-08-11). Latin America And West Africa — Patterns Of Neocolonialism. popularresistance.org The patterns of neocolonial intervention in the majority world by the United States and its allies since their victories over Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in 1945 are very clear. Almost immediately the Western countries started a cycle of bloody aggression against peoples resisting colonialism, followed later by the dependence of most African and Asian countries on the ruthless Western economic system. In all this time, the United States and Europe demonstrated the most crude and brutal determination to guarantee at all costs control of the natural resources required by their capitalist system.

infobrics (2023-08-11). Over 40 Nations Express Interest in Joining BRICS. infobrics.org Around twenty countries from around the world have applied to join the BRICS group, which currently consists of five nations, and an equal number of other countries have expressed an interest, South Africa, which is hosting its next summit, said…

Staff (2023-08-11). Motion shreds DOJ case attacking Black free speech rights — The Burning Spear. wibailoutpeople.org By Spear Staff, August 3, 2023 | The future of the first amendment of the U.S. constitution and the right to engage in peaceful activism and free speech activities hangs in the balance with the case of the Uhuru 3 that includes African People's Socialist Party (APSP) Chairman Omali Yeshitela. | African People's Solidarity Committee Chairwoman Penny Hess and Uhuru Solidarity Movement Chair Jesse Nevel, two white o…

Staff (2023-08-11). Revolution in Sahel? Military Coups in Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger — All-African People's Revolutionary Party (aaprp-intl.org). wibailoutpeople.org

Staff (2023-08-11). All Africans Should Condemn the Call for an ECOWAS-led Military Invasion of Niger — The Black Alliance for Peace. wibailoutpeople.org All Africans Should Condemn the Call for an ECOWAS-led Military Invasion of Niger: | The Africa Team of the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) and the U.S. Out of Africa Network (USOAN) condemn the threats of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to lead a military intervention into Niger. We believe this would be an act of subservience to U.S./EU/NATO interest…

ecns.cn (2023-08-11). Chinese medical teams assist over 270,000 patients in Algeria since 1963. ecns.cn For the past 60 years, 3,522 medical workers sent by China to Algeria in 27 batches have provided medical services for 27.37 million Algerian patients and delivered 2.07 million babies.

Staff (2023-08-11). Communist Party of Venezuela Expresses Solidarity With Far-Right Politician María Corina Machado. orinocotribune.com As the road to the 2024 presidential elections moves forward, different political alliances that are being formed are becoming more and more transparent; this is especially clear in the solidarity shown by the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) towards the candidate for the far-right opposition primaries, María Corina Machado. | In a press conference held this Monday, August 7, the PCV asked the Attorney General's Office to investigate the governor of Trujillo, Gerardo Márquez, for statements—allegedly aimed at María Corina—asking PSUV supporters in the city of Pampanito to condemn, with force if nece…

teleSUR, YSM (2023-08-11). Procurador de Venezuela ratifica victoria sobre Novo Bank. telesurtv.net El funcionario destacó que en las próximas semanas y los próximos meses, esa victoria podrá ser aprovechada en favor del país.

Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report. (2023-08-11). Eritrea Celebrates Freedom. popularresistance.org I was honored to speak at the 49th annual National Council of Eritrean Americans conference and festival recently held in Tacoma, Washington. Black Agenda Report has always been a staunch defender of the rights of the Eritrean people to live free from U.S. domination. BAR exposes the lies that are told about that nation by the U.S. and their partners in corporate media. The late Glen Ford was especially keen to explain why this country, which is referred to as a "prison camp" and which is described in the most negative and inaccurate ways possible, is in fact a functioning state which overcomes the hardships crea…

teleSUR (2023-08-11). Spanish Tourists Trapped in Ethiopia Are Safe. telesurenglish.net Currently, the country remains in a state of alarm due to the rapid expansion of the guerrilla's military actions. The rebel group is known as the Fano militia, which was constituted as an armed force, after refusing to join the government army. | Ethiopia remains in a state of alarm due to the rapid expansion of the guerrilla's military actions. Aug. 11, 2023.

Ryan Cristián (2023-08-11). Derrick Broze Interview — Running For Change In Broken & Corrupt System. thelastamericanvagabond.com Joining me today is Derrick Broze to discuss his mayoral run in Houston, Texas. We discuss whether or not he feels the voting system — as corrupt and broken as we all seem to know it is — will ever allow him an honest shot, as well as the clear political wins his campaign has

The Lancet (2023-08-12). Editorial] AI in medicine: creating a safe and equitable future. thelancet.com The meteoric progress of generative artificial intelligence (AI)—such as Open AI's ChatGPT, capable of holding realistic conversations, or others of creating realistic images and video from simple prompts—has renewed interest in the transformative potential of AI, including for health. It has also sparked sobering warnings. Addressing the UN Security Council in July, Secretary General António Guterres spoke of the "horrific levels of death and destruction" that malicious AI use could cause. How can the medical community navigate AI's substantial challenges to realise its health potential?

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-08-11). US Pressures Saudi Arabia To Sell Oil In Dollars, Not Chinese Yuan. popularresistance.org The United States is negotiating behind the scenes with Saudi Arabia, pressuring the country to keep selling its oil in dollars. | Washington is concerned that Riyadh may price its crude in other currencies, particularly China's renminbi. | Saudi Arabia is one of the world's top three oil producers. Since the 1970s, Riyadh has agreed to sell its crude in dollars, helping maintain the greenback's hegemonic status as the global reserve currency. | The Wall Street Journal reported that the US is working on a diplomatic deal in which Saudi Arabia would agree to normalize relations with Israel's apartheid regime.

Maximillian Alvarez, The Real News. (2023-08-11). How Immigrant Warehouse Workers Took On Amazon And Won. popularresistance.org "I've never been an organizer," Khali Jama says, "but I've always fought." As a single mother, a Muslim, and a Somali-American worker living in Minnesota, Jama has always had to fight for the life she, her family, and her fellow workers deserve. And earlier this year, after bringing that fight to the Minnesota state legislature, Khali and her coworkers achieved a major victory. "On May 16," Lisa Kwon reports in PRISM, "Minnesota lawmakers passed the nation's strongest Amazon warehouse worker protection legislation with the Warehouse Worker Protection Act, which ensures that workers can take breaks during the work…

Ananya Tina Banerjee, Shashika Bandara, Joyeuse Senga, Nadia González-Domínguez, Madhukar Pai (2023-08-12). Perspectives] Are we training our students to be white saviours in global health? thelancet.com In 2012, the Nigerian-American writer and artist Teju Cole called out the culture of white saviourism in the USA and introduced the concept of the White Saviour Industrial Complex (WSIC). The make-up of global health education perpetuates and feeds into the WSIC, with universities in high-income countries (HICs) accounting for a major share of global health programmes. Global health education is in certain respects a growth industry of whiteness that promotes justice only on paper and remains rooted in harmful colonial worldviews.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-08-11). Junta militar en Níger realiza primer consejo de ministros. telesurtv.net El nuevo ministro de Exteriores, Bakary Yaou Sangaré, "se encuentra fuera del país", de acuerdo a las plataformas locales.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-08-11). Francia apoya acciones de la Cedeao para intervenir en Níger. telesurtv.net Semanas atras la junta militar de Níger había expresado su preocupación sobre una posible intervención militar extranjera en el país apoyada por Francia…

Esther Yiadom, People's Dispatch. (2023-08-11). Causes And Consequences Of Military Takeover In Niger. popularresistance.org Following the military takeover of power in Niger from the Bazoum-led administration on July 26, concerns have been raised about the supply of uranium as the EU and especially France depend largely on uranium from the country to fuel their nuclear reactors and for medical purposes. Data from Euratom indicates that Niger was the EU's second largest supplier of uranium in 2022, when it alone supplied the EU with 2,975 tU (representing 25.4%). The landlocked country was followed by Canada which supplied 2,578 tU (22.0%), and Russia which supplied 1,980 tU (16.9%) that same year.

Kayla Marie (2023-08-11). Niger's new government defies imperialist-backed ECOWAS war threats. liberationnews.org ECOWAS, which groups together the pro-western governments of the region, reconvened after Niger's new government resisted the bloc's demand that it relinquish power…

ecns.cn (2023-08-11). Niger's coup puts French colonial past in spotlight. ecns.cn The pro-Western Mohamed Bazoum became Niger's president in 2021 before being deposed by General Abdourahamane Tchiani, with the resulting instability causing international concern.

Tanupriya Singh, People's Dispatch. (2023-08-11). Niger Accuses France Of Destabilization. popularresistance.org On August 9, Niger's military leadership, the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland (CNSP), announced that it was raising the alert level throughout the country in response to alleged acts of "destabilization" carried out by France to undermine the security of the country. | In a communique issued on Wednesday, the CNSP stated that at 6: 30 am local time, the Niger National Guard's position near the Samira Hill Gold Mine had come under attack. The CNSP's spokesperson, Col. Major Amadou Abdramane, also added that "through direct communication with Western partners, the behavior of French forces has bee…

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-08-11). Cedeao ordena activar fuerza de reserva contra Junta en Níger. telesurtv.net "Ordeno la activación de la fuerza de reserva de la Cedeao", afirmó el presidente del bloque de África Occidental.

krish-rad_ind (2023-08-11). Gallup Polls Suggest Nigerans Support Coup; Americans Would Support One. theduran.com

Larry Johnson (2023-08-11). CIA Quietly Admits I Was Right About Niger. sonar21.com Call it a small victory (and yes, I am taking a lap). I pointed out on Tuesday that the ironically named, CIA WORLD FACTBOOK, was inaccurate in its "facts" about…

Staff (2023-08-11). Headlines for August 11, 2023. democracynow.org Maui Wildfire Death Toll Rises to 55 as Residents Survey Unfathomable Devastation, ECOWAS Says Use of Force Is Possible in Niger Coup Response as Bloc Activates "Standby Force", One Dead, Six Arrested over Assassination of Ecuadorian Presidential Candidate Fernando Villavicencio, 23 Rohingya Refugees Drown, Dozens Missing After Shipwreck, Americans Jailed in Iran Transferred to House Arrest on Way to Possible Release, SCOTUS Blocks Purdue Pharma Settlement Deal That Would Protect Sackler Family from Civil Liability, Louisiana Gov. Orders Pardon Board to Review Clemency Requests for 56 Death Row Prison…

Sharmila Devi (2023-08-12). World Report] UK aid cuts will lead to thousands of deaths. thelancet.com A Government assessment has shown how deep cuts to foreign aid are harming health in countries including Afghanistan, South Sudan, and Yemen. Sharmila Devi reports.

teleSUR (2023-08-11). World Bank Not to Finance in Uganda Because of Anti-LGBTI Law. telesurenglish.net The World Bank insists that the law undermines the institution's efforts to democratize access to development, as "inclusion and non-discrimination are at the core (…) Our goal is to protect sexual and gender minorities from discrimination and exclusion in the projects we finance. These measures are under discussion with the authorities", to which he adds that until laws guaranteeing these rights are passed, public financing will not continue on their part. | This law will institutionalize discrimination and rejection of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people in Uganda. Aug. 11, 2023.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-08-11). US-based organizations demand BlackRock cancel it's share of Zambia's debt. peoplesdispatch.org On August 14, progressive organizations, led by the ANSWER Coalition and the Peoples Forum, will rally outside of the BlackRock global headquarters in New York City to demand that the multinational investment company cancel

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