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2024-02-02: News Headlines

albawaba (2024-02-02). White History Month trends on social media during Black History Month sparking outrage. A controversial hashtag, #WhiteHistoryMonth, has gone viral on social media platforms such as Twitter and TikTok during February, which is celebrated as Black History Month in the United States.The hashtag, which appears to be a sarcastic response to the recognition of the historical contributions and struggles of African Americans, has been used by some users to mock, trivialize, or deny the existence of racism and oppression against Black people.February 1st is the first day of Black History Month. | Here's the AMAZING poem by National Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman, "The Hill We Climb," read by her at the i…

Angela (2024-02-02). Sunday 2/11: Webinar: South Africa v Israel — The International Coalition Against Genocide.

David Schultz (2024-02-02). The Corporate American Media Distortion of the ICJ Israel Genocide Case. Corporate American media distorted and dismissed the South African genocide case brought against Israel in the International Court of Justice (ICJ). It did so both prior to the decision by the ICJ and afterward. The Israeli-Hamas conflict is a tragedy on many scores. But for many, the Israeli response was unwarranted, leading some to argue

EDWIN (2024-02-02). Six suspects arrested for human trafficking. Six suspects arrested for human trafficking | A multi-disciplinary team consisting of various units within the South African Police Service (SAPS), led by the Anti-Kidnapping Task Team, has arrested six suspects on suspicion of human trafficking and kidnapping in Mayfair, Johannesburg. | The six men are expected to face charges of human trafficking, sex trafficking, kidnapping and extortion. They are expected to appear before court today. | Two Indian women, aged between 20 and 24 years, have since been rescued. | The team, consisting of private security, received intelligence on a Johannesburg-based human traffi…

GABIK (2024-02-02). Over 32 000 beds registered on NSFAS platforms available for students. Over 32 000 beds registered on NSFAS platforms available for students | Out of the 40 522 beds registered on the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) platforms at Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges, 32 272 have been accredited and are available for registered NSFAS-funded students. | NSFAS Acting Board Chairperson, Professor Laurens Van Staden, said about 8 250 registered beds on NSFAS platforms in TVET colleges are in the process of being accredited. | "For universities, out of the total of 72 241 beds registered, 43 581 have been accredited and are available for registered NSFA…

Gabisile (2024-02-02). Condolences for Tony Cedras. Condolences for Tony Cedras | The Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport says it has learnt of the passing of internationally renowned jazz artist Anthony 'Tony' Cedras. | Cedras passed away on 29 January 2024 after a battle with emphysema. | In 2022, the Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport bestowed the Ministerial Legacy Award on Cedras in recognition of his outstanding achievements and contribution to South African music and jazz in particular, during the pre-democracy era. | Born in Elsies River, Cape Town, Cedras was a sought-after session player who toured the world as part…

NEOB (2024-02-02). Applications and nominations for Deputy Public Protector open. Applications and nominations for Deputy Public Protector open | Parliament's Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services is calling for applications and nominations for the position of Deputy Public Protector (DPP). | This after the former incumbent, Advocate Kholeka Gcaleka, was appointed to…

NEOB (2024-02-02). Eskom rolls out load limiting in Gauteng. Eskom rolls out load limiting in Gauteng | Eskom is rolling out its load limiting project — aimed at optimising electricity consumption — across Gauteng following the project's successful implementation in Fourways, Johannesburg. | According to the power utility, load limiting aims to better balance the supply and demand of electricity during Stages 1 — 4 of load shedding. | "Through load limiting measures during Stages 1 to 4 of load shedding, customers' electricity capacity will be reduced from 60/80 Amps to 10 Amps. This will allow customers to continue with the minimal use of electricity for…

nosihle (2024-02-02). De Berg Nature Reserve declared 30th Ramsar site. De Berg Nature Reserve declared 30th Ramsar site | The Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Barbara Creecy, has welcomed the declaration of De Berg Nature Reserve as South Africa's 30th Ramsar site under the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance. | The Ramsar Convention encourages the designation of sites containing representative, rare or unique wetlands, or wetlands that are important for conserving biological diversity. | "The conservation and restoration of wetlands is crucial to achieving many of our national and global sustainable development goals. Estuaries, marshes and vleis,…

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-02-02). Rusia envía 200.000 toneladas de trigo a países de àÅfrica. Zajárova apuntó que los granos fueron enviados en barcos a Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, Malí, Somalia, la República Centroafricana y Eritrea.

tvbrics (2024-02-02). Tourist traffic to South Africa doubles in 2023. 8.5 million people visited the country‚Å…

Al Mayadeen English (2024-02-01). Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger exit ECOWAS, form separate alliance. The military governments in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger announced on January 28 that they would leave the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and have formed their own alliance, reports Al Mayadeen English.

Angela (2024-02-01). Sunday 2/11: Webinar: South Africa v Israel — The International Coalition Against Genocide.

Brett Wilkins (2024-02-01). IDF Forces Occupy Gaza Homes and Then Burn Them Down. Israeli troops invading the Gaza Strip are occupying and then burning Palestinian homes there, apparent war crimes that follow literally incendiary calls by some Israeli leaders to "burn Gaza" — actions and words under consideration in the South African-led genocide case before the International Court of Justice. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported Wednesday that IDF soldiers have burned… |

DikelediM (2024-02-01). New houses for Ekurhuleni senior citizens. New houses for Ekurhuleni senior citizens | The Minister of Human Settlements, Mmamoloko Kubayi, along with Ekurhuleni Executive Mayor Sivuyile Ngodwana and Gauteng MEC for Human Settlements, Lebohang Maile, have distributed houses to first time homeowners in Clayville in Tembisa. | In a statement released by the office of the Executive Mayor of the City of Ekurhuleni on Wednesday, the project in Clayville will see just under 500 houses handed over to new owners in the future. | According to the statement, five houses were handed over to senior citizens with the oldest recipient being 91 years old. | "This is th…

DikelediM (2024-02-01). WorldSkills competitions hold value for youth. WorldSkills competitions hold value for youth | Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Deputy Minister Buti Manamela, has emphasised the importance of the WorldSkills Competitions saying that they hold immense value for young people. | "By participating in these competitions, they not only showcase their skills but also gain exposure to international standards and best practices. | "The experience gained at these competitions is invaluable and can shape the future trajectory of their careers. Therefore, we must continue to support and promote the participation of our young people in such events," Manamela sa… (2024-02-01). Pioneering zone to be launched in Hunan to propel Sino-African trade. China's green light to build a pioneering zone for in-depth China-Africa economic and trade cooperation in the central Chinese province of Hunan will pave the way for exploring innovative avenues of bilateral collaboration in the next stage.

Editor (2024-02-01). Solidarity: South Africa's Gift to the World.

EDWIN (2024-02-01). Electoral Commission Chairperson oversees inmates' voter registration. Electoral Commission Chairperson oversees inmates' voter registration | The Chairperson of the Electoral Commission, Mosotho Moepya, is at the Zonderwater Correctional Services in Cullinan, east of Pretoria today, to oversee the inmates' voter registration process. | The visit by the Chairperson forms part of the Electoral Commission's voter registration drive for inmates. | The commission set aside the dates 30 January to 1 February 2024 for inmates' registration ahead of the 2024 National and Provincial Elections. | "The Electoral Commission has worked closely with the Department of Correctional Services since…

EDWIN (2024-02-01). Home Affairs offices to stay open for an extra two hours on Friday. Home Affairs offices to stay open for an extra two hours on Friday | Home Affairs offices will be open for an extra two hours on Friday, 02 February 2024, from 16: 00 to 18: 00 for citizens to collect their IDS. | Offices will then be open for nine hours on Saturday and Sunday from 08h00 to 17h00 for South Africans to collect their IDs. | This in support of the Electoral Commission's second Voter Registration Weekend in preparation for the general elections of the National Assembly and Provincial Legislatures. | The Department of Home Affairs said in a statement that services to be offered are application and colle…

Eric A. Gordon (2024-02-01). 'De Organizer' and 'The Dreamy Kid': Premiere recordings of James P. Johnson operas. James P. Johnson (1894-1955), known as the "Father of the the Stride Piano" and a noted jazz composer and performer, also turned his talents in the late 1930s to writing opera. Perhaps he'd been inspired by the Gershwins' Porgy and Bess, feeling that as an African-American he was just as well suited, if not more …

GABIK (2024-02-01). NSFAS financial aid application deadline extended. NSFAS financial aid application deadline extended | The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) board has extended the deadline for applications for student financial aid to 15 February 2023. | The decision was taken during a meeting between the NSFAS board and the South African Union of Students (SAUS). | The NSFAS board, led by Acting Board Chairperson Professor Laurens Van Staden, met with the South African Union of Students (SAUS) Executive, led by President Yandisa Ndzoyiya, to discuss NSFAS's state of readiness for the beginning of the academic year, where the parties agreed on the extension of the 20…

Gabisile (2024-02-01). Pandor says Israel is 'ignoring' the ICJ order to stop killings in Gaza. Pandor says Israel is 'ignoring' the ICJ order to stop killings in Gaza | International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Dr Naledi Pandor, said she was of the view that Israel was flouting Friday's International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling to stop the killings in Gaza. | "I do believe the rulings of the court have been ignored by Israel. Hundreds of people have been killed in the past three or four days. And clearly, Israel believes it has the licence to do as it wishes. So, the world has to reflect because we have to come to a point to say what do we do to stop such acts occurring, not just with Israel bu…

Global Polio Eradication Initiative (2024-02-01). World: Polio this week as of 31 January 2024. Countries: Afghanistan, Algeria, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Cà¥te d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Indonesia, Israel, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United Republic of Tanzania, United States of America, World, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe | Source: Global Polio Eradication Initiative | Please refer to the attached file. | Headlines: | "T…

infobrics (2024-02-01). BRICS+: An Impressive Enlargement. At the dawn of 2024, from January 1, five more countries became full members of the BRICS, a transnational association, which until then consisted of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, and thus became BRICS+ (BRICS Plus), totaling ten countries…

WSWS (2024-02-01). Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa. Hundreds of thousands join strikes in Finland against austerity and anti-strike laws across all sectors, including defense, affecting weapons shipments to Ukraine; general strike hits Kurdistan cities in Iran to protest the execution of Kurdish political prisoners, as steel and oil workers continue protests against falling living standards; Ghanaian university administrators in nationwide strike over pay and conditions continues in the face of National Labour Commission's directive…

Marjorie Cohn, Truthout. (2024-02-01). The ICJ Ordered Israel Not To Engage In Genocide; What Happens Now? What comes next, now that the International Court of Justice (ICJ), also known as the World Court, has handed down its near unanimous ruling that South Africa presented a "plausible" case that Israel was violating the Genocide Convention? | The January 26 provisional ruling — which was a landmark victory for the Palestinian people, and indeed, for international law itself — now goes to the United Nations Security Council for enforcement. It would be within the Security Council's purview to order economic or trade sanctions, arms embargoes, travel bans or even military force. | But in the likely event…

Matt Meyer, Waging Nonviolence. (2024-02-01). How To Read The ICJ Decision And End Genocide, War And Settler Colonialism. On Jan. 26, the International Court of Justice, or ICJ, issued a historic decision that some progressives applauded while others decried it as not going far enough to demand a ceasefire in the Israeli war on Gaza. | The decision was a partial ruling in a case taken against Israel by the government of South Africa, an interesting note given that some — myself included — have been suggesting for months that the best path for peace and justice in the region will follow a pattern similar to the one that brought an end to the political apartheid of the racist South African regime of the 20th century.

NEOB (2024-02-01). Lamola condemns protest actions in Groblersdal. Lamola condemns protest actions in Groblersdal | The Department of Justice and Correctional Services has condemned protestors' attempts to forcefully enter the Groblersdal Magistrate's Court premises and their brandishing of the colonial era Vierkleur flag. | The court was hearing a case against two men — Piet Groenewald and his son Stephen Greef — who allegedly assaulted one of their workers whom they accused of being drunk on duty. | Justice and Correctional Services Minister Ronald Lamola said: "We applaud the [SA Police Service] for swiftly arresting all the protesters that attempted to block or…

NEOB (2024-02-01). President Ramaphosa hands over Welisizwe programme bridges. President Ramaphosa hands over Welisizwe programme bridges | President Cyril Ramaphosa says the Welisizwe Rural Bridges Programme remains one of government's top priorities as these bridges improve the safety, well-being, and access for communities in rural areas. | On Wednesday, the President handed over complete bridges at the rural area of Mkhambathini in KwaZulu-Natal. | The Welisizwe Rural Bridges Programme is a result of the objectives announced in the 2023 State of the Nation Address that outlined government's plan to construct at least 96 bridges during the 2023/24 financial year. | Some 11 bridges have b…

newarab (2024-02-01). Israel Knesset could expel member for 'anti-Gaza war' stance. An Israeli parliamentary committee on Tuesday voted to expel a lawmaker over his public support for South Africa's case at the Ofer Cassif, a member of the left-wing Hadash party which sits in a joint list with Arab party Ta…

newarab (2024-02-01). Palestinians in Gaza say Israel not abiding with ICJ's order. Palestinians in the besieged coastal enclave accused On Friday, 26 January, the ICJ in The Hague delivered a ruling on South Africa's genocide case against Israel, ordering Israel to take all possible measures to prevent genocide acts in G…

newarab (2024-02-01). South Africa: Rhodes University rallies for Gaza journalists. South Africa's prestigious Rhodes University, alma mater of Nelson Mandela's grandson, hosted a vigil in solidarity with Gaza over the weekend, days after the

newarab (2024-02-01). Tunisia turns to central bank to shore up its budget deficit. Cash-strapped In a meeting behind closed doors, the North African country's parliament on Wednesday mulled a request from President The government wants the central bank to…

Pressenza IPA (2024-02-01). Remembering the enormous legacy of a "Great Soul". On 30 January 1948, Mahatma Gandhi, a pivotal leader in the liberation of India from British rule and a living example of active nonviolence, was assassinated at the age of 78 by a Hindu fanatic. | As a lawyer and activist, he inspired his early struggle for the defense of his fellow countrymen, discriminated against and mistreated in South Africa, with a combination of Hindu culture, the ideas of the Russian Christian anarchist Tolstoy, and the action of civil disobedience advocated by the American writer Henry David Thoreau. | On his return to India in 1915, he began the movement that the world would come to kn…

Rhoda Wilson (2024-02-01). Professor of African history calls for an inquiry into African governments' responses to covid. The assumption that covid would be an equal threat in Africa as it may have been elsewhere was wrong. An accounting must be made of the mistakes so that such an inept …

teleSUR (2024-02-01). South Africa Urges Israel to Implement UN Court's Ruling. South Africa on Wednesday urged Israel to implement the ruling handed down by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) condemning continued Israeli attacks on hospitals in Palestine. | RELATED: | The decision by the ICJ affirms the importance of global governance institutions including organs of the United Nations (UN), and it remains vital for all member states to respect and implement the decisions of the court, said South Africa's Minister of Inte…

EDWIN (2024-02-01). SIU authorised to investigate ECRDA. SIU authorised to investigate ECRDA | President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed Proclamation R147 of 2024 authorising the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) to investigate allegations of serious maladministration in the affairs of the Eastern Cape Rural Development Agency (ECRDA). | The SIU is also authorised to recover any financial losses suffered by the State and ECDRA. | "Proclamation R147 of 2024 authorises the SIU to probe the procurement and/or contracting for goods, works or services concerning a tender for the planning and design of the Marine Tilapia Industry Incubator Project within the Mbhashe Local Municipa…

GABIK (2024-02-01). Nzimande pays tribute to Professor Mokgokong. Nzimande pays tribute to Professor Mokgokong | Higher Education, Science and Innovation Minister, Dr Blade Nzimande, has hailed the late Professor Mochichi Samuel Mokgokong, as one of our country's most decorated academics and scholars. | Nzimande joined the nation and the academic fraternity in mourning the passing of Mokgokong, who passed away last week following a battle with cancer.
| Mokgokong was well known for heading the team responsible for separations of craniopagus conjoined twins and has trained and mentored more than 20 neurosurgeons. | Nzimande highlighted that Mokgokong has a long and di…

Gabisile (2024-02-01). Mashatile engages business leaders. Mashatile engages business leaders | Deputy President Paul Mashatile has held an interactive session with more than 50 business leaders at a Sandton event organised by The European House — Ambrosetti, a leading global think tank. | According to the Deputy President's Office, Wednesday's event was convened to strengthen the strategic relationships between industry and governments and promote growth through a multi-stakeholder approach. | Discussions touched on various topics, including economic priorities and reforms, tackling unemployment and poverty, building investor confidence in South Africa, and drivin…

Gabisile (2024-02-01). SA to advance the African agenda with focus on AfCFTA. SA to advance the African agenda with focus on AfCFTA | South Africa places great importance on the African Union (AU) Summits, as the country forges ahead with its foreign policy of the advancement of the African agenda. | This is according to International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Dr Naledi Pandor, who was briefing the media on Wednesday on developments in her department. | The summit, which will take place on 17 and 18 February in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, will focus on education. | Last year, the AU finalised a 10-year review of Agenda 2063. | A key recommendation, Pandor explained, is that the…

NEOB (2024-02-01). SIU to probe Eastern Cape Rural Development Agency affairs. SIU to probe Eastern Cape Rural Development Agency affairs | The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) is expected to investigate allegations of serious maladministration at the Eastern Cape Rural Development Agency (ECRDA). | This after President Cyril Ramaphosa signed a proclamation authorising the unit to delve into the affairs of the agency. | SIU spokesperson Kaizer Kganyago said the unit will also look to recover any financial losses that the state may have incurred. | "Proclamation R147 of 2024 authorises the SIU to probe the procurement and/or contracting for goods, works or services concerning a tender for th…

nosihle (2024-02-01). Government leaders take stock of sixth administration. Government leaders take stock of sixth administration | With the term of the sixth administration coming to an end, government leaders are discussing the implementation and progress of the priorities that it set to achieve at the beginning of its term. | "This is the final Cabinet Lekgotla for the term of the sixth administration. It will look at the work done on the Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF), which is a government programme that sets priorities that we had to implement in this administration," Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni said on Thursday in Pretoria. | &sbquo…

Staff (2024-02-01). Headlines for February 1, 2024. Mass Grave in Gaza Points to "Execution-Style" Killings by Israeli Forces, Gaza Health Providers Confront Monumental Challenges to Save Lives Despite Destroyed Medical System, South Africa Urges Nations to Halt Military Support for Israel Following ICJ Genocide Case, U.S. Court Rejects Lawsuit Against Biden But Does Not Rule Out Israel Is Committing Genocide, U.S. Strikes Houthi Targets in Yemen; Kata'ib Hezbollah to Suspend Attacks on U.S. Forces, Chicago Becomes Largest U.S. City to Pass Gaza Ceasefire Resolution, Protesters Target Biden Administration over U.S. Backing of Israel's Genoc…

GABIK (2024-02-02). Mchunu to engage stakeholders on Mfolozi river catchment resource development. Mchunu to engage stakeholders on Mfolozi river catchment resource development | Water and Sanitation Minister, Senzo Mchunu, will next week meet with various stakeholders in the water sector to hear their inputs on the water resource development projects in the Mfolozi catchment area in northern KwaZulu-Natal. | Apart from Pongola and Mkuze Rivers in KwaZulu-Natal, the Mfolozi River Catchment is one of the rivers that supplies water to uMkhanyakude and Zululand District Municipalities. | The department said 75% of allocated water from Mfolozi River is used for domestic use, afforestation, and irrigation. | Howe…

UN High Commissioner for Refugees (2024-02-01). Sudan Regional Refugee Response Plan January – December 2024 – at a glance. Countries: Central African Republic, Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan | Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees | Please refer to the attached file. | OVERVIEW | By January 2024, nine months since the crisis in Sudan erupted, 7.7 million people have been forcibly displaced. More than 1.5 million people have arrived in neighbouring countries including refugees, returnees, and third country nationals, with 6 million newly internally displaced within Sudan. These numbers continue to increase at an alarming rate as the fighting and displacement continue, particularly with recent events in Sudan's Al…

tvbrics (2024-02-02). Egypt and UAE explore ways to develop co-operation in the health sector. The two countries' line ministers met on the margins of the Arab Health Exhibition…

albawaba (2024-02-01). Hamas leader Haniyeh to visit Cairo for ceasefire talks. ALBAWABA – As Israel continues brutally pounding Gaza, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh is due to visit Cairo, Egypt today to follow up on the ceasefire talks that have been in the making for weeks, as international mediators gathered in Paris. A source told AFP that Hamas is reviewing a proposal for a six-week truce in its war with Israel, as efforts continue to reach a hostage swap deal between Hamas and Israel in exchange for a ceasefire. Hamas has confirmed that it is studying a three-phase truce proposal in Gaza, while hardline Israeli government members have threatened to dissolve the government coalition if the…

newarab (2024-02-01). Why the new EU-Egypt migrant deal is doomed to fail.

newarab (2024-02-01). Experts divided over Egypt's Menkaure Pyramid restoration. A long-term restoration project of Dubbed the "project of the century" by Mostafa Waziri, the Secretary-General of the country's Supreme Council of Antiquities, in a video

newarab (2024-02-01). Libya deports migrants back to Egypt: official. Libyan authorities on Wednesday began sending 350

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-02-01). Next Hours Are Vital — Latest Updates on Gaza Ceasefire Talks. Israel's Channel 13 quoted an Israeli official as saying that Tel Aviv has not yet received a response from the Palestinian Resistance Movement Hamas regarding a possible prisoner exchange deal between the two sides and that it expects a response from Qatar within the coming hours. | The details of the agreement were drafted last weekend at a meeting in Paris attended by CIA Director William Burns and officials from Egypt, Israel and Qatar. | Ismail Haniyeh, head of Hamas' political bureau, announced last Tuesday that the movement had received the deal proposal, which was circulated as part of efforts to stop the…

tvbrics (2024-02-01). Egypt develops the strategy to increase exports by 10-15 per cent in 2024. Exports of the country's mechanical engineering products reached $4.2 bn in 2023…

Paul Adepoju (2024-02-03). World Report] Routine malaria vaccinations begin. Starting in Cameroon, over 3 million children in 20 countries are due to receive malaria vaccination in 2024. Paul Adepoju reports.

UN High Commissioner for Refugees (2024-02-01). Tunisia: Situation map – Refugees and asylum-seekers (as of 31 January 2024). Countries: Cameroon, Cà¥te d'Ivoire, Somalia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia | Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees | Please refer to the attached Map.

CARE International (2024-02-01). Sudanese refugees in Chad need urgent support.

Mision Verdad, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-02-01). US Revokes Venezuela Gold License In Retaliation Against Court Ruling. The United States revoked a general license granted to the Venezuelan state gold company, Minerven, after Venezuela's Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) confirmed the disqualification of María Corina Machado from exercising public functions for a period of 15 years. The license (number 43) was issued in October 2023 along with others granted to the oil and gas industries within the framework of negotiations conducted in Barbados between the government of President Nicolás Maduro and sectors of the Venezuelan far-right opposition. | The operations authorized in the license to Minerven must be liquidated before Februar…

Staff (2024-02-01). María Corina Machado's Lengthy Criminal Record. Last Friday, Venezuela's Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) confirmed the disqualification of far-right politician María Corina Machado from holding any public office for 15 years. | The ruling follows ruling No. 00005, file No. 2023-0461, referring to precautionary protection requested by Machado for the "alleged material actions carried out by the Comptroller General of the Republic." | The ruling states that Machado, founder of the Vente Venezuela political organization was a participant in the "corruption plot orchestrated by the usurper Juan Guaidó," leader of the Popular Will party (VP) who, supported by the Un…

infobrics (2024-02-01). The Changing Face of Ethiopia. Ethiopia hopes that its BRICS membership will push it to the forefront of the global arena…

Ryan Cristián (2024-02-01). Derrick Broze Interview — Day 1 #FluorideTrial: The Government Fights To Keep Your Water Unsafe. Joining me today is Derrick Broze, here to recap day one of what we hope will be the culmination of the ongoing #FluorideTrail. Some important moments took place that only served to solidify our stance that fluoride is a neurotoxin and does lower the IQ of children. Worst of all, your government is actively fighting

Ryan Cristián (2024-02-01). Russian ICJ Victory, Chinese Uyghurs And Hypocrisy & Israel Openly Starving Hostages/Palestine Alike. Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/1/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

WSWS (2024-02-02). Alarm in Canberra over Papua New Guinea-China negotiations on policing co-operation. Amid escalating US-led preparations for war with China, any attempt by Beijing to gain a toehold in PNG is a major cause of concern not just in Australia but also Washington. (2024-02-01). Sino-Kenyan joint archaeological expedition yields over 2,000 stone artifacts. The Sino-Kenyan joint archaeological expedition at the Lake Bogoria site in Kenya announced the unearthing of 22 sites containing more than 2,000 stone artifacts, according to a report by the China News Service (CNS).

Famine Early Warning System Network (2024-02-01). Kenya Key Message Update January 2024: Household access to food and income is expected to improve through at least May 2024. Country: Kenya | Source: Famine Early Warning System Network | Please refer to the attached file. | Key Messages | In the pastoral areas, forage and water resources have significantly improved following the conclusion of the October to December 2023 short rains. Satellite-monitored waterpoints indicate that water levels across northern Kenya are greater than the long-term median water level during the pastoral lean season, keeping livestock in the wet season grazing areas and lowering domestic trekking distances for water. The good pasture and forage conditions support good to very good body conditions for…

The Independent (2024-02-01). Ugandan golfers eye second win at Victoria Cup. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Team Uganda will be eyeing a second win at the prestigious Victoria Cup, a team tournament that will be held from February 1-3 at the Uganda Golf Club. This team tournament matches the best golfers of Uganda against those of Kenya. The Victoria Cup, is equivalent to the famous …

Israel Shahak (2024-02-01). "Greater Israel": The Zionist Plan for the Middle East. When viewed in the current context, the war on Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing wars on Syria and Iraq, the war on Yemen, must be understood in relation to the Zionist Plan for the Middle East…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-02-01). Israeli Military Planes Have Landed at Four Locations in Britain Since October 7. Matt Kennard Aerial view of RAF Mildenhall, a US air base in Suffolk, England. At least two Israeli military planes have visited the installation since 7 October. (Google Earth) At least six Israeli Air Force aircraft have visited Britain since the Gaza bombing began, but the UK government refuses to tell Declassified what was on…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-02-01). U.S. Military Personnel in Iraq Put on Standby to Support Israel's Genocidal Campaign in Gaza. Ken Klippenstein U.S. Army soldiers fire the M119A3 Howitzer during a joint artillery training exercise under Operation Inherent Resolve at al-Asad Air Base, Iraq, on Oct. 26, 2023. Photo: 2nd Lt. Daphney Black/U.S. Army A JANUARY U.S. Air Force personnel memo obtained by The Intercept describes military orders to be "on standby to forward deploy to…

WSWS (2024-02-02). Lula government rules out universal COVID-19 vaccination, deepening "herd immunity" policy in Brazil. The Workers Party government is continuing and deepening the "herd immunity" policy initiated by fascistic ex-president Jair Bolsonaro, normalizing continuous waves of mass infection, debilitation and death. (2024-02-01). Deprem fonunun faaliyete geàßmesi iàßin son a≈üamaya gelindi. Hazine ve Maliye Bakanƒ± Mehmet ≈ûim≈üek, "Afet bà∂lgelerinde, à∂zellikle 6 ≈ûubat 2023 tarihli Kahramanmara≈ü depremlerinin etkili olduƒüu alanlardaki yeniden imar ve in≈üa projeleri, planlƒ± ≈üekilde ve kurumlarƒ±n e≈ü gàºdàºmຠiàßinde finanse edilecek." dedi. (2024-02-01). Tàºrk Eximbank, uluslararasƒ± sermaye piyasalarƒ±ndan 500 milyon dolarlƒ±k finansman saƒüladƒ±. Tàºrk Eximbank, uluslararasƒ± sermaye piyasalarƒ±ndan 500 milyon dolarlƒ±k finansman saƒüladƒ±. Kaynak, 2022'den bu yana finansal kurulu≈ülarƒ±n geràßekle≈ütirdiƒüi tahvil ihraàßlarƒ± arasƒ±nda en dàº≈üàºk maliyetli i≈ülem oldu.

albawaba (2024-02-01). Tima Shomali shares AlRawabi School for Girls season 2 trailer.

yenisafak (2024-02-01). Abdàºlkadir àñmàºr Hull City'e transfer oldu. Trabzonsporlu Abdàºlkadir àñmàºr, ƒ∞ngiltere Championship takƒ±mlarƒ±ndan Hull City'e 2.5 milyon Euro bonservis bedeliyle transfer oldu. Anla≈üma àßeràßevesinde Hull City, Premier Lig'e yàºkselirse Trabzonspor'a 2.5 milyon Euro daha à∂deme yapƒ±lacak. Bordo mavililer transfer anla≈ümasƒ±nƒ±n ≈üartlarƒ±nƒ± KAP'a bildirdi.Abdàºlkadir àñmàºr'àºn transfer maliyeti ile ilgili aà߃±klama ≈üà∂yle;Prof…

UN Satellite Centre (2024-02-01). oPt: UNOSAT Gaza Strip Agricultural Damage Assessment – January 2024. Country: occupied Palestinian territory | Source: UN Satellite Centre | Please refer to the attached Map. | This map illustrates satellite-detected changes in agricultural areas of the Gaza Strip resulting from the decline in the health and density of crops due to the ongoing conflict. UNOSAT conducted an analysis utilising satellite imagery collected by the Sentinel-2 satellite between January 2018 and 2024, performing a Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) analysis as well as a multi-temporal classification to identify notable changes taking place in agricultural areas during that time frame. The…

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Labor Video Project (2024-02-02). Reinstate Namibian Hasab Mine Unionist Marcia Kauatjitotje. Namibian unionist Marcia Kauatjitotje is a union leader at the second largest uranium mine in the world owned by Chinese state owned China General Nuclear Power Group CGNP. She was fired after exposing the conditions at the mine and participating in the Namibian Labour Tribunal last October in the capital Windhoek. She also went to the media and that was one of the charges against her. The Chinese owners said that she had exposed the work conditions embarrassing the company and it's subcontractor Eagle Night Watch. These workers are forced to do mine work at substandard wages with no healthcare and benefits. Sinc…

Nicholas Aderinto, Gbolahan Olatunji (2024-02-03). Correspondence] Addressing Nigeria's proposed bill on the emigration of doctors. The migration of health-care workers poses a formidable challenge in sub-Saharan countries, with Nigeria grappling with an ongoing exodus of doctors. Compounded by an already low doctor—patient ratio, Nigeria's health-care system falls considerably below recommended standards.1 In an effort to address this pressing issue, the Nigerian House of Representatives has introduced the Medical and Dental Practitioners Act (Amendment) Bill, 2022, which seeks to impose a mandatory, 5-year, post-qualification work period for doctors trained in Nigeria.

Kerry Smith (2024-02-02). Niger nationalises its water, terminates contract with French firm Veolia. The Nigerien government has decided to nationalise the operation of its drinking water, ending its contract with the French Veolia Group, reports Kerry Smith.

The Independent (2024-02-01). WHO, South Sudan step up fight against neglected tropical diseases. JUBA, SOUTH SUDAN | Xinhua | The World Health Organization (WHO) and South Sudan have teamed up to sustain the fight against neglected tropical diseases that pose a huge health threat in the country. Undersecretary in the Ministry of Health Ader Macar Aciek said the country, with support from WHO and partners, has made efforts …

newarab (2024-02-01). Sudan warring parties hold first high-level talks in Bahrain.

newarab (2024-02-01). US deplores holdups on aid into war-torn Sudan. The Samantha Power, administrator of the US Agency for International Development, said that funding for Sudan's crisis "remains shockingly low," with around 25 million people, or more than half of the population, in need of assistance. | But she s…

newarab (2024-02-01). US targets Sudan bank, firms backing warring generals. The United States on Wednesday imposed sanctions on a bank and two companies accused of providing funds for The Treasury Department said it was blocking any assets and criminalizing US transactions with the Alkhaleej Bank, which has been an "essential part" of funding for the paramilitary The bank allegedly received $50 million from the…

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-01). ONU: casi 8 millones de personas han sido desplazadas en Sudán. Según la ONU, los combates en Sudán entre el Ejército y los paramilitares ha provocado "la crisis de desplazamientos más importante del mundo".

The Independent (2024-02-02). Mulago ordered to pay Sh50 million for missing baby. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Civil Division of the High Court has ordered Mulago Hospital to pay sh50 Million to a 47-year-old woman as compensation for psychological torture and trauma she suffered when she lost her baby. In his ruling, Justice Phillip Odoki observed that the failure of Mulago Hospital to give Nakayima …

The Independent (2024-02-02). FMD: Government to seek supplementary budget for livestock vaccination. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) Frank Tumwebaze has said that government is considering a policy reversal on vaccination of livestock, to allow farmers purchase vaccines. The Minister made this revelation while presenting a statement on the outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) during the …

The Independent (2024-02-02). Judiciary set for National Court Open Day. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Judiciary has organized a national annual court open day in a bid to bring judicial services access closer to the people. The event is for all the judicial officers to interact with the public to learn more about court processes and also receive feedback. According to the Judiciary's …

The Independent (2024-02-02). Karamojong warriors finally receive iron sheets. Moroto, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The long awaited distribution of the iron sheets to the reformed Karamojong warriors has commenced in the Karamoja sub region with a first launch in Abim district. In November 2023, the Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja flagged off the first consignment of iron sheets for distribution in the Karamoja sub …

The Independent (2024-02-02). Parliament approves new aviation law. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Parliament has passed the Civil Aviation Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2024 that will bring Uganda's aviation authority in conformity with the Convention on International Civil Aviation. This follows the approval of eight amendments under the proposed Bill, which will now be forwarded to the President for assent. The Bill …

The Independent (2024-02-01). MPs pile pressure on agriculture minister to table fisheries law. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Members of Parliament (MPs) have called on the Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industries and Fisheries, Frank Tumwebaze, to fast track implementation of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Act, 2022 as a way of curbing the use of substandard fishing gear. They said the law, if implemented, will also avert the recurrent …

The Independent (2024-02-01). Table data privacy law to address Artificial Intelligence — Tayebwa. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | There is urgent need to update national legislation on data protection and privacy in a bid to counter potential threats posed by technological advancements, Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa has advised. While speaking at the 2024 Data Privacy Day Conference held at Mestil Hotel in Kampala on Wednesday, 31 January 2024, …

tvbrics (2024-02-01). Russia and Zimbabwe sign a memorandum of cooperation in the field of standardisation. Standardisation plays a key role in optimising trade processes and ensuring product safety, quality and reliability…

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2024-02-01: News Headlines

Angela (2024-02-01). Sunday 2/11: Webinar: South Africa v Israel — The International Coalition Against Genocide. (2024-02-01). Pioneering zone to be launched in Hunan to propel Sino-African trade. China's green light to build a pioneering zone for in-depth China-Africa economic and trade cooperation in the central Chinese province of Hunan will pave the way for exploring innovative avenues of bilateral collaboration in the next stage.

EDWIN (2024-02-01). Electoral Commission Chairperson oversees inmates' voter registration. Electoral Commission Chairperson oversees inmates' voter registration | The Chairperson of the Electoral Commission, Mosotho Moepya, is at the Zonderwater Correctional Services in Cullinan, east of Pretoria today, to oversee the inmates' voter registration process. | The visit by the Chairperson forms part of the Electoral Commission's voter registration drive for inmates. | The commission set aside the dates 30 January to 1 February 2024 for inmates' registration ahead of the 2024 National and Provincial Elections. | "The Electoral Commission has worked closely with the Department of Correctional Services since…

EDWIN (2024-02-01). Home Affairs offices to stay open for an extra two hours on Friday. Home Affairs offices to stay open for an extra two hours on Friday | Home Affairs offices will be open for an extra two hours on Friday, 02 February 2024, from 16: 00 to 18: 00 for citizens to collect their IDS. | Offices will then be open for nine hours on Saturday and Sunday from 08h00 to 17h00 for South Africans to collect their IDs. | This in support of the Electoral Commission's second Voter Registration Weekend in preparation for the general elections of the National Assembly and Provincial Legislatures. | The Department of Home Affairs said in a statement that services to be offered are application and colle…

Gabisile (2024-02-01). Pandor says Israel is 'ignoring' the ICJ order to stop killings in Gaza. Pandor says Israel is 'ignoring' the ICJ order to stop killings in Gaza | International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Dr Naledi Pandor, said she was of the view that Israel was flouting Friday's International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling to stop the killings in Gaza. | "I do believe the rulings of the court have been ignored by Israel. Hundreds of people have been killed in the past three or four days. And clearly, Israel believes it has the licence to do as it wishes. So, the world has to reflect because we have to come to a point to say what do we do to stop such acts occurring, not just with Israel bu…

Marjorie Cohn, Truthout. (2024-02-01). The ICJ Ordered Israel Not To Engage In Genocide; What Happens Now? What comes next, now that the International Court of Justice (ICJ), also known as the World Court, has handed down its near unanimous ruling that South Africa presented a "plausible" case that Israel was violating the Genocide Convention? | The January 26 provisional ruling — which was a landmark victory for the Palestinian people, and indeed, for international law itself — now goes to the United Nations Security Council for enforcement. It would be within the Security Council's purview to order economic or trade sanctions, arms embargoes, travel bans or even military force. | But in the likely event…

Matt Meyer, Waging Nonviolence. (2024-02-01). How To Read The ICJ Decision And End Genocide, War And Settler Colonialism. On Jan. 26, the International Court of Justice, or ICJ, issued a historic decision that some progressives applauded while others decried it as not going far enough to demand a ceasefire in the Israeli war on Gaza. | The decision was a partial ruling in a case taken against Israel by the government of South Africa, an interesting note given that some — myself included — have been suggesting for months that the best path for peace and justice in the region will follow a pattern similar to the one that brought an end to the political apartheid of the racist South African regime of the 20th century.

NEOB (2024-02-01). Lamola condemns protest actions in Groblersdal. Lamola condemns protest actions in Groblersdal | The Department of Justice and Correctional Services has condemned protestors' attempts to forcefully enter the Groblersdal Magistrate's Court premises and their brandishing of the colonial era Vierkleur flag. | The court was hearing a case against two men — Piet Groenewald and his son Stephen Greef — who allegedly assaulted one of their workers whom they accused of being drunk on duty. | Justice and Correctional Services Minister Ronald Lamola said: "We applaud the [SA Police Service] for swiftly arresting all the protesters that attempted to block or…

NEOB (2024-02-01). President Ramaphosa hands over Welisizwe programme bridges. President Ramaphosa hands over Welisizwe programme bridges | President Cyril Ramaphosa says the Welisizwe Rural Bridges Programme remains one of government's top priorities as these bridges improve the safety, well-being, and access for communities in rural areas. | On Wednesday, the President handed over complete bridges at the rural area of Mkhambathini in KwaZulu-Natal. | The Welisizwe Rural Bridges Programme is a result of the objectives announced in the 2023 State of the Nation Address that outlined government's plan to construct at least 96 bridges during the 2023/24 financial year. | Some 11 bridges have b…

newarab (2024-02-01). Israel Knesset could expel member for 'anti-Gaza war' stance. An Israeli parliamentary committee on Tuesday voted to expel a lawmaker over his public support for South Africa's case at the Ofer Cassif, a member of the left-wing Hadash party which sits in a joint list with Arab party Ta…

newarab (2024-02-01). Palestinians in Gaza say Israel not abiding with ICJ's order. Palestinians in the besieged coastal enclave accused On Friday, 26 January, the ICJ in The Hague delivered a ruling on South Africa's genocide case against Israel, ordering Israel to take all possible measures to prevent genocide acts in G…

newarab (2024-02-01). South Africa: Rhodes University rallies for Gaza journalists. South Africa's prestigious Rhodes University, alma mater of Nelson Mandela's grandson, hosted a vigil in solidarity with Gaza over the weekend, days after the

newarab (2024-02-01). Tunisia turns to central bank to shore up its budget deficit. Cash-strapped In a meeting behind closed doors, the North African country's parliament on Wednesday mulled a request from President The government wants the central bank to…

Pressenza IPA (2024-02-01). Remembering the enormous legacy of a "Great Soul". On 30 January 1948, Mahatma Gandhi, a pivotal leader in the liberation of India from British rule and a living example of active nonviolence, was assassinated at the age of 78 by a Hindu fanatic. | As a lawyer and activist, he inspired his early struggle for the defense of his fellow countrymen, discriminated against and mistreated in South Africa, with a combination of Hindu culture, the ideas of the Russian Christian anarchist Tolstoy, and the action of civil disobedience advocated by the American writer Henry David Thoreau. | On his return to India in 1915, he began the movement that the world would come to kn…

Rhoda Wilson (2024-02-01). Professor of African history calls for an inquiry into African governments' responses to covid. The assumption that covid would be an equal threat in Africa as it may have been elsewhere was wrong. An accounting must be made of the mistakes so that such an inept …

teleSUR (2024-02-01). South Africa Urges Israel to Implement UN Court's Ruling. South Africa on Wednesday urged Israel to implement the ruling handed down by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) condemning continued Israeli attacks on hospitals in Palestine. | RELATED: | The decision by the ICJ affirms the importance of global governance institutions including organs of the United Nations (UN), and it remains vital for all member states to respect and implement the decisions of the court, said South Africa's Minister of Inte…

albawaba (2024-01-31). Morocco vs South Africa predicted lineups – Africa Cup of Nations. Morocco meet South Africa at the Laurent Pokou Stadium in the Round of 16 Africa Cup of Nations on Tuesday.Match date: Tuesday, 30 January | Kick-off time: 20: 00 (GMT) | Venue: Laurent Pokou StadiumMorocco vs South Africa predicted lineups: Morocco possible XlManager: Walid RegraguiYassine Bono; Achraf Hakimi, Nayef Aguerd, Romain Saiss, Mohamed Chibi; Sofyan Amrabat; Hakim Ziyech, Azzedine Ounahi, Selim Amallah, Sofiane Boufal; Youssef En-NesyriSouth Africa possible XlManager: Hugo BroosRonwen Williams; Khuliso Mudau, Siyanda Xulu, Mothobi Mvala, Aubrey Modiba; Teboho Mokoena, Yaya Sithole; Themba Zwane,…

Barry Healy (2024-01-31). Australia assists Israel in deflecting genocide ruling by attacking UNRWA. On January 19, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued an interim ruling in the case brought against Israel by South Africa for the crime of genocide committed against the Palestinian residents of Gaza. | In a press statement, the

Binoy Kampmark (2024-01-31). Mesmeric Weapons: South Africa's Nuclear Program. The lessons of the South African nuclear weapons program are deep, profound and largely ignored by non-proliferation dogmatists. They show that a regime, even one subject to sanctions and exiled to the diplomatic cold room, can still show aptitude and resourcefulness in creating such murderous weapons. The white regime of Apartheid South Africa was marginalised, the globe's

British Medical Journal (2024-01-31). World: Strengthening the WHO Regional Office for Africa (WHO AFRO) COVID-19 vaccination information system. Country: World | Source: British Medical Journal | Talya Shragai, Arish Bukhari, Ajiri Okpure Atagbaza, Daniel Rasheed Oyaole, Ronak Shah, Konstantin Volkmann, Leacky Kamau, Nsasiirwe Sheillah, Bridget Farham, Man Kai Wong, Eugene Lam, Franck Mboussou, Benido Impouma | Abstract | This manuscript describes the process and impact of strengthening the WHO Regional Office for Africa (WHO AFRO)'s COVID-19 vaccination information system. This system plays a critical role in tracking vaccination coverage, guiding resource allocation and supporting vaccination campaign roll-out for countries in the African region. Rec…

Codepink (2024-01-31). BREAKING: 5 Peace Activists Arrested For Disrupting UNRWA Hearing, Demand Humanitarian Aid for Gaza. Five peace activists were arrested today as CODEPINK and other organizations disrupted the House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing titled "UNRWA Exposed: Examining the Agency's Mission and Failures." The protest aimed to draw attention to the urgent need for humanitarian aid in Gaza. | The disruption comes in the wake of the International Court of Justice's recent ruling, which found South Africa's charge of genocide against Israel to be credible. The court issued provisional measures demanding that Israel cease the killing of Palestinians and restore the flow of humanitarian aid to Gaza. Despite these urgent cal…

EDWIN (2024-01-31). All systems go for second voter registration weekend. All systems go for second voter registration weekend | Chief Electoral Officer Sy Mamabolo says the Electoral Commission is ready to welcome eligible South Africans at the 23 303 registration stations across the country this weekend – to register or check their details ahead of the national elections. | This weekend will be the second Voter Registration Weekend after the weekend of 18 – 19 November 2023. | "The Electoral Commission will hold the second voter registration weekend on 3 and 4 February 2024 in preparation for the general elections of the National Assembly and Provincial Legislatures," Mamabolo said,…

EDWIN (2024-01-31). Suspects involved in serious crimes, shot and killed during shootout. Suspects involved in serious crimes, shot and killed during shootout | Three suspects were shot and fatally wounded in a shootout with police at the Lungelani Informal Settlement in La Mercy in the early hours of this morning. | KwaZulu-Natal police said in a statement that police received intelligence that a group involved in serious crimes, including murders committed in the Inanda area, were hiding at the informal settlement. | "A team comprising various police disciplines, including members of the Hawks, descended on the location. Realising that they were surrounded, the suspects opened fire at the police and…

EDWIN (2024-01-31). Telkom's investment to aid connectivity. Telkom's investment to aid connectivity | Telecommunications provider Telkom says the R5.9 billion it had pledged during the last South African Investment Conference (SAIC) will contribute towards enhancing connectivity, especially as the country prepares for the national general elections this year. | The company is deploying 4G and 5G network infrastructure nationally. | At the fifth South Africa Investment Conference (SAIC) which was held in April 2023, Telkom announced that it would be investing R5.97 billion in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) infrastructure development across South Africa.

European Commission's Directorate-General for European Civil Protection, Humanitarian Aid Operations (2024-01-31). World: DG ECHO support to the Disaster Response Emergency Fund (DREF) in 2023 | DG ECHO Daily Map | 30/01/2024. Countries: Afghanistan, Armenia, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burundi, Cameroon, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Israel, Kenya, Libya, Madagascar, Micronesia (Federated States of), Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, occupied Palestinian territory, Philippines, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Türkiye, United Republic of Tanzania, Vanuatu, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), World, Yemen…

Janine (2024-01-31). Condolences for Rand Water employee killed in shooting. Condolences for Rand Water employee killed in shooting | Water and Sanitation Minister, Senzo Mchunu, has conveyed his condolences to the family of a Rand Water employee who was killed in a shooting during a community event in Johannesburg on Monday. | Rand Water's Chief Corporate Shared Services Officer, Teboho Joala, died during a shooting at Zakarriya Park Hall in Vlakfontein, south of Johannesburg, where the entity was handing over school shoes and uniforms. | According to media reports, Joala was killed in front of hundreds of learners after a gunman entered the hall and fired several shots. His protector wa…

John Bachtell (2024-01-31). If re-elected, Trump would again dance to the tune of Mideast despots. Significant sections of the broad and diverse anti-MAGA, pro-democracy coalition, particularly among labor, African Americans, Arab Americans, Jewish Americans, and youth, strongly oppose the Biden administration's handling of the Israel-Palestine crisis and continued support for the far-right Israeli government's genocidal policies in Gaza. They rightly demand that the president back an immediate ceasefire, call for …

Monica Moorehead (2024-01-31). Int'l Court puts Israel on notice for war crimes. The International Court of Justice (ICJ), the highest court within the United Nations, issued a preliminary decision Jan. 26, on the complaint submitted by the South African government on Dec. 29, 2023, that documented all aspects of Israeli genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza. Scroll listing of some of . . . |

newarab (2024-01-31). Algerian cuisine tickles the taste buds of US palette. Algerian cuisine boasts an exquisite fusion of Berber, Arab, European, North African, and Mediterranean flavours. | Halim Fekraoui is determined to showcase the wide variety of foods and culinary influences within Algerian cuisine. With his cafe and restaurant, Kasbah Café, located in New York, he is on a mission to tantalise the taste buds of food enthusiasts. | "I get people here who don't even know where Algeria is or even heard of a country called Algeria," says Fekraoui, who co-runs Kasbah Café with his wife Amina Fekraoui since 2021. | Teal pillows, chairs, and arabesque tiles adorn the interior of the…

nosihle (2024-01-31). Congratulations Bafana Bafana! Congratulations Bafana Bafana! | Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture Zizi Kodwa has congratulated South Africa's Bafana Bafana for winning their match against Morocco at the Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) tournament. | Bafana Bafana beat Morocco 2-0 to advance to the quarterfinals of the tournament at Stade Laurent Pokou in Ivory Coast on Tuesday night. | "What a fantastic performance by Bafana Bafana. This win shows what our national teams can achieve with the support of South Africans. Let us continue to support Bafana Bafana as they march to the AFCON 2023 quarterfinals," the Minister said. | The South African…

People's Dispatch. (2024-01-31). Mali, Burkina Faso, And Niger Withdraw From ECOWAS. In a televised statement on Sunday, January 28, Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger announced their withdrawal from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Their exit has shrunk the regional bloc, condemned by West Africa's popular movements as an agent of French imperialism, to less than half its previous size, given the relatively vast expanse of Mali and Niger in the region. | Reduced from 15 member states to 12, ECOWAS has nevertheless said that the three countries, against whom it was set to go to war last year, "remain important members," although it had already suspended and sanctioned them.

Richard Pithouse (2024-01-31). South Africa's Gift to the World.

RT (2024-01-31). Three West African States Quit Regional Bloc. FILE PHOTO: Colonel Amadou Abdramane. © ORTN — Télé Sahel / AFP The military governments of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger have announced their exit from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), claiming the regional bloc has become a tool for foreign powers, posing a threat to member states. The decision was made …

Survival International. (2024-01-31). Investigation: Prince Harry Charity Linked To Horrific Abuses In Africa. A charity with strong ties to Prince Harry has been funding rangers responsible for horrific abuses against Indigenous people in the Congo, including torture and rape, according to a major investigation published in the UK's Mail on Sunday. | The abuses have taken place in Odzala-Kokoua National Park in the Republic of Congo, which is managed by African Parks — Prince Harry is a member of their Board of Directors, a position to which he was "elevated" in 2023, after having served as their President for six years. | The investigation has uncovered evidence of countless atrocities committed by African Parks'

EDWIN (2024-02-01). SIU authorised to investigate ECRDA. SIU authorised to investigate ECRDA | President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed Proclamation R147 of 2024 authorising the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) to investigate allegations of serious maladministration in the affairs of the Eastern Cape Rural Development Agency (ECRDA). | The SIU is also authorised to recover any financial losses suffered by the State and ECDRA. | "Proclamation R147 of 2024 authorises the SIU to probe the procurement and/or contracting for goods, works or services concerning a tender for the planning and design of the Marine Tilapia Industry Incubator Project within the Mbhashe Local Municipa…

GABIK (2024-02-01). Nzimande pays tribute to Professor Mokgokong. Nzimande pays tribute to Professor Mokgokong | Higher Education, Science and Innovation Minister, Dr Blade Nzimande, has hailed the late Professor Mochichi Samuel Mokgokong, as one of our country's most decorated academics and scholars. | Nzimande joined the nation and the academic fraternity in mourning the passing of Mokgokong, who passed away last week following a battle with cancer.
| Mokgokong was well known for heading the team responsible for separations of craniopagus conjoined twins and has trained and mentored more than 20 neurosurgeons. | Nzimande highlighted that Mokgokong has a long and di…

NEOB (2024-02-01). SIU to probe Eastern Cape Rural Development Agency affairs. SIU to probe Eastern Cape Rural Development Agency affairs | The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) is expected to investigate allegations of serious maladministration at the Eastern Cape Rural Development Agency (ECRDA). | This after President Cyril Ramaphosa signed a proclamation authorising the unit to delve into the affairs of the agency. | SIU spokesperson Kaizer Kganyago said the unit will also look to recover any financial losses that the state may have incurred. | "Proclamation R147 of 2024 authorises the SIU to probe the procurement and/or contracting for goods, works or services concerning a tender for th…

nosihle (2024-01-31). SA sends first shipment under AfCFTA agreement. SA sends first shipment under AfCFTA agreement | The implementation of the preferential trading under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) has become a reality with South Africa sending its first shipment of products to other countries trading under the agreement. | South Africa is the first among the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) member states, which consists of Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, and Swaziland, to practically realise the AfCFTA Agreement. | "For South Africa, as with many other African countries, the start of preferential trade will create great opportunities for growt…

US Agency for International Development (2024-01-31). Madagascar: Humanitarian Snapshot – USAID/BHA in Southern Africa, Fiscal Year (FY) 2023. Countries: Angola, Botswana, Comoros, Eswatini, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe | Source: US Agency for International Development | Please refer to the attached file. | REGIONAL PROFILE | Countries in Southern Africa continue to face conflict-induced displacement, food insecurity, the spread of disease, and numerous climatic shocks—including drought, floods, and tropical cyclones—that generate widespread humanitarian needs. In FY 2023, USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA) provided more than $201 million to…

WaterAid (2024-01-31). Zambia: WaterAid warns of regional cholera epidemic as cases spread across Southern Africa.

albawaba (2024-02-01). Hamas leader Haniyeh to visit Cairo for ceasefire talks. ALBAWABA – As Israel continues brutally pounding Gaza, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh is due to visit Cairo, Egypt today to follow up on the ceasefire talks that have been in the making for weeks, as international mediators gathered in Paris. A source told AFP that Hamas is reviewing a proposal for a six-week truce in its war with Israel, as efforts continue to reach a hostage swap deal between Hamas and Israel in exchange for a ceasefire. Hamas has confirmed that it is studying a three-phase truce proposal in Gaza, while hardline Israeli government members have threatened to dissolve the government coalition if the…

newarab (2024-02-01). Why the new EU-Egypt migrant deal is doomed to fail.

newarab (2024-02-01). Experts divided over Egypt's Menkaure Pyramid restoration. A long-term restoration project of Dubbed the "project of the century" by Mostafa Waziri, the Secretary-General of the country's Supreme Council of Antiquities, in a video

newarab (2024-02-01). Libya deports migrants back to Egypt: official. Libyan authorities on Wednesday began sending 350

infobrics (2024-01-31). New Member Egypt Says It Wants to Deepen Ties with BRICS. Egypt aims to deepen ties with other BRICS members after acceding to the group at the start of this year, and trade volumes have already been strengthening, the country's planning minister said…

newarab (2024-01-31). Inside the secret camel race of South Sinai. Boys strapped to camels streak through the desert at dawn as hundreds of beeping pick-up trucks packed with Bedouins try to keep up with the frenetic pace. | Riders whip their camels to overtake one another as spectators navigate crashes and dust to follow the race as closely as possible in their cars. It's the annual Zalaga Camel Race in South Sinai, Egypt. | At 7.30 am on January 10 every year, over 40 camels, their riders and more than three hundred cars carrying spectators gather at Wadi Zalaga in Southern Sinai for a 30-kilometre race through the dusty valley. | The competition has taken place between the…

newarab (2024-01-31). 'Telk Qadeya', anthem of divorce from the Western world. This is the story of a walz in three-quarter time which is fast becoming the rallying song of Arab youth. 'Telk Qadeya' is the Egyptian rock group Cairokee 's latest single, 'with a twist' as they put it. It was issued on 30 November 2023, nearly two months after the start of the genocidal war on Gaza. It was announced on the group's official accounts very soberly, with no grandiloquent proclamations. But the song has had over a million views on YouTube alone and has been available since the end of November on the Lebanese channel Al-Maya deem, illustrated with videos of the Gaza bombings. While the words 'Gaz…

CGIAR (2024-01-31). World: Ecosystem Assessment of Food, Land, and Water Actors in the Humanitarian, Development, and Peace Nexus (December 2023). Countries: Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Jordan, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, Sri Lanka, World, Yemen, Zimbabwe | Sources: CGIAR, International Water Management Institute | Please refer to the attached file. | Hangyul Song, Clara Sarangé, Anne Oderoh, Hauke Dahl, and Inga Jacobs-Mata | Executive Summary | 1.5 billion people live in fragility and conflict-affected settings (FCAS) and they face an increased risk of food insecurity and poverty trap. A systems approach in collaboration with innovators in FCAS is needed to produce practical and inclusive solutions that can…

Mision Verdad, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-02-01). US Revokes Venezuela Gold License In Retaliation Against Court Ruling. The United States revoked a general license granted to the Venezuelan state gold company, Minerven, after Venezuela's Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) confirmed the disqualification of María Corina Machado from exercising public functions for a period of 15 years. The license (number 43) was issued in October 2023 along with others granted to the oil and gas industries within the framework of negotiations conducted in Barbados between the government of President Nicolás Maduro and sectors of the Venezuelan far-right opposition. | The operations authorized in the license to Minerven must be liquidated before Februar…

Misión Verdad (2024-01-31). US Revokes Venezuela Gold License in Retaliation Against Supreme Court Ruling. The United States revoked a general license granted to the Venezuelan state gold company, Minerven, after Venezuela's Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) confirmed the disqualification of María Corina Machado from exercising public functions for a period of 15 years. The license (number 43) was issued in October 2023 along with others granted to the oil and gas industries within the framework of negotiations conducted in Barbados between the government of President Nicolás Maduro and sectors of the Venezuelan far-right opposition. | The operations authorized in the license to Minerven must be liquidated before Februar…

World Food Programme (2024-01-31). WFP Eswatini Country Brief, December 2023. Country: Eswatini | Source: World Food Programme | Please refer to the attached file. | In Numbers | 23,800 mt of food assistance distributed in December 2023 | US$ 8.6 m six months (January – June 2024) net funding requirement | 24,324 people assisted in December 2023 | Operational Updates | Social safety nets | WFP provided a social safety net for 27,000 orphans and vulnerable children aged 2-6 at 873 Neighbourhood Care Points (NCPs) in Eswatini through access to food and other essential services. Due to funding constraints, WFP had to reduce the number of NCPs from 1,700 to 873. | Home-Grown School Feedi… (2024-02-01). Sino-Kenyan joint archaeological expedition yields over 2,000 stone artifacts. The Sino-Kenyan joint archaeological expedition at the Lake Bogoria site in Kenya announced the unearthing of 22 sites containing more than 2,000 stone artifacts, according to a report by the China News Service (CNS).

The Independent (2024-02-01). Ugandan golfers eye second win at Victoria Cup. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Team Uganda will be eyeing a second win at the prestigious Victoria Cup, a team tournament that will be held from February 1-3 at the Uganda Golf Club. This team tournament matches the best golfers of Uganda against those of Kenya. The Victoria Cup, is equivalent to the famous …

Israel Shahak (2024-02-01). "Greater Israel": The Zionist Plan for the Middle East. When viewed in the current context, the war on Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing wars on Syria and Iraq, the war on Yemen, must be understood in relation to the Zionist Plan for the Middle East… (2024-02-01). Deprem fonunun faaliyete geàßmesi iàßin son a≈üamaya gelindi. Hazine ve Maliye Bakanƒ± Mehmet ≈ûim≈üek, "Afet bà∂lgelerinde, à∂zellikle 6 ≈ûubat 2023 tarihli Kahramanmara≈ü depremlerinin etkili olduƒüu alanlardaki yeniden imar ve in≈üa projeleri, planlƒ± ≈üekilde ve kurumlarƒ±n e≈ü gàºdàºmຠiàßinde finanse edilecek." dedi. (2024-02-01). Tàºrk Eximbank, uluslararasƒ± sermaye piyasalarƒ±ndan 500 milyon dolarlƒ±k finansman saƒüladƒ±. Tàºrk Eximbank, uluslararasƒ± sermaye piyasalarƒ±ndan 500 milyon dolarlƒ±k finansman saƒüladƒ±. Kaynak, 2022'den bu yana finansal kurulu≈ülarƒ±n geràßekle≈ütirdiƒüi tahvil ihraàßlarƒ± arasƒ±nda en dàº≈üàºk maliyetli i≈ülem oldu. (2024-01-31). Bilim kurgu romanlarƒ±na konu olan Mars'ta ya≈üam ihtimalini gàºàßlendiren misyonlar. Bilim kurgu romanlarƒ±na konu olan Mars'a yolculuk, uzay ajanslarƒ±nƒ±n Mars'ƒ±n ke≈üfedilmesine yà∂nelik faaliyetleriyle gelecekte hayalden geràßeƒüe dà∂nàº≈üebilir.

Patricia Harrity (2024-01-31). The Plot Thickens as Comeuppance Looms for the Unhinged Zealots of the Vax Brigade. EMBALMERS REPORT BIZARRE BLOOD CLOTS. "The evidence is becoming overwhelming that the pseudo-vax rollout was a mass poisoning event inflicted on us with malice aforethought by the Covid Psyop's duplicitous architects, aided …

albawaba (2024-02-01). Tima Shomali shares AlRawabi School for Girls season 2 trailer.

US Agency for International Development (2024-01-31). Bangladesh: Effective humanitarian responses require collaborative environmental management: The approach in Cox's Bazar. Countries: Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nigeria, Somalia, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | Sources: US Agency for International Development, World Vision | Please refer to the attached file. | Mohamed Hilmi, Senior Coordinator and Technical Specialist for Shelter, Settlements, and DRR, InterAction | While humanitarian responses focus mostly on the emergency phase—like addressing lifesaving and immediate needs—addressing the impacts and risks of climate change is increasing in urgency. | To these ends, InterAction conducted climate research and consultations to understand how climate change and envir…

UN High Commissioner for Refugees (2024-01-31). Mauritania – Registered refugees and asylum seekers as of 1 January 2024. Country: Mauritania | Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees | Please refer to the attached Map.

newarab (2024-01-31). In AFCON, Morocco does not represent Arabs: Coach Regragui.

The Independent (2024-02-01). WHO, South Sudan step up fight against neglected tropical diseases. JUBA, SOUTH SUDAN | Xinhua | The World Health Organization (WHO) and South Sudan have teamed up to sustain the fight against neglected tropical diseases that pose a huge health threat in the country. Undersecretary in the Ministry of Health Ader Macar Aciek said the country, with support from WHO and partners, has made efforts …

newarab (2024-02-01). Sudan warring parties hold first high-level talks in Bahrain.

newarab (2024-02-01). US deplores holdups on aid into war-torn Sudan. The Samantha Power, administrator of the US Agency for International Development, said that funding for Sudan's crisis "remains shockingly low," with around 25 million people, or more than half of the population, in need of assistance. | But she s…

newarab (2024-02-01). US targets Sudan bank, firms backing warring generals. The United States on Wednesday imposed sanctions on a bank and two companies accused of providing funds for The Treasury Department said it was blocking any assets and criminalizing US transactions with the Alkhaleej Bank, which has been an "essential part" of funding for the paramilitary The bank allegedly received $50 million from the…

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-01). ONU: casi 8 millones de personas han sido desplazadas en Sudán. Según la ONU, los combates en Sudán entre el Ejército y los paramilitares ha provocado "la crisis de desplazamientos más importante del mundo".

The Independent (2024-02-01). MPs pile pressure on agriculture minister to table fisheries law. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Members of Parliament (MPs) have called on the Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industries and Fisheries, Frank Tumwebaze, to fast track implementation of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Act, 2022 as a way of curbing the use of substandard fishing gear. They said the law, if implemented, will also avert the recurrent …

The Independent (2024-02-01). Table data privacy law to address Artificial Intelligence — Tayebwa. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | There is urgent need to update national legislation on data protection and privacy in a bid to counter potential threats posed by technological advancements, Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa has advised. While speaking at the 2024 Data Privacy Day Conference held at Mestil Hotel in Kampala on Wednesday, 31 January 2024, …

The Independent (2024-01-31). Chinese firm MiOne unveils locally assembled smartphones. The new U1 and Joy 9 smartphones are said to be 'high-quality and pocket-friendly' MBALE, UGANDA | AGENCIES | Chinese phone manufacturer MiOne has released two new smartphones, the U1 and Joy 9, assembled in Uganda's Mbale City. The phones were unveiled by Uganda's Minister of ICT and National Guidance, Dr. Chris Baryomunsi, and State Minister …

The Independent (2024-01-31). IATA signals a vibrant comeback for aviation in 2024. Industry revenues are projected to reach a historic high of $964 billion ANALYSIS | AGENCIES | The profits projected for airlines in 2024 are expected to stabilize, despite net profitability forecasted to be well below the cost of capital, according to the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Industry insiders anticipate that the global aviation sector will …

The Independent (2024-01-31). Nawangwe updates graduands on when to pick their transcripts. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Professor Barnabas Nawangwe, the Vice Chancellor of Makerere University has asked graduands to pick up their transcripts immediately after graduation. Nawangwe who is also the Acting Chancellor was addressing guests at the 74th graduation event on Tuesday. The one-week-long graduation that started on Monday entered day two with students from …

The Independent (2024-01-31). URA impounds smuggled fabrics in Jinja city. Jinja, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) has successfully impounded two trucks loaded with fabrics illegally smuggled into the country through porous border points in different parts of Eastern Uganda. The operation, prompted by vigilante tip-offs, resulted in the seizure of fabrics worth millions of Shillings. The smuggled goods, totaling 5.5 tonnes of …

tvbrics (2024-01-31). India is ready to help with developement of the health system in Zimbabwe. The countries are developing co-operation in the health, agriculture and education sectors…

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