2023-07-21: News Headlines

AbdulRahman A Saied (2023-07-22). Correspondence] Building Africa's first mRNA vaccine facility. thelancet.com For Africa, mRNA vaccines are beneficial and could be used to combat various bacterial and viral infections other than COVID-19 in the continent. mRNA vaccines can be produced in large quantities and are efficient and safe. Moreover, these vaccines can also be produced quickly, with minimal effort and without previous knowledge of biological pharmacological agents.1,2 With mRNA technology, malaria and tuberculosis vaccines can be developed, giving African nations good chances to fight these diseases endemic to the region.

teleSUR (2023-07-21). African Union: STC New Economic Objective. telesurenglish.net This July 21 culminates the sixth Specialized Technical Committee of the African Union, with new economic objectives raised and agreed upon. | Related: | Russia Ready to Supply Free Grain to African Countries -Kremlin | After several days of sessions between ministers, central bank presidents, specialists in economic issues, and investors, the meeting has managed to specify several areas of work and understanding. The central purpose is to implement the collective development…

Mikatekiso Kubayi (2023-07-21). The Geopolitics of Russia-Africa Relations: Critical Challenges, Refined Practices. globalresearch.ca

_____ (2023-07-21). U.S. Military Sought to Experiment on Africans for Big Pharma: Kremlin. strategic-culture.org The allegations involve Metabiota, a firm with links to US President Joe Biden's son, Hunter | Join us on , , and . | The Pentagon planned to use its biolaboratories in Africa to test unregistered medicines on local populati…

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-07-21). Russia will do its best to supply African nations with grains. plenglish.com Moscow, Jul 21 (Prensa Latina) Russia is developing new routes for grain supplies to African countries after the completion of the grain agreement, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin said today.

midwesternmarx (2023-07-21). Africa's path to socialism By: Tanupriya Singh. midwesternmarx.com 200 delegates from 40 organizations are gathering in South Africa for the "Dilemmas of Humanity: Pan African Dialogues to Build Socialism" conference. For the next four days, progressive movements and organizations will discuss the challenges posed by capitalism, and articulate the socialist way forward On Monday, July 17, 200 delegates from progressive organizations, political parties, people's movements, and trade unions across the African continent will gather in Bel …

Anonymous834 (2023-07-21). Israel's Apartheid Versus South Africa's Apartheid: The U.S. Congress Is More Unanimously Supportive of Israel's Apartheid Than It Was Of South Africa's. southfront.org Written by Eric Zuesse On Wednesday, July 19th, the Asian-American Sharon Zhang headlined "Only 9 House Reps Vote Against Resolution Denying Israeli…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-07-20). Nahel's France: Neo-Colonized and Pan-African Voices Speak Up. libya360.wordpress.com Julia Wright The police killing of Nahel M. in France cannot be properly analyzed outside of the context of French colonialism and neo-colonialism. Two days ago, my client told me he was thinking of committing suicide because his profession has been attacked for two to three weeks now even though he is convinced he acted…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-07-20). Africa is Burning! DRC in Environmental Crisis. libya360.wordpress.com Jody Roumain "No matter what they say now about highways and hospitals and penicillin, whatever was done in those colonies was not done for the natives. And the Belgians may not know this, but the natives do. What happened was very simple." "You cannot walk into a country and stay there as long as the…

WSWS (2023-07-20). Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa. wsws.org Strike at French weekly Le Journal du Dimanche against imposition of far-right editor into fourth week; protests by pensioners and workers including teachers in Shiraz and Haft Tappeh sugar cane workers continue in Iran; mass protests in Kenya over cost-of-living crisis met with police violence…

Fight Back (2023-07-20). Freedom Road Socialist Organization launches two new Nationalities Commissions. fightbacknews.org The Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) took another major step forward with the launching of an African American Commission and a Chicano/Latino plus other oppressed nationalities commission. Comrades from more than a dozen cities where the FRSO does organizing among African Americans, Chicanos, and other oppressed nationalities gathered to carry out a decision by the 9th Congress to establish these commissions. | Attendees ranged from veterans of the upsurge of the Asian American, Black, and Chicano peoples struggles in the 1960s and 1970s to a plurality of the meeting who joined in the last three years…

Dave DeCamp (2023-07-20). US AFRICOM Launches Airstrike in Somalia, Says 5 al-Shabaab Killed. news.antiwar.com US Africa Command on Thursday said that it launched an airstrike in Somalia in support of Mogadishu-based government forces who were engaged with al-Shabaab on the ground. AFRICOM said the strike was launched in a remote area about 9 miles south of the village of Galcad in Somalia's central Galguduud region, near the border of …

Abayomi Azikiwe (2023-07-20). Food Insecurity in Africa and the Politics of NATO Expansion. A Global Food Crisis is Looming. globalresearch.ca

Andrew Korybko (2023-07-20). South Africa Showed That BRICS Isn't What Many of Its Supporters Assumed. globalresearch.ca

infobrics (2023-07-20). South Africa Says Putin Agreed not to Attend BRICS Summit. infobrics.org Russia will instead be represented by its Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at the Johannesburg summit, alongside the leaders of Brazil, India, China and South Africa, the presidency said in a statement…

_____ (2023-07-21). Egypt and India: a clear example of the multipolar character of today's world. journal-neo.org

teleSUR (2023-07-20). Egypt: Activist Pardoned One Day After Conviction. telesurenglish.net Egypt's president Abdul Fattah Al-Sissi pardoned human rights activist and researcher Patrick Zaki and his lawyer, Moahmed el-Baqer, a day after Zaki was sentenced to three years in prison over an online article he wrote describing discrimination against Egypt's Coptic Christian minority. | Related: | The courts impose sentences on Zaki in a national emergency situation, and although the state of emergency was lifted in 2021, the trials c…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-07-20). Political prisoners Patrick Zaki and Mohamed el-Baqer are free. peoplesdispatch.org Patrick George Zaki had been sentenced to three years in prison on Wednesday while Mohamed el-Baqer, the lawyer of Alaa Abdel Fattah, was serving a four-year term. Rights organizations have urged Egypt to free all political prisoners…

Staff (2023-07-20). Headlines for July 20, 2023. democracynow.org More Temperature Records Fall as U.S. Heat Wave Intensifies, Migrants Face Intense Heat in Mexico as They Wait to Apply for Asylum at U.S. Border, Receding Floodwaters in Northern India Prompt Warnings over Waterborne Diseases, Russia Bombards Ukraine's Black Sea Ports and Threatens Cargo Ships, Kenyan Police Crack Down as Protesters Rally Against Tax Hikes and Inflation, Taliban Guards Attack Women Protesting Closure of Beauty Parlors and Salons, Iraqis Storm Swedish Embassy in Baghdad to Protest Qur'an Burning in Stockholm, Egyptian President Pardons Rights Researcher and Lawyer for Political Prison…

Ana Perdigón (2023-07-20). Machado Confirms Neoliberal Agenda at Council of the Americas Forum. orinocotribune.com María Corina Machado, the far-right pre candidate for Venezuela's primary elections, reiterated her neoliberal agenda as she spoke about her hopes to run for the presidency. Machado is currently unable to hold public office in Venezuela due to her efforts to overthrow the country's democratically elected president. | This Tuesday, July 18, Machado presented her "Economic Plan of Government" at a virtual event organized by the far-right think tank

teleSUR (2023-07-20). Death of Opposition Spokesman in Congo Remains Unexplained. telesurenglish.net A week ago, the lifeless body of former minister and opposition deputy Chérubin Okende was discovered. The news of the dramatic event has put the political life of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in tension, bearing in mind that after more than 7 days, the investigations have not revealed any information. | Related: | Deputy Okende was found dead inside his car, riddled with bullets. He went to the Constitutional Court the day before his death, and his…

Ryan Cristián (2023-07-21). Biden Admits "COVID Policy" Permanent, Censoring A Censorship Hearing & Docs Expose Biden Corruption. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/21/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

Peoples Dispatch (2023-07-21). Death toll mounts in Kenya as police intensify crackdown on protests against US-IMF backed tax regime. peoplesdispatch.org After police killed six protesters and arrested more than 300 on July 19, Kenya's left and human rights group warned of a resurgent police state. Kenyans have been protesting President William Ruto's Finance Act that increases taxes on essential goods…

infobrics (2023-07-20). Experts Pitch for Kenya to Join BRICS. infobrics.org As more countries are considering joining BRICS, the bloc of emerging economies, experts in Kenya are now urging the new administration to follow suit for economic and trade benefits…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-07-21). An Afrofeminist Reading from Venezuela. libya360.wordpress.com Cira Pascual Marquina and Merlyn Pirela A Conversation with Merlyn Pirela (Part II) Hegemonic feminist currents focus on patriarchal oppression, but racialized forms of oppression seldom enter their discourse. Merlyn Pirela is a Venezuelan Afrofeminist activist and organizer, and a member of the Afro-Venezuelan Women's Cumbe. In Part I of this two-part interview, Pirela explored the historical…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-07-21). Storm Clouds Gathering in the Black Sea. libya360.wordpress.com M. K. Bhadrakumar Turkish President Recep Erdogan (L) and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (R) with President Biden & NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg (C), NATO Summit, Vilnius,July 11, 2023 The NATO Summit in Vilnius (July 11-12) signalled that there is absolutely no possibility of talks to settle the Ukraine war in a foreseeable future. The war…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-07-21). Peru Escalates the Struggle against the Boluarte Regime. libya360.wordpress.com Alejandra Garcia The people of Peru took to the streets this Wednesday and Thursday to demand the resignation of the main leaders of President Dina Boluarte's regime, the advancement of general elections, and the restitution of democracy in the Andean nation. More than 20,000 Peruvians are the protagonists of the Great March of the Peoples,…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-07-20). Cuba Within the Wider Latin American and Caribbean Region. libya360.wordpress.com Susana Hurlich Now, more than ever, it is important that we understand Cuba within the context of developments within the Latin American, Caribbean and indeed world arena. Our solidarity work with and on behalf of Cuba must include giving a greater visibility to what's happening in the region, especially to initiatives that are virtually invisible…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-07-20). Lord of the Underworld: Meet the Paratrooper from North Carolina who Helped Orchestrate the War in Ukraine. libya360.wordpress.com Evan Reif Brian Boyenger [Source: foreigncombatants.ru] One of the great mysteries surrounding the Maidan coup and the civil war which has followed is how the rabble of soccer hooligans and neo-Nazis who orchestrated the coup were able to become an army capable of subjugating the nation so quickly. Despite Western narratives, the Maidan was a…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-07-20). Cuba Condemns Ongoing US Occupation of Guantanamo Bay. libya360.wordpress.com Natalia Marques Cuba soldiers in the Frontier Brigade that defends Cuba outside of the US-occupied Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. Soldiers stand outside a sign commemorating Ramon Lopez Peña, a Cuban Frontier Brigade soldier martyred by US forces (Photo: Tony Hernández Mena/Cuban Parliament) Since 1898, the US has controlled the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, an "illegally…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-07-20). Why the Ukraine Conflict Will Unravel NATO and Biden. libya360.wordpress.com Radhika Desai The proxy war on Russia is the centre piece of Biden's foreign policy of uniting the world's 'democracies' against 'autocracies', particularly China and Russia. He boasts repeatedly of uniting US allies, most in NATO, as never before. Though the real unity is spotty at best, until recently, the rhetoric seemed to work. No…

Alexander Rubinstein (2023-07-20). DC Uniparty kills House resolutions to end US emergency powers in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen. thegrayzone.com In a massive show of support for limitless executive power, Congress rejected legislation that would have terminated national emergency powers allowing Washington to wage war across the Middle East — and to test biological weapons on US citizens. Led by Representative Paul Gosar, a handful of Republican members of Congress launched a protest against 41 nominal "national emergency" declarations, many of which are decades old. Rep. Gosar has argued the National Emergencies Act is "tyrannical," granting 148 separate powers to …

Nathan J. Cheetham, Rose Penfold, Valentina Giunchiglia, Vicky Bowyer, Carole H. Sudre, Liane S. Canas, Jie Deng, Benjamin Murray, Eric Kerfoot, Michela Antonelli, Khaled Rjoob, Erika Molteni, Marc F. àñsterdahl, Nicholas R. Harvey, William R. Trender, Michael H. Malim, Katie J. Doores, Peter J. Hellyer, Marc Modat, Alexander Hammers, Sebastien Ourselin, Emma L. Duncan, Adam Hampshire, Claire J. Steves (2023-07-21). Articles] The effects of COVID-19 on cognitive performance in a community-based cohort: a COVID symptom study biobank prospective cohort study. thelancet.com Cognitive deficits following SARS-CoV-2 infection were detectable nearly two years post infection, and largest for individuals with longer symptom durations, ongoing symptoms, and/or more severe infection. However, no such deficits were detected in individuals who reported full recovery from COVID-19. Further work is needed to monitor and develop understanding of recovery mechanisms for those with ongoing symptoms.

WSWS (2023-07-21). TWU pushes through concessions contract for NYC transit workers. wsws.org The sellout deal for transit workers formalized on Wednesday was coupled with fare and toll hikes for commuters.

Bill Lueders (2023-07-20). First Things First: Actual Malice. progressive.org Each year, I meet with journalists from around the world brought in by the U.S. State Department. They are often astonished by the extent to which we are free to criticize people in power.

teleSUR (2023-07-20). Sudan: Kids Joining Militia for Money and Spoils. telesurenglish.net Recruitment operations are being carried out in the outlying areas of the capital, Khartoum. According to testimonies given to Al Jazeera by young returnees from the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), whose ages range from 14 to 20 years, the objective of participating in the fighting is to obtain money and spoils of war. | Related: | One of the returning soldiers confirmed to the media that "recruitment is taking place in abundance in the areas south of Khartoum: Al…

teleSUR (2023-07-21). Saudi Arabia To Provide 500-Mln-Usd Aid to Tunisia's Economy. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Saudi Arabia signed agreements with Tunisia to provide 500 million U.S. dollars to help finance Tunisia's state budget. | Related: | According to official statements, at the government headquarters in Tunis, in the presence of Tunisian Prime Minister Najla Bouden Romdhane, the agreements were signed by Tunisian Finance Minister Sihem Namsia and her Saudi counterpart Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Jadaan.

thecommunists (2023-07-21). Comrade Tongogara, who dedicated his life to the cause of freedom. thecommunists.org Lalkar is sad to announce the death of Comrade Tongogara, who breathed his last on 11 May this year. Born Danny Morrell on 6 February 1942, he adopted the name Tongogara after the great Zimbabwean fighter Josiah Tongogara who fought for the liberation of Zimbabwe from the clutches of the racist white minority regime of …

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