2024-06-04: News Headlines

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2024-06-04). Twenty Years Of Building An Economic Alternative To Capitalism In The US. popularresistance.org The US Federation of Worker Cooperatives recently turned twenty years old. Clearing the FOG speaks with Dr. Jessica Gordon-Nembhard, a professor and author of "Collective Courage: A History of African-American Cooperative Economic Thought and Practice," and a charter member of the USFWC, about the work to create a national cooperative organization and the rise of the cooperative economy in the United States. She spoke about the role that cooperatives have played in advancing social and economic justice, the benefits of cooperatives not only to the individual but also more broadly to their communities, and the his…

Editor (2024-06-04). Palestine, too, shall be free—the liberation of all oppressed people in the whole of Africa and the world. mronline.org Israel, as a settler colony, perceives Palestine as 'empty land', empty of people, culture, history and a future. Busani Ngcaweni argues that Palestinians are denied an identity and have become dis-membered, without a home, state or nation. There are striking similarities, Ngcaweni explains, between Israel's ideology of racial subjugation by a 'God-chosen people' and apartheid South Africa's belief in racial and religious superiority over an inferior black race.

The Independent (2024-06-04). Now Stanbic's "Oli Sorted" Campaign offers 100% home financing. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Stanbic Bank has unveiled its new "Oli Sorted" campaign, offering Ugandans 100% home financing alongside a variety of other financial solutions. This 90-day initiative, timed with the back-to-school season, allows parents to borrow up to Shs 350 million in unsecured personal loans for school fees and related expenses. Israel Arinaitwe, …

Raphaël Lopoukhine (2024-06-04). French court sentences three officials close to Bashar al-Assad to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity. fidh.org The Paris Criminal Court has found three high-ranking Syrian officials guilty of complicity in crimes against humanity and war crimes committed against two French-Syrians, Patrick and Mazzen Dabbagh.
Paris, 24 May 2024 – Ali Mamlouk, Jamil Hassan and Abdel Salam Mahmoud have been sentenced to life imprisonment for complicity in imprisonment, torture, enforced disappearance and murder constituting crimes against humanity — as well as for confiscation of property, qualified as war crimes. (…) | – |

The Independent (2024-06-04). Africa to spend $75 billion on debt interest, AfDB says. independent.co.ug Debt chokes Africa's ability to meet more pressing needs ANALYSIS | AGENCIES | African nations will spend $75 billion on debt interest payments this year, money they desperately need for pressing issues such as social spending and public investments, according to the African Development Bank. In addition, the countries will require $10 billion annually for the …

nosihle (2024-06-04). King Misuzulu kaZwelithini applauds credible elections. sanews.gov.za King Misuzulu kaZwelithini applauds credible elections | King Misuzulu kaZwelithini has applauded the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) for ensuring that the elections were free, fair and credible. | "His Majesty commends all political parties for the peaceful manner in which they conducted themselves during the campaign and on Election Day," Traditional Prime Minister to the Zulu Nation and Monarch Rev Thulasizwe Buthelezi said in a statement on Monday. | South Africans went to the polls on 29 May 2024 in the seventh democratic elections. A total of 16 248 027 citizens exercised their Constitutional rig…

The Independent (2024-06-04). PICTORIAL: National Martyrs' choir finale. independent.co.ug The Cherubim Choir and Africhorus Baptist High School, Kitebi have emerged winners of the Catholic and Protestant categories, respectively, in this year's National Martyrs' choir finale held in Kampala on the eve of Martyr's Day. The two choirs each went home with a sh10million prize, in the competition organised by Vision Group in partnership with Equity …

EDWIN (2024-06-04). Operation Shanela nets 537 suspects in the Eastern Cape. sanews.gov.za Operation Shanela nets 537 suspects in the Eastern Cape | Over 500 suspects were netted in Operation Shanela operations in the Eastern Cape last week. | "The demanding schedule of the National and Provincial Elections on police officers did not dampen their commitment to the core function of combating crime, as over 500 suspects were nabbed in Operation Shanela in the Eastern Cape last week," said the South African Police Service (SAPS). | This as South Africans went to the polls in the seventh National and Provincial Elections that got underway last Monday and Tuesday with special votes followed by Voting Day on…

The Independent (2024-06-04). Equity Bank trains 126,000 youth, women and refugees in financial literacy. independent.co.ug Equity Bank bags award for promoting financial education and inclusion Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Equity Bank Uganda has in the last two years trained 126,107 youth, women, and refugees in financial literacy and entrepreneurship education. Up to 58% of those trained are female, 77% youth and 30% are refugees as the bank promotes financial …

The Independent (2024-06-04). Researching HIV in children. independent.co.ug Local experts focus on international research findings to study effect of treatment interruptions Kampala, Uganda | PATRICIA AKANKWATSA | Researchers in Uganda are making significant strides in the fight against pediatric HIV. Leveraging data from the International Maternal, Pediatric, Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials (IMPAACT P1115) study, they are exploring the complexities of Analytical Treatment Interruptions (ATIs) …

NEOB (2024-06-04). Parliament, Provincial Legislatures lists to be handed over to Chief Justice Zondo. sanews.gov.za Parliament, Provincial Legislatures lists to be handed over to Chief Justice Zondo | Chief Justice Raymond Zondo is expected to receive the name lists of Members of the National Assembly and Provincial Legislatures on Thursday. | This after the National and Provincial Elections were held and the results declared by the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) last week. | READ | "It is an established practice in South Africa that after the announcement by the IEC of the results of the National and Provincia…

The Independent (2024-06-04). President preaches wealth creation at Martyr's Day. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | President Yoweri Museveni has praised Ugandan clerics, Christian and non-Christians, for fostering unity and ending hostilities along faith lines that once sharply divided the nation. Reflecting on the pre-NRM era, President Museveni highlighted significant divisions based on tribal and religious affiliations, which he credits the NRM ideology for mitigating. …

The Independent (2024-06-04). Archbishop Kaziimba hails Equity Bank for Church House loan. independent.co.ug Equity Bank and Church of Uganda celebrate successful payment of Church House loan Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Church of Uganda has recognised Equity Bank for playing a key role in completion of Janani Luwum Church House in Kampala. "I want to announce here that the Church House is now fully owned by the Church of …

Gabisile (2024-06-04). Health sector comes together to track progress in confronting TB. sanews.gov.za Health sector comes together to track progress in confronting TB | As part of ongoing efforts to reduce new Tuberculosis (TB) infections and deaths, the country is hosting the 8th SA TB Conference in Durban. | The gathering is an opportunity to track progress towards achieving the 2025 targets set at the United Nations (UN) High-Level Meeting and the 2030 target to end the epidemic in line with the pragmatic End TB Strategy by the World Health Organisation (WHO). | The conference, said the Department of Health, is being held at the International Convention Centre in KwaZulu-Natal from Tuesday to Friday. The Depu…

The Independent (2024-06-04). New 'game-changer' HIV drug sought for Africa. independent.co.ug More than 300 politicians, health experts and celebrities on Thursday called for US pharmaceutical giant Gilead to allow cheap, generic versions of a promising new HIV drug to be produced so it can reach people in developing countries most affected by the deadly disease ANALYSIS | AGENCIES | The drug lenacapavir could be a "real game-changer" …

newarab (2024-06-04). Chile joins South African case against Israel at top UN court. newarab.com Chilean President Gabriel Boric said on Saturday that his country was joining South Africa in its case at the International Court of Justice accusing Israel of "genocide" in its Speaking to the National Congress, Boric decried the "catastrophic humanitarian situation" in Gaza and called for "a firm response from the international community." | "Chile will become a party to and support the case that South Africa presented against Israel before the International Court of Justice in The Hague," Boric…

newarab (2024-06-04). Palestinian authorities seek to join South Africa case at ICJ. newarab.com Palestinian authorities are seeking to join South Africa brought the case before the International Court of Justice last year, alleging that Israel's Gaza offensive breached the 1948 UN Genocide Convention, a charge Israel denies. | So far, the Palestinians have only sent hi…

newarab (2024-06-04). Egypt rejects Israel's control of Rafah crossing on Gaza side. newarab.com Last month, Israel

newarab (2024-06-04). Can Egyptians forgive the regime for inaction in Rafah. newarab.com In Egypt, everyone from talk show hosts to waiters in coffee shops are outraged about the There is widespread anger over the constant stream of graphic images, the deaths of As anger mounts and the death toll rises…

newarab (2024-06-04). Will Russia's support for Sudan's army turn the tide in the war. newarab.com On a visit to Port Sudan in late April, Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister, Mikhail Bogdanov, pledged Russia's support and recognition for Sudan's Flanked by the Minister of Mineral Resources, Bogdanov, Russia has maintained neutrality throughout most of Sudan's nearly 14-m…

newarab (2024-06-04). Egypt's cabinet resigns as Sisi reappoints PM Madbouly. newarab.com In a much-anticipated move, the Egyptian cabinet resigned on Monday, two months after Abdel Fattah al- Sisi reappointed

newarab (2024-06-04). Egypt upholds sentence against Ahmed Tantawi's campaign manager. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-04). Somalia to expel Ethiopian troops unless Somaliland port deal scrapped. newarab.com Somalia will expel thousands of Ethiopian troops stationed in the country to help with security by the end of the year unless Addis Ababa scraps Security experts and foreign diplomats said the move risks further destabilising Somalia as local forces would be unable to fill the security vacuum, which would likely be exploited by fighters from Al-Shabaab, an affiliate of Al-Qaeda. | At least 3,000 Ethiopian soldiers…

presstv.ir (2024-06-04). Polls open in South Africa's most competitive election since end of apartheid. presstv.ir South Africans started voting on Wednesday in an election that could mark a big political shift if the governing African National Congress party loses its majority as opinion polls suggest.

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