2023-09-25: News Headlines

ecns.cn (2023-09-25). Joint action urged to protect fishing areas. ecns.cn West African countries and China need to work together to tackle the problem of overfishing in West Africa and push the region toward sustainable fisheries, a report says.

ecsorinoco (2023-09-25). Amnesty International Pushes Regime Change in Eritrea with Dubious, Unverifiable Report. orinocotribune.com Amnesty's new report accusing Eritrea's government of gruesome war crimes relies heavily on anonymous testimony, grainy satellite images, and zero field investigation. It is the latest salvo in the West's campaign to topple the country's independent government. | Eritrea is a small country with a geostrategically significant coast on the Red Sea. Fiercely independent, it is one of only two African nations that refuse to collaborate with AFRICOM, the US Africa Command. Committed to an incremental, self-reliant development strategy, it has chosen not to saddle itself with IMF or World Bank debt. It was also the onl…

teleSUR, JGN (2023-09-25). Macron anuncia salida de tropas y personal diplomático francés de Níger. telesurtv.net El gobierno del país europeo mantiene a 1.500 soldados en la nación africana.

Black Alliance for Peace (2023-09-24). From Niger to Haiti to Cop City in Atlanta, Defeat the War Against African People. globalresearch.ca

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-24). Media Counterinsurgency Against the African People's Socialist Party: Ignore the Show Trial, Reinforce the Anti-Russia Psyop Behind it. libya360.wordpress.com Rainer Shea The fraudulent charges against the African People's Socialist Party are supposed to represent the starting stage in our national security state's war against dissent during…

JANET (2023-09-24). 10 myths, counter-narratives and contradictions vs. the West neocolonialist war in Niger. iacenter.org By Julia Wright September 21, 2023 With all the imperial onslaughts against the Global South, their wars are increasingly fought at the level of disinformation and manufactured narratives to create a climate of smoke and mirrors — the better to cloak the real strategies. Amilcar Cabral, assassinated exactly 50 years ago. The West African independent state of Niger experienced a coup d'etat on July 26, 2023 (the anniversary of the [attack on the] Moncada Barracks in Cuba), bringing to power a group of military officers who, although trained by the United States, not only deposed U.S. and French-supported str…

WSWS (2023-09-25). Indictment of Democratic Senator Menendez exposes corruption in the US political establishment. wsws.org The indictment of Senator Robert Menendez, his wife Nadine and three New Jersey businessmen with connections to the Egyptian government on bribery charges has exposed the depths of corruption existing within the political establishment.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-09-25). Angola and China will sign investment protection agreement. plenglish.com Luanda, Sep 25 (Prensa Latina) The Governments of Angola and China are preparing an agreement for Reciprocal Protection of Investments, the signing of which should occur soon, according to the Minister of State for Economic Coordination, José de Lima Massano.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-09-24). Incendio en Benín causa al menos 34 muertos y unos 20 heridos. telesurtv.net Otras veinte personas resultaron heridas, algunas de ellas de gravedad, y fueron enviadas a un hospital para su atención.

Robert Inlakesh (2023-09-24). An Israeli Civil-War Brewing Over Judicial Overhaul, Or A New War? thelastamericanvagabond.com In July, the Israeli Knesset ratified the first of a wave of bills that seek to curtail the powers of Tel Aviv's supreme court, dividing Israel's Jewish population between supporters of the current "liberal western democracy" model and those seeking a more radical system. While hundreds of thousands of Israeli protesters packed the streets, Israeli

Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report. (2023-09-25). Why Barack Obama Can't Shut Up. popularresistance.org If it can be said that one person is responsible for the awful death toll from the recent flooding in eastern Libya, Barack Obama should be named as the culprit. If nothing else, Obama certainly has a lot of nerve. The person who was determined to destroy the Libyan state did just that. His personal hench lady, aka Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, carried out the dirty work. Along with allies like the UK and France, she made the case for a "no fly" zone, which prevented Libya's army from being protected by its air force. For good measure she whipped up a phony human rights case, complete with claims about troo…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-24). Canadian Parliament Gives a Standing Ovation to Yaroslav Hunka, Who Fought for the 14th Division of Waffen SS. libya360.wordpress.com "He's a Ukrainian hero, a Canadian hero, and we thank him for his service". — Canadian Parliament House Speaker, Anthony Rota On 22nd September, the Canadian House of Commons gave a standing ovation to Yaroslav Hunka, a World War II veteran who fought for "Ukrainian independence" against Russian aggressors. This is how the speaker of…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-24). Lavrov Calls for a Return to the UN Charter and the Rule of Law. libya360.wordpress.com Sergey Lavrov, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, addresses the general debate of the 78th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (New York, 19 — 26 September 2023). Speaking to the General Assembly today (23 Sep), Lavrov said, "the future is being shaped by a struggle, a struggle between the…

JANET (2023-09-24). Role of U.S./NATO war in Libyan flood. iacenter.org By John Catalinotto September 19, 2023 A close look at the catastrophic flood that hit the port city of Derna in northeastern Libya Sept. 9 shows that it was no natural disaster. Nor was its scale due only to the climate crisis. Those Western leaders who ordered the 2011 U.S./NATO war that destroyed the then-existing Libyan government are responsible for the vast number of victims. At budget demonstration in New York City, March 21, 2011, activist hits NATO war against Libya. (Photo: John Catalinotto) News media of all types have reported on the destruction of Derna, on the 11,300 deaths reported by Sept. 17 and…

teleSUR, JCM (2023-09-24). Suman 18 muertos tras atentado en el centro de Somalia. telesurtv.net Abdifatah Mohamed Yusuf, director general del Ministerio de Gestión Humanitaria y de Desastres de Hirshabelle, dijo que 40 personas resultaron heridas.

Editor (2023-09-25). John Kiriakou: Never forget America's torture legacy. mronline.org CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou joins Robert Scheer to discuss the dark history of America's torture program, and the normalization of the Espionage Act to attack those that expose the secrets of the state.

Dave DeCamp (2023-09-24). Macron Says France Will Withdraw Troops, Ambassador from Niger. news.antiwar.com French President Emmanuel Macron said Sunday that French will remove its troops and ambassador from Niger, as the military junta that took over the country in July wants French forces out. "France has decided to bring back its ambassador, and in the coming hours our ambassador and several diplomats will return to France," Macron said …

teleSUR, DRL (2023-09-25). Niger celebra decisión de Francia de retirar sus tropas. telesurtv.net La Junta confirmó que prohíbe el sobrevuelo de su espacio aéreo a aviones franceses, si bien ha subrayado que "sigue abierto a todos los vuelos comerciales nacionales e internacionales".

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