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2024-02-18: News Headlines

albawaba (2024-02-18). UN court denies South Africa's request for more Gaza action. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has rejected South Africa's request to order Israel to take more steps to protect Palestinians in Gaza from a possible attack on Rafah, a city near the Egyptian border.South Africa, which has accused Israel of violating the Genocide Convention by its military campaign in Gaza, had asked the court to impose new measures in light of Israel's preparations for a major operation in Rafah.PRESS RELEASE: the (2024-02-18). Xi sends congratulatory message to 37th AU Summit. Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday sent a congratulatory message to the 37th African Union (AU) summit.

Greg Ruiters, Patrick Bond (2024-02-18). South Africa's failed infrastructure privatisation and deregulation. Introduction
| The South African state is commonly said to be 'failing' — not only because yet again at the end of 2023, a recession hit. An alleged fiscal crisis, in the form of a public debt to GDP ratio in excess of 70 percent (mostly due to Covid-19 revenue shrinkage), prevents the kind of institutional rescue and expansion of infrastructure and services typical of prior eras of developmental- or welfare-state construction.
| A typical articulation of the terrain of infrastructure financing (…) | – |

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-18). Mayo Clinic Minute: Hypertension and cardiovascular disease in the Black community. February is American Heart Month. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. African Americans are significantly affected by heart disease, resulting in higher mortality rates compared to white Americans. One of the reasons for the disparity is due to high hypertension rates in the Black community. Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, can increase your risk of developing heart disease. Dr. LaPrincess Brewer, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, discusses cardiovascular disease…

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-18). AME church calls on Joe Biden to stop genocide in Gaza. Washington, Feb 18 (Prensa Latina) The Council of Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church -the nation ¥s oldest predominantly Black denomination- asked President Joe Biden to immediately stop all US aid to Israel and the extermination the Palestinian population is currently facing up.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-18). Lula da Silva defendió el acercamiento de su país a àÅfrica. El presidente brasileño también defendió la creación de un Estado palestino libre y que tenga plena representación en la ONU.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-02-18). Sudáfrica agradece orden de la CIJ sobre civiles en Rafah, Gaza. La CIJ ha aceptado que la incursión del Ejército israelí en Rafah haría "aún más peligroso lo que ya es un desastre humanitario".

albawaba (2024-02-18). ICJ to hold hearings on the consequences of Israeli occupation. ALBAWABA – Starting on Monday, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) will start hearing sessions on the legal consequences of Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories since 1967, with a record 52 countries likely to provide evidence.United States, Russia, and China along with several other countries will be addressing judges in a week-long session at the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands.Despite the ICJ resolutions not being legally binding, the opinions coming out at the end of the case brought forward by South Africa will have its toll on Israel as international pressure mounts up over the brutal…

Mason Walker (2024-02-18). Decoding the Influence of Corruption and Institutional Quality on South Africa's Renewable Energy Transition.

Medriva Correspondents (2024-02-18). Addressing the Challenge of HIV Among Aging Population in South Africa. South Africa continues to grapple with a high prevalence of HIV among all age groups, with approximately 8.2 million people living with HIV. While the country boasts an impressive antiretroviral therapy program, with over 5 million people on treatment, there's an evident gap in the focus of HIV prevention and treatment programs. Most of these…

nosihle (2024-02-18). President attends AU Heads of State Summit. President attends AU Heads of State Summit | President Cyril Ramaphosa is attending the 37th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. | "The Assembly is expected to discuss the status of peace and security on the continent and the consideration of the report of the AU Peace and Security Council (AUPSC). The discussion will take place against the backdrop of great concern regarding the state of peace and security in some parts of the continent," the Presidency said. | The highlight of the 37th Ordinary Session will be the…

nosihle (2024-02-18). Probe into Vaal River clean-up method. Probe into Vaal River clean-up method | The Ministers of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Barbara Creecy, and Water and Sanitation, Senzo Mchunu, have noted public concerns related to the use of chemical, glyphosate, to clear alien invasive plants from the Vaal River by Rand Water. | "Following the complaints in the public domain, the two Ministers and other relevant parties met and agreed to determine whether the clearing methods followed were in line with the regulatory environment and to devise a future plan that ensures that the clearing of the alien invasive plants is done in a manner that poses no h…

albawaba (2024-02-18). Egypt starts getting rid of the US Dollar. ALBAWABA – Egypt has initiated a formal step within the current strategy of the BRICS group aimed at reducing its reliance on the US dollar, according to various reports.Egypt wants to use their own money more for trading instead of relying on the dollar. They say it will help them deal with financial pressures better.This move shows that Egypt, along with other countries in BRICS, is trying to change how they do business globally. They want to be less dependent on the US dollar, especially with all the problems happening in the US economy.According to "Watcher Guru", this decision reflects a broader trend among…

newarab (2024-02-18). Gaza: Is Egypt building safe zone for Rafah Palestinians?>. Egyptian engineering teams have begun new construction in the city of Both the Egyptian side and Gazan sides are called Rafah [City], split by the Rafah crossing through which aid and people flow into Gaza, but is currently closed.

newarab (2024-02-18). Hamas warns of talks pullout unless Gaza aid increased. "The movement intends to suspend negotiations until aid is brought into northern Gaza," a senior source in the Palestinian group told AFP. | "Negotiations cannot be held while hunger is ravaging the Palestinian people," he said, asking not to be identified as he is not authourised to speak on the issue. | Talks have been held in the Egyptian capit…

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-18). Egyptian President reiterates rejection of Palestinian displacement. Cairo, Feb 18 (Prensa Latina) Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi on Sunday reiterated his government's categorical rejection of the Palestinian displacement to the Sinai Peninsula as a result of the Israeli aggression over Gaza, an official source revealed.

tvbrics (2024-02-18). Egyptian weightlifter wins gold at the World Cup Championship. His victories are a source of national pride for the people of the country…

Staff (2024-02-18). Rafah Border Crossing,Egypt and Israeli genocide. By Latheef Farook The Rafah Border Crossing is the sole crossing point between Egypt and Palestine's Gaza Strip. It is located on the Egypt—Palestine border. Under a 2007 agreement between Egypt and Israel, Egypt controls the crossing but imports through the Rafah crossing require Israeli approval. If Rafah Border crossings is opened and trucks are …

Staff (2024-02-18). Rafah Border Crossing,Egypt and Israeli genocide. By Latheef Farook The Rafah Border Crossing is the sole crossing point between Egypt and Palestine's Gaza Strip. It is located on the Egypt—Palestine border. Under a 2007 agreement between Egypt and Israel, Egypt controls the crossing but imports through the Rafah crossing require Israeli approval. If Rafah Border crossings is opened and trucks are …

newarab (2024-02-18). UN vote expected next week on Algerian resolution for Gaza. Senior Western diplomatic sources expect a vote next week at the UN Security Council on (2024-02-18). Algeria pushes for UNSC resolution on Gaza truce; US vows to veto it. Algeria requested the UN Security Council to vote on a draft resolution that demands an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, a move the US – a council veto power —has pledged to veto.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-02-18). Hospitalizan a cantante peruana Susana Baca por estado delicado. La tres veces ganadora de los premios Grammy Latino, actualmente con 79 años, "tiene achaques del tiempo y enfermedades nuevas e insospechadas".

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-18). Diversity science researcher achieving goal of making difference in people's lives. From the time she was a young woman, Gladys Asiedu, Ph.D., knew she wanted to help people. Her path to achieving that goal began in Ghana. Learn about her journey and the difference she is making as a diversity science researcher. Gladys Asiedu, Ph.D., always knew she wanted to make a difference in people's lives. A steady focus on that altruistic goal would ultimately lead her to Mayo Clinic. As a child in Ghana in… (2024-02-18). Thousands in Morocco protest ties with Israel. Thousands of Moroccans again took to the streets of their capital to call for an end to their country's ties with Israel.

Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead (2024-02-18). A list of the latest complaints to Ofcom about GB News. When it comes to Ofcom complaints, GB News has to be the regulator's most regular offender. Barely a month goes by without news of some kind of grievance about the right-wing 'news' channel. | With the Prime Minister in the GB News' hotseat this week, getting asked questions by audience members about tax cuts, the NHS, and his Rwanda plan, we thought it would be a good time to list the latest complaints to Ofcom about the opinion-orientated, 'Fox-style' station. | Presenter Neil Oliver links coronavirus vaccine to 'turbo cancer' | The outspoken anti-vaxxer Neil Oliver caused outrage in January when he claimed…

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-18). Presidente senegalés anuncia elecciones "lo antes posible" El panel del Consejo Constitucional reconoció que el 25 de febrero no sería factible ahora, pero dijo que el Gobierno debería actuar rápidamente.

newarab (2024-02-18). Sudan's army claims first major advance in Omdurman. The army said late on Friday it had succeeded in connecting its two main bases in the city, prompting celebrations among soldiers and local residents. | The

albawaba (2024-02-18). Sudanese Army regains partial control in Omdurman. ALBAWABA – Later on Friday, the Sudanese Armed Forces claimed its first major advance in 10+ months of the war, regaining control of part of the city of Omdurman from the Rapid Support Forces.The army said late on Friday that it had successfully connected its two main outposts in the city, spurring cheers among troops and local people.The Rapid Support Forces denied that the army had moved forward. "The army has turned to propaganda because it is on the verge of defeat," a statement from the RSF media office said.The RSF controls territories to the east of Omdurman, as well as the vast Ombada district that connec…

GRAIN, La Via Campesina (2024-02-18). A new wave of land grabs strikes Tanzania.

2024-02-18 11:35:17 | 11:35 EST | tr | 31 | 0 | 4 | 30 | 0 

2024-02-17: News Headlines

albawaba (2024-02-17). Egypt starts getting rid of the US Dollar. ALBAWABA – Egypt has initiated a formal step within the current strategy of the BRICS group aimed at reducing its reliance on the US dollar, according to various reports.Egypt wants to use their own money more for trading instead of relying on the dollar. They say it will help them deal with financial pressures better.This move shows that Egypt, along with other countries in BRICS, is trying to change how they do business globally. They want to be less dependent on the US dollar, especially with all the problems happening in the US economy.According to "Watcher Guru", this decision reflects a broader trend among…

UN Secretary-General (2024-02-17). Outlining Existential Challenges Facing World, Secretary-General Stresses Need for 'Global Economy That Works for Everyone, Everywhere', in Remarks to Security Forum. Countries: Libya, Myanmar, occupied Palestinian territory, Sudan, Ukraine, World, Yemen | Source: UN Secretary-General | SG/SM/22135 | Following are UN Secretary-General António Guterres' remarks to the Munich Security Conference today: | It's a pleasure to be here in Munich. | As the title of our discussion implies, today's global order is not working for everyone. In fact, I would go further and say: it's not working for anyone. | Our world is facing existential challenges, but the global community is more fragmented and divided than at any time during the past 75 years. | Even the cold war era was, in some…

newarab (2024-02-17). Sudan's army claims first major advance in Omdurman. The army said late on Friday it had succeeded in connecting its two main bases in the city, prompting celebrations among soldiers and local residents. | The

Udani Samarasekera (2024-02-17). World Report] Huge health needs for refugees in Chad. Humanitarian organisations call for support for hundreds of thousands of people who have fled conflict in Sudan. Udani Samarasekera reports.

albawaba (2024-02-17). Egypt constructs buffer zone on Gaza border amid concerns. ALBAWABA – The Israel's potential ground operation in Rafah, where over 1.4 million Palestinians reside, Egypt has taken action to build a "buffer zone" along the border.Reports from the Sinai Foundation for Human Rights reveal that Egyptian authorities began constructing a 7-meter-high buffer zone with walls in Sinai on February 12. The aim is to provide shelter for refugees in case of mass migration from Gaza, with completion targeted within 10 days. The work is closely supervised by the Egyptian Armed Forces Engineering Authority and conducted under high security.The Wall Street Journal, quoting Egyptian offic…

GRAIN, La Via Campesina (2024-02-17). A new wave of land grabs strikes Tanzania.

The Black Alliance for Peace. (2024-02-17). MOLEGHAF: Public Statement On The Current Situation In Haiti. February 12, 2024 — On February 6th, MOLEGHAF, the National Movement for Liberty and Equality of Haitians for Fraternity (Mouvement National pour la Liberté et L'égalité des HaàØtiens pour la Fraternité), a member organization of the Black Alliance for Peace, released a statement that calls for support of the Haitian masses mobilizing for popular sovereignty, and vehemently rejects the continued attempts by the United States and the West to force a military intervention and occupation of Haiti. After the Kenyan High Court clearly and firmly declared this intervention unconstitutional, the U.S. and Ke…

Peoples Health Dispatch (2024-02-17). Cholera still poses risks in Zambia despite decrease in cases. A deadly cholera outbreak in Zambia continues to endanger lives despite a reduction in confirmed cases. The government and public health authorities need to carry out more public health education programs and improve living conditions that have facilitated the outbreak in the first place…

newarab (2024-02-17). Gaza: Is Egypt building safe zone for Rafah Palestinians. Egyptian engineering teams have begun new construction in the city of Both the Egyptian side and Gazan sides are called Rafah [City], split by the Rafah crossing through which aid and people flow into Gaza, but is currently closed.

newarab (2024-02-17). UN vote expected next week on Algerian resolution for Gaza. Senior Western diplomatic sources expect a vote next week at the UN Security Council on

albawaba (2024-02-17). UN court denies South Africa's request for more Gaza action. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has rejected South Africa's request to order Israel to take more steps to protect Palestinians in Gaza from a possible attack on Rafah, a city near the Egyptian border.South Africa, which has accused Israel of violating the Genocide Convention by its military campaign in Gaza, had asked the court to impose new measures in light of Israel's preparations for a major operation in Rafah.PRESS RELEASE: the

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-17). Angola elected member of the Peace and Security Council of the AU. Addis Ababa, Feb 17 (Prensa Latina) Angola is today a member of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU), after being elected to that body with 46 votes, during the 44th session of the Executive Council.

newarab (2024-02-17). Opposition claims Israeli influence on Morocco's new gun law. "The (Israelis) are building arms manufactures in Morocco, and they forced Morocco to pass a law regulating gunfire ownership for any citizen," claimed Nabila Mounib, a controversial figure of the left opposition in Morocco. | "You cannot imagine the danger of this. We should bring down the normalisation," added the MP in a recently surfaced video on social media. The video goes back to a speech Mounib…

Rhoda Wilson (2024-02-17). Is vaccine shedding possible? Over 1,000 reports say it's real and it's happening. An analysis of over 1,000 reports of covid vaccine shedding reveals that the most common symptoms, by far, are gynaecological. Outside of menstrual abnormalities, the most commonly reported symptoms include headaches, tinnitus, …

Editor (2024-02-17). Feb 17, 2024. The Chieftains — The Dusty Miller Speed. . . and. . . Action! by James Howard Kunstler Israeli Siege Has Placed Gazans at Risk of Starvation ‚àí Prewar Policies Made Them Vulnerable, by Yves Smith Day 133, Mondoweiss: Israel cuts electricity to critical Nasser Hospital patients, forces staff to evacuate Arab regimes collude with Israel's genocide and ethnic cleansing of Gaza, by Jean Shaoul Former Mossad official: Children in Gaza over the age of 4 deserve to be starved, by Jonathan Ofir ICJ Responds to South Africa's Request regarding Rafah — What It Means The…

Greg Ruiters, Patrick Bond (2024-02-17). South Africa's failed infrastructure privatisation and deregulation. Introduction
| The South African state is commonly said to be 'failing' — not only because yet again at the end of 2023, a recession hit. An alleged fiscal crisis, in the form of a public debt to GDP ratio in excess of 70 percent (mostly due to Covid-19 revenue shrinkage), prevents the kind of institutional rescue and expansion of infrastructure and services typical of prior eras of developmental- or welfare-state construction.
| A typical articulation of the terrain of infrastructure financing (…) | – |

newarab (2024-02-17). Algeria and South Africa join forces against Israel Gaza war.

newarab (2024-02-17). Hamas warns of talks pullout unless Gaza aid increased. "The movement intends to suspend negotiations until aid is brought into northern Gaza," a senior source in the Palestinian group told AFP. | "Negotiations cannot be held while hunger is ravaging the Palestinian people," he said, asking not to be identified as he is not authourised to speak on the issue. | Talks have been held in the Egyptian capit…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-17). Meeting in Addis Ababa on DRC conflict attracts attention (+Photo). Kinshasa, Feb 17 (Prensa Latina) The denunciation of Rwanda's involvement in the conflict in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) was today at the center of the publications on the mini-summit held the day before in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Andrew Green (2024-02-17). Obituary] Susan Abarca Salazar. Infectious diseases consultant and doctoral student. She was born on Sept 7, 1986, in Cusco, Peru, and died on Aug 15, 2023, in Zimbabwe, aged 36 years.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-17). Mayo Clinic Minute: Hypertension and cardiovascular disease in the Black community. February is American Heart Month. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. African Americans are significantly affected by heart disease, resulting in higher mortality rates compared to white Americans. One of the reasons for the disparity is due to high hypertension rates in the Black community. Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, can increase your risk of developing heart disease. Dr. LaPrincess Brewer, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, discusses cardiovascular disease…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-17). Diversity science researcher achieving goal of making difference in people's lives. From the time she was a young woman, Gladys Asiedu, Ph.D., knew she wanted to help people. Her path to achieving that goal began in Ghana. Learn about her journey and the difference she is making as a diversity science researcher. Gladys Asiedu, Ph.D., always knew she wanted to make a difference in people's lives. A steady focus on that altruistic goal would ultimately lead her to Mayo Clinic. As a child in Ghana in… (2024-02-17). Marathon world record-holder Kelvin Kiptum, 24, killed in car crash. Marathon world record-holder Kelvin Kiptum and his Rwandan coach Gervais Hakizimana were killed in a car crash along with his coach at around 11 p.m. Sunday local time in Kenya, according to the Associated Press.

midwesternmarx (2024-02-17). A Letter to my Gazan Palestinian Son. By: Hebh Jamal>. Dear Malik, I am sitting here in bed with you in my arms. It is 11: 59 PM, and you are fast asleep. Did you know you sleep talk? Yes at 21 months, you sleep talk. Sometimes you just chuckle and then roll to the other side, and other times you manage to touch my face and say "mama" while your eyes are closed.I am looking up at the ceiling fan and it's lying perfectly still. Our vases are on the shelves- we're not afraid of them falling. The windows are closed when w …

Unitarian Universalists of SF (2024-02-17). Sunday 2/18: Professor James Taylor on San Francisco's African American Reparations Advisory Committee. 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco at Geary Blvd… (2024-02-17). Thousands in Morocco protest ties with Israel. Thousands of Moroccans again took to the streets of their capital to call for an end to their country's ties with Israel. (2024-02-17). ICJ nixes S Africa's request for 'urgent measures' to save Rafah amid Israeli war. The International Court of Justice nixes South Africa's request for it to impose "urgent measures" to safeguard Rafah amid the threat of an Israeli invasion.

2024-02-17 16:56:33 | 16:56 EST | by | 29 | 0 | 1 | 27 | 0