Daily Archives: 2023-03-07

2023-03-07: News Headlines

ecns.cn (2023-03-07). Sphinx-like Roman-era statue unearthed in Egypt. ecns.cn Archaeologists unearthed a Sphinx-like statue and the remains of a shrine in an ancient temple in southern Egypt. The statue's smiling features may belong to the Roman emperor Claudius, who extended Rome's rule into North Africa between 41 and 54 A.D.

Editor (2023-03-07). Making Tunisia non-African again — Saied's anti-Black campaign. mronline.org On 21 February 2023, President Kais Saied called a meeting with the National Security Council to take urgent measures "to address the phenomenon of the influx of large numbers of irregular migrants from sub-Saharan Africa to Tunisia."

jamanetwork (2023-03-07). Effect of Intrapartum Azithromycin vs Placebo on Neonatal Sepsis and Death. jamanetwork.com This randomized trial compares the efficacy of intrapartum azithromycin vs placebo to reduce neonatal sepsis or mortality, as well as neonatal and maternal infections, among birthing parents and their infants in West Africa.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-07). From civil rights to transplant awareness, advocate continues to make a difference. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org As America celebrates Black History Month, one civil rights activist is celebrating a new lease on life. Dr. Shirley Green-Reese received a kidney transplant in June 2022 at Mayo Clinic in Florida. Her kidney transplant is only one chapter in an incredible life story. Dr. Green-Reese is no stranger to turning challenges into triumphs. In 1963, at the age of 13, she was one of 15 young African American girls who were arrested for peacefully…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-07). Black History Month: Dr. Michele Halyard on a lifetime commitment to health equity, inclusion and diversity. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dr. Michele Halyard Black History Month is commemorated every February. It's a month for all people to celebrate and learn about diverse and important contributions of African Americans to American society and culture, as well as to reflect on the ongoing fight against racism, inequity and discrimination. Mayo Clinic News Network is highlighting Mayo Clinic physicians who are focused every day on achieving health equity, inclusion and diversity through their work. Meet Dr. Michele Halyard,…

Staff (2023-03-07). Presidente del Congo llama a Francia y Europa a tratar diferente y respetar a àÅfrica. cubadebate.cu ´Esto debe cambiar, la forma en la que Europa y Francia nos trata. Debéis comenzar a respetarnos y ver a àÅfrica de un modo distinto. Tenéis que dejar de tratarnos y hablarnos con tono paternalista. Debéis respetar a àÅfrica ª. Esta ha sido la dura respuesta del presidente de la República Democrática del Congo, Félix Tshisekedi, durante la rueda de prensa que mantuvo la semana pasada con el presidente francés, Emmanuel Macron…

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-07). Presidente francés culmina gira africana en medio de críticas. telesurtv.net Se trata de la décimoctava gira que realiza el mandatario francés por la región en la que París tiene importantes intereses económicos y quiere disminuir la presencia china y rusa.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-06). West African people's movements call for greater unity as France announces military 'reorganization'. therealnews.com This story originally appeared in The prime minister of Mali's transitional government, Choguel Kokalla MaàØga, concluded a visit to neighboring Burkina Faso on February 26, as both countries have moved to forge closer ties. | MaàØga met with his Burkinabè counterpart, Apollinaire Joachimson Ky…

Abayomi Azikiwe (2023-03-06). Famine in Africa: Millions on the Verge of Starvation? What are the Causes? globalresearch.ca

Asad Ismi (2023-03-06). Africa's Food Crisis Caused by the West. 278 million Africans— One in Five —are Facing Hunger. globalresearch.ca

infobrics (2023-03-06). Fostering Partnerships with BRICS Energy Investors. infobrics.org South Africa took over as Chair of BRICS on 1 January 2023 in a difficult national and global economic environment…

Larry Johnson (2023-03-06). More Fallout From the War in Ukraine — Putting French Imperialism in its Place. sonar21.com As the Russian "Special Military Operation" grinds on in Ukraine, Russia and China have joined forces to confront the legacy of Western imperialism in Africa and Asia. The war in…

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-06). Global interoperability: U.S., NATO allies, partners lead Horn of Africa exercise. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com U.S. Naval Forces Europe and AfricaMarch 5, 2023 Exercise Cutlass Express 2023 kicks off in Djibouti Maritime forces from nations around the world, along with several international organizations, kicked off the multinational maritime exercise Cutlass Express 2023 (CE23) with an opening ceremony held at the Coast Guard Training Center in Djibouti, March 5, 2023. CE …

Tanupriya Singh, People's Dispatch. (2023-03-06). West African People's Movements Call For Greater Unity. popularresistance.org The prime minister of Mali's transitional government, Choguel Kokalla MaàØga, concluded a visit to neighboring Burkina Faso on February 26, as both countries have moved to forge closer ties. | MaàØga met with his Burkinabè counterpart, Apollinaire Joachimson Kyélem de Tambèla, following which both delegations presented a cooperation agreement, emphasizing their commitment to making the "Bamako-Ouagadougou axis a successful model of sub-regional integration and South-South cooperation." | On matters of insecurity and armed conflict in the "Sahelo-Saharan strip," the delegations noted the "need to com…

Juan Cole (2023-03-06). 37 Israeli 'Top Guns' Boycott Training to Protest Gutting of Courts; Most El Al Pilots decline to fly PM to Italy. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — The Israeli Air Force, like its other armed forces, heavily depends on reservists. That was why Egypt was able to surprise Israel in the 1973 War, which they launched on the holy day of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, when reservists were with their families. The reservists are required …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-06). El Alto: A History of Anti-Neoliberal Struggle. libya360.wordpress.com Kawsachun News"El Alto on his feet, never on his knees!" is a slogan that reflects the combative character of the inhabitants of this indigenous Aymara city in Bolivia, which since 2003, has shaped the country's history. This city led the uprising against the privatization of natural resources in 2003, and then the defense of democracy…

Ben Norton (2023-03-07). Xi blasts US 'containment, encirclement' of China, Foreign Minister slams 'malicious confrontation'. geopoliticaleconomy.com President Xi Jinping denounced the US-led Western attempt to "contain, encircle, and suppress China". Foreign Minister Qin Gang said Washington is not pursuing "fair competition, but malicious confrontation".

Malik Miah (2023-03-07). United States: Behind the derailment in Ohio — anti-worker deregulation, corporate greed. greenleft.org.au The train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, highlighted safety regulation failures, indifference and anti-union bias, writes Malik Miah.

Staff (2023-03-07). Canciller de China advierte a EEUU sobre consecuencias de política de "confrontación maliciosa" cubadebate.cu El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de China, Qin Gang, declaró este martes en rueda de prensa en Pekín que la política estadounidense hacia el país asiático "se ha desviado por completo del camino sensato y racional" y advirtió que "si sigue acelerando por el camino erróneo" podría haber "conflicto y confrontación".

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-07). Huelga de trabajadores ferroviarios paraliza parte de Grecia. telesurtv.net Como resultado, no se operará ninguna ruta suburbana ni ninguna otra ruta de Hellenic Train. Se espera que los demás medios de transporte público operen con normalidad.

teleSUR, nama, YSM (2023-03-07). Casi 5 millones de personas sufren inseguridad alimentaria en Somalia. telesurtv.net Algunas de las zonas con mayor riesgo son Burhakaba (sur), Baidoa y Mogadiscio (capital).

WSWS (2023-03-07). South Korean government demands "normalization" of labor unions. wsws.org The Yoon administration is reviving old police-state measures in an effort to silence unrest and opposition especially in the working class as social conditions deteriorate.

_____ (2023-03-06). The fabled Abraham Accords and their significance. journal-neo.org The so-called Abraham Accords are a series of agreements between Israel and the UAE, Bahrain, and Morocco that have been closely mediated and supervised by the US. The Israelis claim that relations with Sudan, which Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen recently visited, will be normalized later this year. Under former US President Donald Trump, the two …

Pavan Kulkarni, People's Dispatch. (2023-03-06). Nigeria's Opposition Candidates To Challenge Presidential Poll Results. popularresistance.org On Friday, March 3, the Court of Appeal in Nigeria's capital Abuja ordered the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to allow the presidential candidate of the Labor Party (LP), Peter Obi, access to all poll materials for inspection. Bola Tinubu, candidate of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), has been declared the winner of the presidential election that was held on February 25. | The order was passed in response to an appeal filed by Obi on Thursday. Access was also granted to Atiku Abubakar, candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), who had also filed a separate appeal earlier on Wed…

Staff (2023-03-06). Headlines for March 6, 2023. democracynow.org Nations Reach Historic Agreement to Protect High Seas, Iran and IAEA Agree to Strengthen Cooperation in Hopeful Sign for Nuclear Talks, Outrage Mounts over Mysterious Poisoning of Iranian Schoolgirls, U.N. Expert Says Taliban Attacks on Women and Girls Could Be Crime Against Humanity, Ex-Pakistan PM Imran Khan Evades Arrest, Huge Blaze in Cox's Bazar Rohingya Refugee Camp Destroys Thousands of Homes, Shell Pipeline Kills 12 in Nigeria; Massive Lawsuit Targets Shell's Operation in Niger Delta, U.K. Cracks Down on Refugee Rights in Right-Wing Effort to "Stop the Boats", Shahida Raza, Pakista…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-07). Daily Round-up Venezuela marks 10 years of Hugo Chavez's death & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episode we look at Venezuela marking 10 years of Hugo Chavez's death, Tunisians protest against economic decline, Syria condemns US military's official visit to occupied Syrian territory, and thousands continue protests over train crash in Greece.

Staff (2023-03-07). Headlines for March 7, 2023. democracynow.org Biden Administration Mulls Return to Detention of Asylum-Seeking Families, Migrants in Tunisia Flee Hate Crimes and Violence Following President's Racist Remarks, Survivors of Forced Labor Under Japanese Occupation Condemn South Korean Compensation Plan, North Korea Warns U.S. Shootdown of Test-Fired Missiles Would Be "Declaration of War", Chinese Leaders Condemn U.S. Policy of "Containment, Encirclement and Suppression", Ukraine Holds Out in Defense of Bakhmut as Both Sides Inflict Heavy Losses, Belarus Sentences Opposition Leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya to 15 Years for Treason, Do…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-06). Tunisians mobilize against rising political persecution and government's failure to address economic concerns. peoplesdispatch.org Large protests were organized by political parties and trade unions on Saturday and Sunday against the crackdown on the opposition and economic woes. Calls have been given for for more people's actions in the coming days…

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