2024-10-30: News Headlines

WSWS (2024-10-30). Macron visits Morocco as NATO-Russia war spreads across Africa. wsws.org Macron's "strategic framework" is a proposal to use Morocco as a source of cheap qualified labor and logistics to boost French corporations' profits and increase French imperialism's influence in the contested areas of the Sahel and West Africa more broadly.

infobrics (2024-10-30). The Impact of BRICS Expansion in the Middle East. infobrics.org The BRICS group is one of the most prominent emerging economic and political blocs on the global stage, especially following the announcement of expanding its membership to include countries from the Middle East and North Africa, such as Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and Iran, although Saudi Arabia has not yet officially joined…

infobrics (2024-10-30). BRICS: Navigating a Complex Economic and Political Landscape. infobrics.org Initially formed as "BRIC" — Brazil, Russia, India, China — and subsequently becoming "BRICS", with the addition of South Africa, this group of countries constitutes a unique coalition of emerging economies that collectively represent a significant counterbalance to the established economic powers of the West. Despite their collective identity, BRICS members are markedly different in many respects…

Abayomi Azikiwe (2024-10-30). BRICS Declaration Reinforces Call for Multipolarity. globalresearch.ca A three-day gathering (October 22-24) held in the city of Kazan in the Russian Federation represented the 16th Annual Summit of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa Plus (BRICS). | At present there are nine governments that have officially joined …

newarab (2024-10-30). Egypt's anti-Ethiopia alliance takes shape in the Horn of Africa. newarab.com

NEOB (2024-10-30). Government anchors economic growth strategy on four key areas. sanews.gov.za Government anchors economic growth strategy on four key areas | Over the medium term, government will anchor its economic growth strategy on four key areas in order to support inclusive growth. | This as Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana announced in the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) speech that economic growth projections have been revised down from 1.3% to 1.1%. | Godongwana delivered the MTBPS speech in Parliament on Wednesday. | "[Our] fiscal strategy sets to out to achieve the fiscal sustainability needed to support inclusive economic growth. | "It carefully weighs competing demands, making the…

NEOB (2024-10-30). Government to launch next phase of Operation Vulindlela. sanews.gov.za Government to launch next phase of Operation Vulindlela | Government is expected to launch the next phase of Operation Vulindlela, which is aimed at accelerating the implementation of structural reforms. | This is according to the Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) released by National Treasury on Wednesday. | Treasury explained that the country's economic growth prospects are closely tied to Operation Vulindlela and structural reforms to "improve competitiveness and productivity and boost investment". | "In its first phase, this initiative implemented 35 reform actions in five network industries, includ…

NEOB (2024-10-30). Government non-interest expenditure expected to increase. sanews.gov.za Government non-interest expenditure expected to increase | Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana says government non-interest expenditure is expected to increase in 2024/25. | He was delivering the Medium-Term Budget Policy (MTBPS) statement speech in Parliament on Wednesday. | The increase is mainly attributed to: | Rollovers from the previous financial year, to the value of R2.1 billion. | R2.7 billion expenditure that was announced at the time of the main budget, mainly for the COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress Grant. | Unforeseeable and unavoidable expenditure of R2.1 billion, mainly for disaster relief. | A sp…

NEOB (2024-10-30). Revenue from tax collection to be lower than expected. sanews.gov.za Revenue from tax collection to be lower than expected | Revenue from tax collection in 2024/25 is expected to be down by R22.3 billion from National Treasury's estimations made in February this year. | This according to Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana who delivered the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) speech in Parliament on Wednesday. | "Over the next two years, the main budget revenue estimate has also been lowered by R31.2 billion. In the absence of faster growth and in the face of external risks, tax revenue will remain under pressure, forcing us to make difficult decisions on where to spend. | "

NEOB (2024-10-30). SA must manage debt better, says Godongwana. sanews.gov.za SA must manage debt better, says Godongwana | Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana has told Parliament that in order for government to achieve its goals of, amongst others, inclusive growth and reducing unemployment, the country must better manage its debt. | He was delivering the Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS), in which he revealed that government debt is anticipated to exceed R6.05 trillion, or 75.5 % of gross domestic product (GDP), in 2025/26. | "Debt has risen too fast and is too high. We know that our debt is unsustainable, because debt-service costs have become the largest component of our spendi…

nosihle (2024-10-30). Government assigns funding for G20 Summit. sanews.gov.za Government assigns funding for G20 Summit | With South Africa assuming the G20 Presidency later this year, government will assign additional funding to those departments that will be involved in the preparations., , "This is a rare opportunity that only comes around every 20 years. We intend to use our voice to promote a truly Africa-focused agenda," Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana said on Wednesday in Parliament when tabling the Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS)., , South Africa will hold the G20 Presidency from 1 December 2024 to 30 November 2025., , The G20 brings together the countries with the la…

nosihle (2024-10-30). Government to establish unit to deal with money laundering. sanews.gov.za Government to establish unit to deal with money laundering | As part of efforts to exit the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) grey list, government will establish a shared forensic capability within the Financial Intelligence Centre to strengthen efforts to exit the grey list. | "From the 2025 Medium‚ÄêTerm Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period onwards, funding will be reprioritised within the function to departments and entities to establish a shared forensic capability within the Financial Intelligence Centre," National Treasury's document on the 2024 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS)…

nosihle (2024-10-30). Government looks into insurance for climate-related disaster events. sanews.gov.za Government looks into insurance for climate-related disaster events | Government is exploring options for purchasing insurance for certain climate-related disaster events, where such a practice would not undermine budget sustainability. | Tabling the 2024 Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) in Parliament, Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana said climate-related disasters have intensified, damaging infrastructure and disrupting life. | "The increasing frequency and intensity of climate disasters is costly, and we must proactively work to reduce their impact on the fiscus and on society," the Minister said on…

nosihle (2024-10-30). Reforms to attract infrastructure investment. sanews.gov.za Reforms to attract infrastructure investment | Minister of Finance Enoch Godongwana has announced reforms that will create conditions to attract greater infrastructure investment by private sector participation. | "Collectively, the infrastructure reforms will strengthen planning, appraisal, contracting, financing, and monitoring and evaluation. The outcome will be faster delivery of infrastructure that supports economic growth, the expansion of access to basic services and boosting job creation," Godongwana said on Wednesday. | Tabling the 2024 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) in Parliament, the Minis…

nosihle (2024-10-30). Slow compliance with servicing Eskom debt a risk to debt write-offs. sanews.gov.za Slow compliance with servicing Eskom debt a risk to debt write-offs | National Treasury has warned that municipalities' slow compliance with conditions of the debt relief programme on arrears to Eskom risk delaying debt write-offs., , According to the National Treasury's document on the Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS), success depends on municipalities maintaining a quarterly revenue collection rate of 85 %, which is below the National Treasury collection norm for local government of 95 %., , "Around 70 of the municipalities that had applied for debt relief have been approved. Between March and August…

Urban CNY News (2024-10-30). National Police Group Speaks Out Regarding Harmful Campaign Rhetoric Against Puerto Rican And African American Citizens. urbancny.com NABLEO Condemns Statements Made During Recent Political Campaign Rally San Juan Puerto Rico Image by Pixabay As a body of nearly 10,000 men and women of color, and specifically those of African American and Latino descent, employed as criminal justice practitioners throughout the nation, the members and Board of Directors of the National Association of Black Law Enforcement Officers, Inc. (NABLEO) have, since their inception, consistently taken an active stance against discriminatory practices in law enforcement, and other instances of social injustice that bring both division and discredit to those in the commun…

GABIK (2024-10-30). Mahlobo hails departmental and UNISA partnership. sanews.gov.za Mahlobo hails departmental and UNISA partnership | Water and Sanitation Deputy Minister, David Mahlobo, has hailed a partnership between the Department of Water and Sanitation and the University of South Africa's (UNISA) to enhance the provision of clean and safe drinking water., , Mahlobo met with the UNISA College of Science, Engineering and Technology (CSET), led by the university's Principal and Vice-Chancellor Professor Puleng LenkaBula, at the university's Science Campus in Florida, Johannesburg this week., , UNISA's Institute for Nanotechnology and Water Sustainability (iNanoWS) is a strategic research ni…

aljazeera (2024-10-30). Botswana election: Who is in the running and what's at stake? aljazeera.com Some 1 million Batswana will vote amid worries about the economy as diamond dollars fall.

aljazeera (2024-10-30). Botswana elections: Ruling party seeks to extend 58 years in power. aljazeera.com Botswana Democratic Party remains a favourite despite slow economic growth caused by declining demand for diamonds.

Natalia Marques, People's Dispatch. (2024-10-30). Working People Place Cost Of Living As Top Concern In US Elections. popularresistance.org Just eight days remain until the people of the US head to the polls to decide their next president. The economy and inflation continues to be the top issue for voters by far, with eight in ten registered voters saying the economy will be very important to their vote according to the Pew Research Center. According to Gallup, the economy is the most important out of 22 issues voters were polled on, including "terrorism and national security", immigration, education, healthcare, and crime. | If one were to read exclusively the mainstream media, one would get the impression that all is well with the economy, that inf…

Jim Carrier (2024-10-30). The U.S. Military Continues Its Quest for Nuclear Readiness. progressive.org As the Nobel Committee awards a prize for nuclear peacemaking, the United States continues its moves toward nuclear war.

Ana Vraƒçar (2024-10-30). "No treatment, no pain relief, no escape," UN says on healthcare in Gaza. peoplesdispatch.org Intensified Israeli attacks have devastated hospitals and healthcare in Gaza, with patients left to suffer amid a blockade of medical resources and repeated denials of evacuation permits…

Natalia Marques (2024-10-30). On immigration, Harris and Trump have more similarities than one might think. peoplesdispatch.org Yesterday, Democratic Party nominee Kamala Harris delivered a "closing argument" for her campaign for the presidency. "Politicians have got to stop treating immigration as an issue to scare up votes for an election," she

Broulaye Bagayoko, CADTM International, Maxime Perriot, Omar Aziki, Sushovan Dhar, Veronica Carrillo Ortega (2024-10-30). CADTM International Council | Day 2 | A global overview of political, social and economic situations. cadtm.org

Marianella Kloka (2024-10-30). Members of Progressive International in emergency mission to Palestine. pressenza.com Today, an emergency international delegation arrived in Palestine to investigate Israel's systematic violation of international law and the extensive pattern of forced disappearances, detainee torture, and political incarceration of Palestinian civilians, activists, and children as young as 12 years old. | The delegation—coordinated by Progressive International, the National Lawyers Guild of the United States, and the International Association of Democratic Lawyers—brings together legal experts, human rights defenders, and parliamentary representatives from around the world.In the link below the forme…

Veterans for Peace (2024-10-30). End Washington's New McCarthyism! dissidentvoice.org In April, the U.S. House passed H.R. 6408: "An Act To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to terminate the tax-exempt status of terrorist supporting organizations." It was introduced in the Senate as S. 1436. It sounds benign, but it reaches well beyond any narrowly defined or momentarily intended targets. If enacted into law, …

Sebastian Ben-Daniel (2024-10-30). How many other Shuva'el Ben-Natans are in Gaza now, fired up with enthusiasm? middleeasteye.net How many other Shuva'el Ben-Natans are in Gaza now, fired up with enthusiasm? | Prominent Israeli writer Sebastian Ben-Daniel (John Brown) says Israel's military is full of soldiers intent on carrying out horrific abuses, supported by ministers and the public |

aljazeera (2024-10-30). Sri Lanka to probe 'corruption' in handling of 2021 cargo ship disaster. aljazeera.com Move follows allegations of money laundering, delay tactics and mismanagement in dealing with aftermath of disaster.

Randolph Borges (2024-10-30). Maduro: Veto by Brazil's Foreign Ministry Will Not Silence Venezuela. orinocotribune.com The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, confirmed that the country belongs "by nature" to the new multipolar world that has already been born and that, in his words, "we helped create." Similarly, he condemned the last-minute veto made by a Brazilian official of Venezuela's entry into BRICS. | In the 64th edition of his program Con Maduro +, the president said that before the start of the BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia, "of the 10 full members, we had guaranteed the vote of nine members," but the work carried out by Vice President Delcy Rodríguez and Foreign Minister Yván Gil had already ensured Brazil's vote.

tvbrics (2024-10-30). Institutes in India launch artificial intelligence programme offering career guidance. tvbrics.com Students will be able to choose careers that match their interests and qualifications more effectively…

Chris Jarvis (2024-10-30). How Green, Independent, Lib Dem, SNP and Plaid Cymru MPs responded to the budget. leftfootforward.org MPs from across the political spectrum have been responding to the first Labour budget in 14 years announced by the Chancellor Rachel Reeves today. | Here's a quick rundown of what parties on the left have said about Labour's budget. | The Green Party: | While the Greens have praised some elements of the budget, they've been critical of it overall, with the party's co-leader Carla Denyer saying that Reeves delivered 'half measures'. She

Paul M. Renfro (2024-10-30). "I Am the Face of AIDS:" Ryan White and the Politics of Innocence in the History of HIV/AIDS. counterpunch.org While Ryan's "innocence" pushed the federal government to act on AIDS, the "guilt" of marginalized groups fueled the urge "to punish sick people for their alleged lack of moral purity," as one Philadelphia Daily News editorial put it. Specifically, the CARE Act contained punitive HIV criminalization and notification statutes and prohibited federal funding for needle-exchange programs.

Thomas Drake (2024-10-30). A Duty to Warn America: A Face-off with a Future of Fascism? counterpunch.org Is it a time of historical reckoning for America, in this social media dominated age, riddled by lots of gaslighting hyperbole and rabbit-holed halls full of meme-filled mirrored walls? Is it just a caricatured stage play of days long political games with a crazy old man on one side telling people the country is like

ecns.cn (2024-10-30). China successfully launches Shenzhou-19 manned spaceship. ecns.cn A Long March-2F carrier rocket carrying the Shenzhou-19 crewed spaceship blasts off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China at 4: 27 a.m. (Beijing Time), Oct. 30, 2024.

newarab (2024-10-30). Uyghur rights body meets in Bosnia under tight security over threats. newarab.com A body fighting for The Germany-based World Uyghur Congress (WUC) held a four-day conference until Sunday with several hundred delegates from 25 nations in a Sarajevo hotel – but few outside would have known. | There were no signs or placards, reception staff hes…

newarab (2024-10-30). Israel minister 'proposed killing Lebanon PM' over drone attack. newarab.com An Israeli minister has reportedly proposed the assassination of According to Israel's Channel 13, Transportation Minister Miri Regev suggested the killing of Mikati during an Israeli security cabinet meeting on Monday, during which the cabinet members were debating the possibility of carrying o…

newarab (2024-10-30). Ship carrying explosives for Israel Gaza war docks in Alexandria. newarab.com

SAM (2024-10-30). The Atlanta City Council Is Scared Of Direct Democracy. progressivehub.net MARIA ESCH | JACOBIN…

The Canary (2024-10-30). Rehome the hounds: wildlife organisation calls for hunts to stop breeding hounds. thecanary.co Protect the Wild is calling for an immediate end to the breeding of hounds for use in the hunting industry. With the industry on its last legs, the organisation believes now is the time for it to — finally — show some compassion towards the hounds in its care by ceasing breeding and putting a […] | By

Claire Elise Thompson (2024-10-30). 5 ways to get out the vote for climate in the final days before the U.S. presidential election. grist.org | | The vision: | "For so long, we've assumed that when the climate crisis got bad enough, everybody would just wake up, come together, and solve it in some grand 'kumbaya' moment — and that's not necessarily how the story will go. When crises get worse and scarcity gets worse, sometimes it gets harder to love your neighbor. And there is no doubt in my mind that the empathy and respect we will need for our fellow citizens in order to address the climate crisi…

Elizabeth Ouzts, Energy News Network (2024-10-30). This disaster relief nonprofit is pioneering a clean energy alternative to noisy, polluting generators. grist.org Seventeen days after Hurricane Helene devastated western North Carolina, tearing down power lines, destroying water mains, and disabling cell phone towers, the signs of relief were hard to miss. | Trucks formed a caravan along Interstate 40, filled with camouflaged soldiers, large square tanks of water, and essentials from pet food to diapers. In towns, roadside signs — official versions emblazoned with nonprofit relief logos and wooden makeshift ones scrawled with paint — advertised free food and water. | And then there were the generators. | The noisy machines powered the trailers where Asheville…

Ling Xin (2024-10-30). China launches Shenzhou-19 spacecraft, carrying country's third female astronaut. scmp.com Successful lift-off for three-person crew bound for Tiangong space station, with autonomous rendezvous and docking slated to follow.

Reuters (2024-10-30). Tootsie and Young Frankenstein actress Teri Garr dies at age 79. scmp.com The Oscar-nominated actress also appeared in Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and on TV series like Star Trek and Batman.

A A (2024-10-30). By creating hostilities with Venezuela, Brazil loses regional leadership. strategic-culture.su Brazilian veto on Venezuela's entry into BRICS creates more problems for Brasilia than for Caracas itself. | Join us on , , and . | Contact us: | Y…

The Media Line Staff (2024-10-30). 12 Dead as Boat Carrying Egyptian Migrants Capsizes off Libyan Coast. themedialine.org

publicbooks (2024-10-30). Breaking the Cycle: Laurence Ralph on "Sito: An American Teenager and the City That Failed Him" publicbooks.org "My experience with the criminal justice system is wanting to scream, but realizing that you could also find yourself in a more precarious situation if you do that."

Human Rights Watch (2024-10-30). Lebanon: Israeli Attacks on Medics Apparent War Crimes. hrw.org Click to expand Image | An ambulance lies destroyed in the rubble of an Israeli airstrike in Kafra, Lebanon on October 9, 2024. | © 2024 Carl Court/Getty Images | (Beirut) — The Israeli military has repeatedly attacked medical workers and healthcare facilities in Lebanon, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch documented three attacks, involving apparent war crimes, in which Israeli forces unlawfully struck medical personnel, transports, and facilities, including paramedics at a civil defense center in central Beirut on October 3, 2024, and an ambulance and a hospital in southern Lebanon…

The Star (2024-10-30). Malaysia's foreign minister claps back at Tucker Carlson over Kamala Harris jibe. scmp.com The ex-Fox News talk show host described Harris as a 'Samoan-Malaysian low-IQ former California prosecutor' in disparaging remarks on Sunday.

____ (2024-10-30). Colombian Court Lifts Suspension on Sirius-2 Gas Well. devdiscourse.com A Colombian court on Wednesday reversed a previous court order that had halted operations at the Sirius-2 gas well, formerly known as Uchuva-2, located off the country's Caribbean coast. The decision marks a significant shift in the legal battles surrounding the gas well.

The Independent (2024-10-30). Compassionate industrialist Ratan Tata dies at 86. independent.co.ug He cared about employees and citizens as well as profit OBITUARY | THANKOM ARUN | Professor of Global Development and Accountability, University of Essex Ratan Tata, who has died at the age of 86, was a giant of global industry, whose interests included cars, steel, hotels, travel and tea. But he was also hailed as a visionary …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-10-30). Mayo Clinic Q and A: What is cardiac amyloidosis? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My dad was diagnosed with cardiac amyloidosis shortly after his 70th birthday. It's difficult to pronounce let alone understand. What is cardiac amyloidosis? Am I at risk if it is genetic? ANSWER: Amyloidosis is a rare condition defined by the abnormal production of proteins that bind together to form amyloid proteins. These amyloids can gather in different organs throughout the body, including the heart, liver and kidneys. When amyloids form in the…

Reuters (2024-10-30). Russia fires missiles to simulate 'massive' response to a nuclear attack. scmp.com Moscow has repeatedly signalled that it will respond if the West allows Ukraine to strike deep into Russia with longer-range weapons.

ecns.cn (2024-10-30). Xi calls for continuously developing socialist culture with Chinese characteristics for new era. ecns.cn On the afternoon of Oct 28, the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held its 17th group study session. The topic was on developing a strong culture in China.

Adriaan Alsema (2024-10-30). Colombia's Senate agrees to begin decentralizing government. colombiareports.com Colombia's Senate voted to dramatically increase the budgets of regional authorities ahead of a debate to decentralize government. The bill, which has yet to be approved by the House of…

Urban CNY News (2024-10-30). John Mannion Makes Closing Argument In Final NY-22 Debate. urbancny.com Protect Women's Reproductive Freedoms, Secure The Border And Pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Ensure Great Public Schools, Keep Our Communities Safe And Affordable, And A Promise To Be A Representative Who Works With Everyone To Deliver Results Syracuse, NY — In last night's fourth and final debate for New York's 22nd Congressional District hosted by CNY Central at Onondaga Community College, New York State Senator John W. Mannion made his closing argument to voters, vowing to restore the protections of Roe v Wade, secure the border and pass comprehensive immigration reform, ensure great public school…

The Independent (2024-10-30). Mpox: Sex workers, boda boda riders affected most. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Kampala Capital City Authority has revealed an increase in the cases of Mpox disease in the city with the Kawempe division recording the highest numbers of 56 cases. Overall, the most affected job category are the sex workers and boda boda riders. Richard Walyomu, the incident commander of Mpox …

bwitanek (2024-10-30). BREAKING: CAIR Obtains Federal Court Ruling Against Texas' Unconstitutional Crackdown on Student Criticism of Israel: NJ TAKE NOTE! fightbackbetter.com I would suggest that NJ take note. The Democratic Party is leading an effort to outlaw criticism of Israel just…

aljazeera (2024-10-30). Biden tries to end furore after seeming to call Trump supporters 'garbage'. aljazeera.com The outgoing president's comments came as Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris made a major address.

aljazeera (2024-10-30). Harris makes final pitch to voters one week before US election. aljazeera.com Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris made her final pitch to voters one week before the US election.

newarab (2024-10-30). AOC under fire over 'gibberish' Arabic-language election posters. newarab.com US Democratic Congresswoman

newarab (2024-10-30). French court overturns ban of Israeli companies at defence trade fair. newarab.com A Paris commercial court on Wednesday threw out a French government decision to ban Israeli companies from setting up stands or exhibiting hardware at the Euronaval defence trade fair, according to a decision seen by AFP. | The court ordered the organisers "to suspend the execution of the measures adopted against the Israeli exhibiting companies whose stands were prohibited at the Euronaval 2024 exhibition until the closing date of the exhibition", the judgment said. | Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz hailed court verdict as a "significant victory against the unjust and undemocratic decision by the French…

newarab (2024-10-30). KDP and PUK retain power in Iraqi Kurdistan amid fraud claims. newarab.com The two main The ruling Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) emerged…

Agence France-Presse (2024-10-30). George W. Bush's daughter Barbara Bush endorses Kamala Harris in US election. scmp.com She also campaigned for the Democratic candidate in Pennsylvania, a crucial swing state in the US presidential race against Donald Trump.

tvbrics (2024-10-30). Egypt and UAE discuss strengthening bilateral cooperation in the field of water resources development. tvbrics.com The two sides discussed opportunities for Emirati investments in Egypt and exchange of experience in water resources management…

newarab (2024-10-30). UAE pardons Egypt's Zamalek football trio after jail verdict. newarab.com The UAE President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan Following the verdict on Tuesday, the official spokesman for the Egyptian M…

newarab (2024-10-30). Dozen Egyptian migrants feared dead off Libyan coast: sources. newarab.com A dozen The 13 men had set off for Al-Abreen, a group that provides humanitarian assistance…

tvbrics (2024-10-30). Ethiopia starts innovative studies for sustainable transboundary groundwater management. tvbrics.com The released topography map underscores the importance of groundwater sources…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-10-30). BRICS Post-Kazan: A Laboratory of the Future. libya360.wordpress.com Pepe Escobar The much-awaited BRICS heads of state meeting in Russia's Kazan did not disappoint. The multilateral institution has finally brought bite and substance to many of the global financial and political conundrums that have long-challenged a genuine reshaping of the global order. The Russian presidency of BRICS 2024 could not have chosen a more…

newarab (2024-10-30). Libya and Italy sign slew of cooperation deals. newarab.com The accords were signed by Prime Minister Abdulhamid Dbeibah and his Italian counterpart, Georgia Meloni, during the Italian-Libyan Business Forum, being held in the capital Tripoli after a decade's hiatus. | Libya is still strug…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-10-30). Evo Morales Denounces the Beginning of State Terrorism in Bolivia. libya360.wordpress.com Evo Morales Threatens Armed Uprising in Case of Arrest Agencia EFE The former president of Bolivia is accusing the current government of targeting him, both with judicial proceedings and assassination attempts. Bolivia's former president Evo Morales assured in an interview with EFE that if the government arrests him there will be an "uprising" against the…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-10-30). The Perils of Silence on the Forced Displacement of Palestinians: Escalating Zionist Crimes. libya360.wordpress.com Ansarollah In response to a question from an attendee at a meeting of the Jewish Agency's Executive Committee in 1938—ten years before the establishment of the Israeli entity—David Ben-Gurion stated his stance on forced displacement: "I support compulsory transfer, and I don't see anything unethical about it." For 76 years under Israeli occupation, Palestinians have…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-10-30). Weaponizing Aid: How USAID and the Global Fragility Act Sustain U.S. Imperialism in Libya. libya360.wordpress.com Tunde OsazuaOn Friday, April 29, 2022, USLBA hosted a meeting with U.S. officials and U.S. corporate executives to discuss the implementation of the Global Fragility Act in Libya to "prevent conflict and promote stability". Photo: The U.S.-Libya Business Association. The Global Fragility Act is a mechanism through which the US gives itself the authority to…

UMMID (2024-10-30). 'Because he…': Michigan Muslim leaders extend support to Donald Trump. ummid.com Muslim community leaders in Michigan Saturday October 26, 2024 extended their support to Donald Trump because they said the Republican Party candidate was promising peace.

aljazeera (2024-10-30). Donald Trump attempts to recover Latino support with Pennsylvania rally. aljazeera.com The Republican presidential candidate surrounded himself with Latino surrogates in Allentown as he weathered scandal.

Basit Mahmood (2024-10-30). Nigel Farage set to speak alongside Steve Bannon. leftfootforward.org Reform UK leader Nigel Farage is set to speak alongside far-right former Trump advisor Steve Bannon who has just been released from jail. | The arch Brexiteer, who has been accused of not giving a toss about his constituents in Clacton since being elected in July, making repeated trips to the U.S. in order to support Donald Trump, will now be heading to New York in a few weeks, so that he can headline the New York Young Republican Club gala dinner on Wall Street on December 15th, the Mirror reports. | Tickets are priced between $500 to $30,000. Speaking at the event along with Farage is Bannon, who was jailed…

Ahmed Adel (2024-10-30). Biden Wants to Join Harris' Election Campaign But Kept Away by Her Team. globalresearch.ca United States President Joe Biden has sought to participate in the presidential campaign of his vice president, Kamala Harris. However, the Democrat's team has kept him on the sidelines, believing his presence will harm her chances of overcoming Republican …

newarab (2024-10-30). Trump promises 'peace' in letter to Lebanese-Americans. newarab.com Former US president and current Trump pledged to bring The Republican candidate reached out to the communi…

The Associated Press (2024-10-30). Poll finds Democrats and Republicans split on Israel's responsibility for war's escalation. haaretz.com The conflict in the Middle East has become a major campaign issue as both former President Trump and Vice President Harris attempt to win over Muslim and Jewish voters in battleground states…

scorinoco (2024-10-30). Argentinian Analyst Atilio Borón: Role of BRICS Is Now More Important Than Ever (Interview). orinocotribune.com The leaders of the Global South and East are raising their voices for a common purpose: a multilateral, equitable and fairer world, in which the most vulnerable nations and the developing countries can unite and join forces to achieve a change. At the recently concluded 16th BRICS Summit that took place in the Russian city of Kazan, for three days leaders of emerging economies and special guests discussed the most pressing issues that the world is facing today, including sustainable development, eradication of poverty, adaptation to climate change, unilateral sanctions as a political weapon, and the war in the Mi…

Ben Norton (2024-10-30). BRICS Expands, Adds 13 New 'Partner Countries' at Historic Summit in Russia. orinocotribune.com The Global South-led organization BRICS is growing. More and more countries support the group's mission: to build a multipolar world, with BRICS held a summit in Kazan, Russia in October 2024, where 13 new "partner nations" were accepted. | At this historic meeting, China's President Xi Jinping referred to BRICS as "a vanguard for advancing global governance reform" and "reform of…

aljazeera (2024-10-30). Death and destruction as torrential rains lash Spain. aljazeera.com Heavy rain lashed much of eastern and southern Spain, flooding streets and disrupting rail and air travel.

aljazeera (2024-10-30). At least 62 dead after torrential rain, floods in Spain's Valencia region. aljazeera.com Emergency services continue search and rescue operations after flash floods hit southern and eastern Spain.

IMEMC News (2024-10-30). Soldiers Attack Palestinian Schoolchildren In Al-Khader. imemc.org On Wednesday, Israeli soldiers attacked schoolchildren in the town of Al-Khader, south of Bethlehem, in the occupied West Bank. Media sources said the soldiers invaded the Old City in Al-Khader and positioned their military vehicles in the "at-Tal" area after closing it. They added that the soldiers fired gas bombs and concussion grenades at the …

Ali Salam (2024-10-30). Israeli Forces Abduct Six Palestinians in Tubas, Nablus, and Bethlehem. imemc.org Israeli forces abducted six Palestinian citizens, including a child, on Tuesday, in the governorates of Tubas, Nablus, and Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank. Before dawn on Tuesday, occupation forces abducted a Palestinian young man after storming the town of Tammun, south of Tubas in the northwestern part of the West Bank. According to Kamal …

Andrea Mazzarino (2024-10-30). What's at Stake in 2024 — from (My) Rural America. counterpunch.org Images of homes that collapsed under mudslides or falling trees, waterlogged farms, and debris-filled roads drove home (yes, home!) to me recently the impact of Hurricane Helene on rural areas in the southeastern United States. That hurricane and the no-less-devastating Hurricane Milton that followed it only exacerbated already existing underlying problems for rural America. Those would include federal insurance programs that prioritize rising sea levels

ecns.cn (2024-10-30). Typhoon Trami leaves 7 dead, 1 missing in China's Hainan. ecns.cn Typhoon Trami has claimed seven lives and caused another missing in the southern Chinese island province of Hainan, according to the provincial emergency management authorities on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2024-10-30). Insights丨Malaysian Dato' Ong Chong Yi: China helps ASEAN build sustainable competitiveness. ecns.cn In early October, the 44th and 45th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit and related summits were held in Vientiane, Laos. During an exclusive interview with China News Network, Dato' Ong Chong Yi, Executive Director of BRI Caucus for Asia Pacific (BRICAP), noted that strengthening both physical and digital connectivity will empower ASEAN to enhance its competitiveness, integrate more deeply into global supply chains, and build long-term resilience in an increasingly complex international and regional landscape.

newarab (2024-10-30). Suspect in killing of three UK girls faces 'terrorism' charges. newarab.com The suspect in the devastating UK knife attack in July that killed three young girls was charged with producing a deadly poison and "terrorism" offences, British police said on Tuesday. | The new charges against Axel Rudakubana, 18, came after a search of his home where an Al Qaeda training manual was found, police said. | Rudakubana is accused of killing the three young girls aged between six and nine at a Taylor Swift dance event in Southport, murders which shocked the nation. | Police said the incident was still not being treated as terrorist related but said after searches of his home, Rudakubana had now b…

newarab (2024-10-30). Nun captured by Israelis in Lebanon returns to native France. newarab.com A Catholic nun who was living in south Beatrice Mauger, a 60-year-old Catholic nun and founder of a hermitage in the

newarab (2024-10-30). Israel 'eradicating Hezbollah' means erasure for Lebanese Shia. newarab.com On September 17, Israel Before this attack, Israel focused its efforts on a policy of "slow killing" and collective punishment in South Lebanon following Hezbollah's announcement of the "Support Front" on October 8 2023. | Nevertheless, events following the attack marked the beginning of a new dangerous stage of…

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-10-30). Islamic Resistance fighters targeted a gathering of Israeli enemy soldiers in Al-Umrah area south of Al-Khiam with a missile barrage: Statement. english.almanar.com.lb

Urban CNY News (2024-10-30). The Time Is Now #GOTV Rally. urbancny.com Join us for an exciting event where we come together to make a difference in our community. The rally will take place on Sat Nov 02 2024 at 1: 00pm at OnaJava Cafe located at 1555 S Salina St. Get ready to be inspired and motivated to take action. Let's make our voices heard and create positive change. Together, the time is now to get out the vote! Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with dynamic individuals and be part of something bigger than ourselves. See you there! Saturday, November 2 1 — 2pm EDTOnaJava Cafe1555 South Salina Street Win With Black Women New York…

Reuters (2024-10-30). UK teen accused of killing 3 girls also made ricin, had al-Qaeda manual, police say. scmp.com Axel Rudakubana, 18, is allegedly behind murders at a Taylor Swift dance event in Southport that shocked Britain and provoked days of riots.

newarab (2024-10-30). Sexual violence on 'staggering' scale in Sudan civil war: UN. newarab.com

newarab (2024-10-30). War in Sudan has displaced over 14 million, or about 30% of the population, UN says. newarab.com The war in Of those, 11 million are internally displaced and 3.1 million have fled to neighbouring countries, Amy Pope, director-general of the IOM, said in a press briefing from Port Sudan. The number of the displaced had increased by 200,000 since September…

The Media Line Staff (2024-10-30). UN Chief Urges New Strategies To Protect Sudanese Civilians as Violence Escalates. themedialine.org

The Independent (2024-10-30). Why Sudanese refugees may not go back home even when peace is restored. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Sudanese refugees in Uganda and other countries are worried that even when peace returns to their homes, they might not be able to go back. This is because, according to studies, there are sustained efforts by powers there to confiscate the land they occupied before the conflicts, especially the 2003 …

The Independent (2024-10-30). General Musuguri, who led 1979 Liberation war, dies at 104. independent.co.ug President Samia Suluhu Hassan salutes former Tanzania CDF Mwanza, Tanzania | DAILY NEWS TANZANIA | Former Chief of Defence Forces, General David Musuguri, 104, has passed away in Mwanza, where he was going under treatment. President Samia Suluhu Hassan soon after conveyed a message of condolence to Tanzania's Chief of Defence Force, General Jacob Mkunda following …

Alex MacDonald (2024-10-30). Tunisia: Family denied access to jailed opposition leader on hunger strike. middleeasteye.net

The Independent (2024-10-30). 357 persons in Luwero bit by foxes, cats and dogs. independent.co.ug Luwero, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Atleast 357 persons have been bitten by animals within Luwero district in a period of nine months, a health report shows. According to the health department report, 325 people were bitten by domestic animals and 32 persons by wild animals. The animals are mostly dogs, wild foxes and cats. The …

The Independent (2024-10-30). 9 hacked to death in Kagadi. independent.co.ug Kagadi, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Nine people have been hacked to death in Kagadi District. The incident happened on Tuesday in Muzizi cell, Kyaterekera town council. Unknown people armed with machetes raided the village at 9 pm and started hacking people indiscriminately. They later fled to an unknown destination. The dead persons include men, women …

The Independent (2024-10-30). Absa partner with Rotary and My Tree Initiative to plant trees in schools. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Absa Bank Uganda, Rotary Uganda and My Tree Initiative Organization, have launched a schools greening programme aimed at engaging 90,000 students in planting and nurturing 120,000 trees across 183 primary schools. Under the theme "Sustainable Growing of 120,000 Trees in Primary Schools", this Programme aims to combat climate change and …

The Independent (2024-10-30). EU funded sh20 billion food production scheme for Karamoja launched. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | A sh20 billion food security and production project for Karamoja to be funded by the European Union, has been launched today. The three year project that aims to sustain food production on large scale in Karamoja sub-region, was launched by Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries Under Secretary, Ronald …

The Independent (2024-10-30). 'Hail the life of loved ones when still alive' says Fr Manjas as family celebrates Pontiano Ogen, 92. independent.co.ug Tororo, Uganda | OLIVIA IRUMBA KATUSHABE | The parish priest of Nagongera Mission has advised Christians to always celebrate the lives of their loved ones and the people they admire when they are still alive, and not when they are lifeless. Rev. Fr. Clement Manjas who is also a tutor at Nagongera Seminary says it …

The Independent (2024-10-30). KKids Foundation, Bafrika Creations and Eco-Warriors win top prizes in Ecobank Challenge. independent.co.ug Ecobank Uganda Honors Community Heroes Through the #EcobankUGExtramile Challenge in Celebration of Service Month Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Ecobank Uganda has announced the three winning organizations in their newly launched #EcobankUGExtramile Challenge in Celebration of Service Month. Karothk Kids Foundation, Bafrika Creations and Eco-Warriors Uganda take home a total cash prize of sh2 million, each selected …

The Independent (2024-10-30). UN envoy lauds UPDF for peace interventions. independent.co.ug KAMPALA, UGANDA | THE INDEPENDENT | The outgoing United Nations Resident Coordinator in Uganda, Susan Ngongi Namondo, has extoled Uganda People's Defence Forces (UPDF) for its distinguished contribution to peace missions in the region. Namondo, who was meeting the Chief of Defence Forces (CDF), Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba, said UPDF has been a force to rely on …

The Independent (2024-10-30). West Nile leaders urge community to embrace Wendi mobile wallet to boost the region's economic potential. independent.co.ug Over 7500 SACCOs targeted for the financial inclusion drive Nebbi, Uganda | THE INDPENDENT | The West Nile community has been called upon to embrace digital transformation as a gateway to economic empowerment, citing Wendi mobile wallet as a key driver towards scaling up financial inclusion in the region. This appeal was made during the …

The Independent (2024-10-30). Catholic church investigates Virgin Mary appearance claims. independent.co.ug Wakiso, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Since last week, Catholic believers in Nalyamagonja-Manyangwa, Gayaza in Wakiso District, have flocked to a home where it's claimed that the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, appeared during a rosary prayer gathering. Alex Kamoga, a resident of the area who claims to have been present during the event, shared with …

The Independent (2024-10-30). Kisoro Woman MP By-election: Election of UPC flag bearer flops. independent.co.ug Kisoro, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Election of a Uganda People's Congress (UPC) party flag bearer to contest for Kisoro District Woman Member of Parliament on Tuesday flopped after candidates clashed over the voting method and presence of ineligible voters. UPC party supporters converged at Bamboo Gardens in Kisoro municipality to elect the flag bearer. …

The Independent (2024-10-30). Uganda Baati launches another phase of skilling program in Tororo. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Uganda Baati under the Safal Uganda Baati Foundation has launched the second phase of its Economic Empowerment Skilling Program targeting out-of-school youth in Tororo District. The initiative aims to address pressing social issues, including high youth unemployment and teenage pregnancies, by equipping young people with practical, employable skills. Following the …

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2024-10-26: News Headlines

Patrick Bond (2024-10-26). Rising dangers of imperial+sub-imperial partnering. cadtm.org Following the Johannesburg BRICS summit in August 2023, the new 'BRICS+' — whose leadership will be hosted by Vladimir Putin in Kazan from October 22-24 — now consist of not only Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, but also Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates — with Saudi Arabia potentially joining before 2024 ends, in the event Donald Trump is not elected U.S. President on November 5.
| And on November 18-19 in Rio de Janeiro, Inácio Lula da Silva will welcome leaders of (…) | – | /…

Kungu Al-Mahadi Adam (2024-10-26). Uganda joins BRICS as Kampala Roots for New Strategic Partnerships. plusnews.ug Uganda, on Thursday, officially joined BRICS as partner state, allowing Kampala more opportunities to cooperate with an economic grouping looking to challenge a Western-led global status quo. The new partnership status follows months of speculation about Uganda's interest in joining the group, which consists of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. In a three-day-long …

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2024-10-26). Our Revolutions Are For The Survival And Development Of Human Civilisation. popularresistance.org Next year is the seventieth anniversary of the Asian-African Conference held in Bandung, Indonesia, in 1955 and attended by heads of government and state from twenty-nine African and Asian countries. Indonesia's President Sukarno (1901—1970), who had led the freedom movement in Indonesia against Dutch colonialism, opened the conference with a speech entitled 'Let a New Asia and a New Africa be Born!', in which he lamented that, while human technical and scientific progress had advanced, the politics of the world remained in a state of disarray.

UMMID (2024-10-26). Abu Dhabi to host Bitcoin Conference 2024. ummid.com Billed as the world's largest Bitcoin event, Bitcoin Conference 2024, is set to hold its inaugural Middle East and North Africa (MENA) conclave in Abu Dhabi.

Abayomi Azikiwe, Black Agenda Report. (2024-10-26). United Nations Releases New Report On Death Of Dag Hammarskjold In 1961. popularresistance.org September 18, 1961, was a significant day in the struggle surrounding the African liberation movements aimed at ending colonialism on the continent. | United Nations Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold and the entire crew and passengers aboard his plane went down in Ndola located in the then British colony of Northern Rhodesia, now known as Zambia. | Although the colonial authorities claimed that the crash and subsequent deaths were the result of "pilot error", ever since this time questions have been raised over whether the crash was a deliberate act of sabotage designed to prevent a political solution to the cri…

ICRC (2024-10-26). Central African Republic: Clean drinking water remains a luxury. icrc.org

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-10-26). UN agencies call for access to Sudan to address crisis. plenglish.com United Nations, Oct 26 (Prensa Latina) Access limitations in Sudan are hampering the ability to deliver supplies and protection to the most vulnerable communities, United Nations agencies warned today, calling for ways to help this conflict-troubled African country.

Kungu Al-Mahadi Adam (2024-10-26). Libya Fined For Stranding Nigeria at Airport. plusnews.ug The CAF Disciplinary Board fined Libya Football Federation $50,000 and awarded Nigeria three points for the unplayed game between the two teams in the 2025 Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) qualifiers. The Super Eagles faced a harrowing experience on 14 October when Libyan authorities stranded the team for over thirteen hours at Al Abraq Airport …

Plus News (2024-10-26). Why CAF Adjusted Uganda-South Africa Kickoff to 4 PM. plusnews.ug The Federation of Uganda Football Associations (FUFA) has announced that Uganda's Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) qualifying match against South Africa will kick off at 4 pm. A brief statement issued on Thursday by FUFA spokesperson Ahmed Hussein explained that it was the Confederation of African Football (CAF) that set the kickoff time for this …

Maxime Duriez (2024-10-26). A year on in Gaza, the horrors must stop. fidh.org

Maxime Duriez (2024-10-26). Tunisia : Kais Saied re-elected – the hopes of the democratic transition fade. fidh.org

The Independent (2024-10-26). DRC President Tshisekedi announces process for new constitution. independent.co.ug Kinshasa, DRC | ALL AFRICA.COM | President Félix Tshisekedi announced that a commission would draft the DR Congo's new Constitution next year, reports RFI, as the current one is "not good" and "written in a foreign country". Tshisekedi was addressing the nation from Kisangani in the Tshopo Province, where he also spoke of social and security …

The Independent (2024-10-26). Nyerere, 25 years later. independent.co.ug Remembering the legacy of one of Africa's most charismatic and iconic post-colonial statesmen THE LAST WORD | Andrew M. Mwenda | Last week, I travelled to Tanzania to commemorate Nyerere Day. The event was held in Butiama, a small village in Northern Tanzania where Julius Nyerere was born. It marked 25 years since his death. Nyerere was the …

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-10-26). Cuba reaffirms commitment to health collaboration in Angola. plenglish.com Luanda, Oct 25 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's Health Minister, Dr. José Angel Portal, today reaffirmed his country's commitment to continue providing health cooperation with Angola and thus contribute to the welfare of the people.

UMMID (2024-10-26). School Index 2024: South Asia's Top 5 Schools are in India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. ummid.com South Asia's top 5 schools ae – 3 in India and 1 each in Pakistan and Sri Lanka, Carfax Education said while releasing the School Index 2024.

Rob Darakjian, Labor Notes. (2024-10-26). Fellow Letter Carriers, Stand Together, Vote No On Sellout Contract! popularresistance.org City letter carriers finally got to see the headlines of the tentative agreement Letter Carriers (NALC) President Brian Renfroe has negotiated—after more than 500 days of working without a contract and being kept completely in the dark about the state of bargaining. | In that time, a groundswell of enthusiasm and organizing for "Open Bargaining"—the right to be informed about the real state of negotiations—has swept through the union and became the Build a Fighting NALC movement. More than 40 union branches and a few state associations passed resolutions calling for this democratic right.

aljazeera (2024-10-26). Fact check: Does Donald Trump want to do away with the Affordable Care Act? aljazeera.com Kamala Harris's campaign claims that he does.

presstv.ir (2024-10-26). Hezbollah hits Israeli Merkava tanks in southern Lebanon. presstv.ir The Hezbollah resistance movement has carried out more retaliatory attacks on Israeli positions in the occupied territories and in southern Lebanon.

IMEMC News (2024-10-26). Day 386 in Gaza: Carnage Continues in Northern Gaza, 250+ Killed Since Wednesday. imemc.org On Saturday, day 386 of Israel's ongoing and relentless genocide against the entire civilian population of the Gaza Strip, Israeli forces continued their 22-day long siege on Jabalia in northern Gaza, and continued their forced displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from northern Gaza. According to the Health Ministry in Gaza,The Israeli occupation forces …

ICRC (2024-10-26). The Global Network for Weapon-Wounded Care and Surgical Learning Hub. icrc.org Enhancing Surgical Care in Conflict Settings…

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-10-26). Italy raises funds to support hurricane victims in Cuba. plenglish.com Rome, Oct 26 (Prensa Latina) The National Italy-Cuba Friendship Association (Anaic) is reportedly carrying out a fund-raising campaign to help the victims of hurricane Oscar that recently hit the eastern Cuban province of Guantanamo.

Pressenza Philippines (2024-10-26). Forest Fire Prevention in the Cordillera Administrative Region for Climate Resilience. pressenza.com by Alaska J. Turaray | The Philippines, an archipelago with a rich biodiversity, is especially vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Among its regions, the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) stands out for its unique geography as the country's only landlocked area. CAR's lush mountainous landscape, coupled with its cool climate, has earned it the reputation as a top tourist destination. This natural charm has also contributed to the region's high Human Development Index (HDI), with Benguet leading the charge as one of the top-ranked provinces, according to the 2023 Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA…

newarab (2024-10-26). Biden apology for Indian abuses interrupted by Gaza protester. newarab.com "This to me is one of the most consequential things I've ever had an opportunity to do in my whole career," Biden said in his apology at an outdoor football and track field in Laveen Villag…

newarab (2024-10-26). Israel strikes kill Iranian soldiers as Gaza hospital besieged. newarab.com Israel carried out airstrikes on Iran early on Saturday, in retaliation for Tehran's missile attacks on 1 October, warning Iran that it would "pay a heavy price" if it Two Iranian soldiers, Hamze Jihandideh and Mohammad Mehdi Shahrokhifar, were killed during Israel's attacks, the Iranian army said. The Revolutionary Guard Corps named Mehdi Naqvi and Sajjad Mansouri as the latest casualties of the attack. | Israel's military said it struck missile manufacturing facilities, missile arrays and other systems…

newarab (2024-10-26). Israeli army carries out third incursion in a month into Syria. newarab.com

newarab (2024-10-26). Lebanon: More than 160 health workers killed in Israeli attacks. newarab.com Israel has carried out hundreds of attacks on Lebanon's healthcare system since last year, the country's health minister revealed, as he called on the international community to stop ignoring During a press conference Friday, Firas Abyad detailed what he called Israel's "direct and intentional" attacks on facilities, workers and vehicles. | Abyad said there has been at least 200 attacks on first-aid agencies. There have been 55 attacks on hospitals — 36 of them direct attacks —…

newarab (2024-10-26). Biden apology to Native Americans interrupted by Gaza protester. newarab.com "This to me is one of the most consequential things I've ever had an opportunity to do in my whole career," Biden said in his apology at an outdoor football and track field in Laveen Villag…

Carley Riggins (2024-10-26). Ohio's attorney general uses anti-BDS legislation to attack divestment movement in Ohio. liberationnews.org In Ohio, more than $330 million dollars are currently invested in Israel, $80 million of which comes from county governments.

Staff (2024-10-26). 'They Must Carry this Genocide with Shame' — UN Urges World Leaders to End the Genocide. defenddemocracy.press The UN special rapporteur on health accused world leaders of bankruptcy for failing to stop the genocide in Gaza. Oct 26, 2024 The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Health, Tlaleng Mofokeng, urgently appealed on Friday to world leaders to exert all efforts and use their power to stop the ongoing genocide on the besieged Gaza …

Gary Lai (2024-10-26). How Hong Kong could be a regional leader in green transport. scmp.com With plans for sustainably designed MTR stations and zero-emission buses, the city is moving foward on its goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

Staff (2024-10-26). Over 180 rockets fired from Lebanon at Israel's north, mostly in three-hour period. haaretz.com IRAN: The IDF carried out a series of strikes against military targets in Iran in response to 'continuous attacks' by the Iranian regime, the IDF said ‚ñ GAZA: IDF announces expansion of Al-Mawasi humanitarian zone in southern Gaza ‚ñ LEBANON: 130 rockets fired from Lebanon at Israel in two-hour period on Saturday ‚ñ HOSTAGE DEAL: Mossad, Egyptian intelligence chiefs meet ahead of Sunday's Qatar summit…

Staff (2024-10-26). Israel warns Iran it 'will be obligated to respond' if it opens new round of escalation. haaretz.com IRAN: The Israeli army carried out a series of strikes against military targets in Iran in response to 'continuous attacks' by the Iranian regime, the IDF said ‚ñ GAZA: Health officials in Gaza say Israeli forces raided Kamal Adwan Hospital, in the northern Strip ‚ñ LEBANON: Two Israelis killed, seven wounded, in northern Israeli city of Majdal Krum following a rocket barrage from Lebanon ‚ñ HOSTAGE DEAL: Mossad, Egyptian intelligence chiefs meet ahead of Sunday's Qatar summit…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-10-26). Mayo Clinic Minute: 3 tips to avoid Halloween hand injuries. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org There are plenty of frights to go around on Halloween, but a hand injury probably isn't one you'd expect. "Interestingly, it's the fourth busiest holiday for hand injuries," says Dr. Sanj Kakar, a Mayo Clinic orthopedic hand and wrist surgeon. Dr. Kakar says almost one-third of those Halloween hand injuries are among kids ages 10 to 14. And most of them happen when people are carving pumpkins. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-10-26). Mayo Clinic Platform_Accelerate and JETRO Japan join forces with U.S. Healthcare Immersion Program. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic Platform_Accelerate has announced a strategic agreement with the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) to implement a two-phase program aimed at enhancing U.S. healthcare and business immersion opportunities for Japanese health technology companies. In the first phase, 16 Japanese companies will gain insights through an educational immersion program led by Mayo Clinic Platform_Accelerate aimed to provide firsthand experience in observing how healthcare professionals use or would benefit from artificial intelligence (AI)…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-10-26). In case you missed it: This week's Top 5 stories on social media. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Check out a few of the most popular News Network stories on @mayoclinic social media this past week. Mayo Clinic Minute: The importance of breast cancer screening A recent report from the American Cancer Society calculates that 1 in 50 women will develop invasive breast cancer by the age of 50. Early detection through screening can lead to more treatable and curable breast cancers. Dr. Elizabeth Cathcart-Rake clears up confusion about who should be screened and…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-10-26). Mayo Clinic named Tier 1 Center of Excellence for Telomere Biology Disorders. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic has been designated a Tier 1 Center of Excellence for Telomere Biology Disorders by Team Telomere, an international organization devoted to improving the lives of those affected by these complex conditions. This recognition reinforces Mayo Clinic's commitment to enhance diagnostic precision, advance patient care and develop groundbreaking treatments. Telomere biology disorders, also known as short telomere syndromes or disorders, are rare diseases due to genetic mutations that accelerate shortening of telomeres, which are…

María Candela (2024-10-26). Canciller cubano exposición artística "Cuba no está sola" radiohc.cu La Habana, 26 oct (RHC) El canciller cubano Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla saludó este sábado desde la red social X la exposición #CubaIsNotAlone (Cuba no está sola) en las calles de Nueva York, los días días 29 y 30 de octubre próximos, coincidiendo con la discusión de la Resolución 78/7 de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas que denuncia el bloqueo de Estados Unidos contra el pueblo de esta nación caribeña.

Staff (2024-10-26). Un héroe de verdad. cubadebate.cu Con un grupo de jóvenes traje gente de la cuadra para la casa de mi tía arriba, en la segunda planta, y de ahí me tiré de cabeza a buscar a los niños. Fue una madrugada dura. Cuando vino Salvamento y Rescate, ya de día, les ayudé a sacar a los vulnerables, personas adultas y de la tercera edad para allá", dice mientras intenta contener el sollozo y señala rumbo a la carretera que enlaza la capital sanantoniense con la ciudad de Guantánamo.

María Candela (2024-10-26). Desde Italia apoyo a damnificados por huracán en Cuba (+Audio). radiohc.cu Roma, 26 oct (RHC) La Asociación Nacional de Amistad Italia-Cuba (Anaic) desarrolla una campaña de recaudación de fondos para ayudar a damnificados por el huracán Oscar en la oriental provincia cubana de Guantanamo, señaló este sábado un portavoz.

María Candela (2024-10-26). Priorizan entrega de alimentos en municipio afectado por Oscar. radiohc.cu Guantánamo, 26 oct (RHC) La distribución de alimentos a la población afectada es una de las prioridades en el municipio de San Antonio del Sur, inmerso en la recuperación de los estragos del huracán Oscar, categoría uno de cinco, el cual tocó tierra guantanamera en la madrugada del pasado 21 de octubre.

María Candela (2024-10-26). Camino a Guantánamo primer contenedor con donaciones del occidente (+Fotos). radiohc.cu La Habana, 26 oct (RHC) El primer contenedor con donaciones provenientes de las provincias occidentales partió este sábado, desde la capital, como parte de la ayuda solidaria de la población y las organizaciones de la sociedad civil para los municipios guantanameros afectados por el huracán Oscar.

Staff (2024-10-26). Los Dodgers dejan al campo a los Yankees en extrainnings en primer juego de la gran final. cubadebate.cu Freddie Freeman se levantó de las cenizas y pegó un jonrón ganador en el décimo inning y los Dodgers de Los àÅngeles vencieron por 6-3 a los Yanquis de Nueva York para colocarse 1-0 arriba en la Serie Mundial 2024 el viernes por la noche en Dodger Stadium ante 52,394 enloquecidos aficionados.

UMMID (2024-10-26). CBSE 2025: 10th, 12th Practical Exam Dates Out, Theory Date Sheet Soon. ummid.com The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Thursday released the Practical Exam Dates of Class 10th (X) and 12th (XII) board exams 2025 and is likely to release the time table and date sheet of theory exams any moment.

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-10-26). New Israeli Aggression on Syria, Air Defenses Repel Attack. english.almanar.com.lb Syrian army air defenses repelled an Israeli missile aggression that targeted some military sites in the central and southern regions, SANA news agency reported early Saturday. "Our anti-aircraft defense is confronting hostile targets in the skies around Damascus," the agency said on Telegram after reporting "sounds of explosions" in the vicinity of the Syrian capital. …

Pressenza Philippines (2024-10-26). BCU Hosts the 3rd World March for Peace Philippine Leg: A Symphony of Global Harmony. pressenza.com (First in a Series) | by Josefa P. Dampilag, Pacita E. Gawaen, Genevieve B. Kupang, Christine S. Luyosen, Alaska J. Turaray | The 3rd World March (3WM) for Peace and Nonviolence was more than just a gathering—it was a powerful testament to humanity's enduring yearning for harmony and compassion. Held on October 21, 2024, at the Margarita J. Fernandez Hall of Baguio Central University, the event resonated like a symphony of peace, each moment contributing to a grand crescendo of hope. The gathering was attended by BCU administrators, faculty, students, and both local and international guests, all united in t…

María Candela (2024-10-26). Presidente cubano felicita a Machado Ventura en su cumpleaños. radiohc.cu La Habana, 26 oct (RHC) Miguel Díaz-Canel, Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba (PCC) y Presidente de la República, envió este sábado un abrazo fuerte y agradecido al comandante del Ejército Rebelde José Ramón Machado Ventura en su 94 cumpleaños.

María Candela (2024-10-26). Díaz-Canel lamenta fallecimiento de destacado educador cubano. radiohc.cu La Habana, 26 oct (RHC) Miguel Díaz-Canel, Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba (PCC) y Presidente de la República, lamentó este sábado el fallecimiento de Juan Virgilio López Palacio, profesor y Doctor Honoris Causa en Pedagogía de la Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas (UCLV).

Pavan Kulkarni, People's Dispatch. (2024-10-26). Congo Week Draws Attention To The Congolese Struggle. popularresistance.org Teach-ins, concerts, screenings of films and documentaries, rallies, demonstrations, and other actions and events were organized in several cities around the globe from October 13 to 19 to raise global consciousness about the struggles of the Congolese people for peace and justice. | "Breaking the Silence: Congo Week" has been observed annually in the third week of October since 2008 to commemorate the more than 5.4 million killed over the last 10 to 12 years, amid what the UN described as the deadliest conflict since World War II.

Our Reporter (2024-10-26). UPDF Speaks Out on Road Crash in DRC. plusnews.ug The Uganda People's Defence Forces (UPDF) have spoken out on a road crash involving soldiers in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). UPDF's response comes on a picture that shows that several soldiers had perished in a road crash that occurred at Beni-Biakato road. Maj Bilal Katamba, the Public Information Officer for UPDF's Mountain Division …

The Independent (2024-10-26). UPDF speaks out on road crash in DRC. independent.co.ug North Kivu, DRC | THE INDEPENDENT | The Uganda People's Defence Forces (UPDF) have spoken out on a road crash involving soldiers in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). UPDF's response comes on a picture that shows that several soldiers had perished in a road crash that occurred at Beni-Biakato road. Maj Bilal Katamba, the Public …

WSWS (2024-10-26). SEP (Australia) members menaced while campaigning against CFMEU administration. wsws.org The CFMEU bureaucracy and its defenders are hostile to the fight to mobilise construction workers against putting the union into administration, which is a historic attack on their democratic rights aimed at slashing pay and conditions.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-10-26). DPRK Foreign Ministry denounces US provocations. plenglish.com Pyongyang, Oct 26 (Prensa Latina) The Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) denounced that today's intention of the United States to confront the armed forces of this country is becoming more open, after provocations by the Republic of Korea.

tvbrics (2024-10-26). Egypt's Prime Minister stresses the importance of the Export Reimbursement Programme for the country's economic growth. tvbrics.com The programme plays an important role in achieving the government's goal of doubling exports in priority sectors…

newarab (2024-10-26). Egypt probes mass food poisoning at Al-Azhar's Luxor campus. newarab.com

tvbrics (2024-10-26). More than 31,000 citizens complete training programme under initiative Five Million Ethiopian Coders. tvbrics.com More than 246,000 citizens have so far participated in the training programme…

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-10-26). Cuba and Ethiopia assess trade potential. plenglish.com Addis Ababa, Oct 25 (Prensa Latina) The charge d'affaires of the Cuban Embassy here, Natalys Dinza, and the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations of Ethiopia, Sebsib Abafira, today addressed the potential of collaboration between the two nations.

Zachary J. Patterson (2024-10-26). The Kenyan Uprising. cadtm.org

The Independent (2024-10-26). Ruto vows to promote peace with Uganda, South Sudan through cultural festivals. independent.co.ug NAIROBI, KENYA | Xinhua | Kenyan President William Ruto on Friday pledged to promote peace among communities along the country's borders with Uganda and South Sudan through cultural activities. Ruto said the country will host annual cultural activities that bring together the Turkana of Kenya, Toposa of South Sudan, and Karamajong of Uganda, communities that …

Martin Hacthoun (2024-10-26). Russia worried over military escalation between Israel and Iran. plenglish.com The spokeswoman wrote on her Telegram channel on Saturday that the concern stems from the fact that the situation poses a real threat to stability and security in the Middle East region. | According to the diplomat, the causes of this situation lie in the failure to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on the basis of the well-known decisions of the Security Council and the UN General Assembly, which has lead to increasing tensions. | "We consider it extremely necessary to normalize the military and political situation in the Middle East as soon as possible, which would meet the interests of all reasonable pl…

____ (2024-10-26). Deadly Militant Assault Shakes Gulmarg's Security Apparatus. devdiscourse.com A lethal militant attack on an Army convoy has jolted the Gulmarg sector of Jammu and Kashmir, claiming the lives of four individuals, including two soldiers. The attack occurred in the Bota Pathri area, affecting a convoy on its way to the Nagin post, senior police official Mohammad Zaid Malik reported Saturday.

ecns.cn (2024-10-26). Xi congratulates Chapo on election as Mozambique's president. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday sent a congratulatory message to Daniel Francisco Chapo on his election as president of the Republic of Mozambique.

ICRC (2024-10-26). Nigeria: Overcoming mental health challenges in the face of crisis. icrc.org

ICRC (2024-10-26). Nigeria: Admissions of malnourished children rise amid four-year high in food insecurity due to conflict and climate. icrc.org

Associated Press (2024-10-26). Trump visits Texas to tape Joe Rogan's podcast and attack Harris on immigration. scmp.com The Republican nominee says the US is being treated like a 'garbage can for the rest of the world to dump the people that they don't want'.

Kawala Xie (2024-10-26). Chinese hackers targeted Trump, Vance, as well as Harris election campaign, US reports say. scmp.com Perpetrators are said to have tapped into Verizon's network in bid to access devices used by the Republican nominee and his running mate.

Reuters (2024-10-26). Israel retaliates against Iran by striking military targets as Middle East tensions soar. scmp.com Several strong explosions heard around the capital Tehran and the Islamic republic suspended all flights until further notice.

The Independent (2024-10-26). Another fuel tanker explodes in Kabale. independent.co.ug kabale, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Traffic is paralyzed along the Mbarara-Kabale highway following an explosion by a fuel tanker. The tanker rolled down at Kyanamira corner Kyanamira sub-county, Kabale district and exploded around midday on Saturday. The fuel tanker was destined for Kabale direction from Kampala. Mbarara-Kabale highway connects to the Uganda-Rwanda border of Katuna …

ecns.cn (2024-10-26). Xi's Russia trip strengthens BRICS' pillars. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping's recent visit to Russia to attend the 16th BRICS Summit provides a fresh outlook on how China effectively responds to the changing global landscape, reflects the common will of the Global South countries.

bwitanek (2024-10-26). BBQ / Fundraiser for Palestine, Sun, Oct 27, 12-4pm Cooper River Park. fightbackbetter.com Join us and Spare change? Bring it! We'll have a jar for loose change, and every penny counts. All proceeds will provide emergency aid to a family from Gaza. | WHEN: Sunday, October 27th, 12: 00 — 4: 00 PM | WHERE: South Park Pavilion, Camden, NJ 08103 (…

WSWS (2024-10-26). Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific. wsws.org Construction workers in Thailand protest unpaid wages; India: Punjab road transport workers demand permanent jobs and equal pay; Australia: Qantas maintenance engineers strike for pay rise; New South Wales public hospital mental health doctors threaten to resign during pay dispute.

WSWS (2024-10-26). Eaton workers in southern Illinois call for globally unified fight with Boeing workers: "We're small individually, but together we can become huge" wsws.org On Monday, nearly 400 Eaton workers at the Troy and Highland, Illinois, facilities went on strike and joined a global strike wave of their coworkers in the United States and in Britain.

presstv.ir (2024-10-26). Halevi hints at 'sharp end' in Lebanon as Israel suffers deadliest days. presstv.ir The Israeli military has suffered the deadliest days of its ground invasion of southern Lebanon and the Gaza Strip when at least 13 soldiers were killed in less than 48 hours.

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-10-26). Hezbollah's Islamic Resistance drones directly hit the Tel Nof Air base south of Tel Aviv: statement. english.almanar.com.lb

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-10-26). Havana's Latin American Stadium turns 78 years old. plenglish.com Initially baptized as Gran Stadium de La Habana or Estadio del Cerro, the colossus opened its doors on October 26, 1946 for the game between the capital's Alacranes del Almendares team and the southern team Elefantes de Cienfuegos, within the framework of the now defunct Cuban Professional Baseball League. | More than 30 000 fans gathered that day, breaking all attendance records for a sporting event in the history of Cuba and since then it has become the island's baseball cathedral. | Its grounds have witnessed many unforgettable moments such as the fight of the famous American boxer Joe Luis, the game in which…

newarab (2024-10-26). 10 Israeli soldiers killed in south Lebanon in 24 hours. newarab.com Five Israeli soldiers were killed in southern Lebanon Thursday night, the military has announced, as invading troops continue clashing with Hezbollah fighters. | Twenty-four other soldiers were wounded, four of them in critical condition, the military said. | According to Times of Israel, four of the reservists were killed when Hezbollah fighters emerged from a tunnel shaft and threw grenades, while the fifth soldier was killed in a separate incident. | This brought the number up to 10 soldiers killed and more than 60 wounded in the past 24 hours, according to the military. | Israel says only 27 soldiers have…

newarab (2024-10-26). 10 policemen killed in 'terror attack' in Iran's southeast. newarab.com At least 10 police officers were killed in a "terrorist attack" in an area of They were killed during an attack on "police vehicles" in No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, which occurred so…

newarab (2024-10-26). Israel's strikes on Iran: What do we know so far. newarab.com The strikes targeted the capital Tehran as well as the southwestern provinces of Khuzestan and Ilam, lasting several hours and involving more than 100 Israeli fighter jets, including F35s, F16s and F15s, Israeli media reported. | Israel used…

newarab (2024-10-26). Lebanese nationals welcomed in Iraq as Israel's war escalates. newarab.com When Israel started attacking Gaza in October last year, Lebanese native Dalia Hourani said, "We knew we were next." | But it was only after Lebanon's Hezbollah chief The 42-year-old mother of two from southern Lebanon said she has learnt what the "copy and paste" speeches of Israeli politicians mean now — especially when looking at the brutality of Israel's war in Gaza. |

newarab (2024-10-26). Israel 'deliberately' kills three journalists in south Lebanon. newarab.com Al-Mayadeen, a Beirut-based pan-Arab broadcaster, said its cameraman Ghassan Najjar and technician Mohammad Reda were killed in what it described as a "deliberate strike on a journalists' residence" in Hasbaya. | Lebanese television station Al-Manar said its cameraman Wissam Qassem was also killed in the strike. Three others were injured in the attac…

Staff (2024-10-26). Lebanon: 'Whole neighbourhood wiped out' in Israel air strike. defenddemocracy.press By Emir Nader Oct 24, 2024 When the air strike hit on Monday night, Fouad Hassan, 74, was sitting on his balcony in south Beirut's Jnah neighbourhood, reading his phone. No evacuation order was given by the Israeli army before the rocket slammed into the home of his children and grandchildren a short walk away. …

Staff (2024-10-26). Shin Bet Warned of Possible Hamas Assault Hours Before October 7 Attack. defenddemocracy.press by Connor Freeman Oct 24, 2024 Approximately three hours prior to the Hamas' attack in southern Israel on October 7, Shin Bet warned other elements of the police and security establishment that a potential assault emanating from the besieged Gaza Strip could be imminent. The Kan public broadcaster and Channel 12 news reported the internal …

tn.ai (2024-10-26). Gunmen Kill 10 Police Forces in Southeast Iran. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — At least 10 Police forces were martyred in an attack by unknown armed assailants in Iran's southeastern province of Sistan and Balouchestan on Saturday.

Sagina Walyat (2024-10-26). China-India border detente paves way for a more balanced world order. scmp.com While Beijing and New Delhi have their own interests in settling tensions, greater cooperation is a net positive for the Global South.

aljazeera (2024-10-26). Dozens killed by paramilitary RSF in Sudan's Gezira, aid groups say. aljazeera.com UNICEF calls for more international attention to 'the forgotten crisis' as about 25.6 million people face acute hunger.

newarab (2024-10-26). Sudan: Over 120 killed in RSF attack on al-Jazira state. newarab.com

The Independent (2024-10-26). KAKEETO: Investments in tech, digital spur growth in Postbank Uganda. independent.co.ug PostBank's 5-year transformation journey bears fruit ANALYSIS | THE INDEPENDENT | Over the past few years, PostBank Uganda has embarked on an ambitious journey to revamp its operations, harness technology, and redefine customer experience. For a fully government owned financial institution, embracing transformation has been a strategic imperative. In a rapidly evolving financial landscape, innovation and …

The Independent (2024-10-26). PICTORIAL: Equity Bank Uganda MD in Dubai. independent.co.ug Dubai, UAE | THE INDEPENDENT | Equity Bank Uganda Managing Director Anthony Kituuka has delivered a keynote speech to the bank's customers in Dubai about building a successful business back home. This was at the Smart Minds Business Conference Friday at the Royal Pillar Events Auditorium. He will follow this with another talk at the 3rd annual Uganda-UAE business forum on …

newarab (2024-10-26). Critic of Tunisia's Kais Saied given sentence of two years. newarab.com A Dahmani, 56, was Her arrest came when masked police…

Kungu Al-Mahadi Adam (2024-10-26). Government Signs Agreement With UAE Company to Revamp UTCL. plusnews.ug Uganda Telecommunications Corporation Limited (UTCL) on Friday 25th October 2024 received a new lease of life following the signing of an agreement between the Government of Uganda and Rowad Capital Commercial (RCC), a company based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). The event was witnessed by President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni at State House, Entebbe. Following …

Our Reporter (2024-10-26). Kwoyelo Jailed 40 Years. plusnews.ug The International Crimes Division of the High Court (ICD) has sentenced to 40 years in jail former Lord's Resistance Army rebel commander Thomas Kwoyelo over war crimes and crimes against humanity. The sentence was delivered Friday by a four-member panel of judges of the ICD sitting at Gulu High Court in Northern Uganda. Kwoyelo was …

Plus News (2024-10-26). Uganda Signs Air Services Agreement With Oman. plusnews.ug Uganda has left the just-ended ICAO Air Services Negotiation Event (ICAN), hopeful of getting landing rights in more countries as it keeps expanding. ICAN 2024 that was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 21 to 25 October, brought together aviation industry leaders from around the globe, with the Ugandan delegation led by Uganda Civil Aviation …

The Independent (2024-10-26). Akugizibwe's narrow escape in Kigogwa fuel tank explosion. independent.co.ug Wakiso, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Thomas Akugizibwe a resident of Kigoogwa is recovering from shock three days after he narrowly survived death following the fuel tank explosion. On Tuesday, a fuel tanker, registration number UAM 292Q, overturned in Kigoogwa town from Kampala, heading to Gulu. Akugizibwe, a 20-year-old shop attendant in Kigoogwa town, is reported …

The Independent (2024-10-26). New documentary links climate change to sexual and reproductive health rights. independent.co.ug Reach A Hand Uganda Calls for Integration of SRHR into National Climate Change Policies. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | While premiering a documentary titled "Youth at the Crossroads: Sex and Climate" at the American Centre in Kampala this week, Reach A Hand Uganda (RAHU) called on the Government and other stakeholders to incorporate sexual and …

The Independent (2024-10-26). NOVEMBER 9: Tororo Diocese laity to raise money to rehabilitate St Anthony's Hospital. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Tororo Archdiocese Development Association of the Laity (TADAL) will on November 9 hold a grand fundraising dinner in support of the renovation of St Anthony's Hospital in Tororo. Parliament Speaker Anita Annet Among and Archbishop Dr. Emmanuel Obbo will grace the fundraising dinner to be held at Rivonia Suites in …

The Independent (2024-10-26). Turnboy's body burnt to ashes in Kabale fuel accident. independent.co.ug Kabale, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Police have confirmed that a turn boy of a fuel tanker that exploded in Kyanamira sub county, Kabale district along Mbarara-Kabale highway on Saturday was burnt to ashes. The Nissan semi trailer fuel tanker registration number UAQ 912N/ SSD 351Y rolled down at Kyanamira corner and exploded. The vehicle …

The Independent (2024-10-26). Uganda signs Bilateral Air Service Agreement with Oman. independent.co.ug Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | THE INDEPENDENT | Uganda has left the just-ended ICAO Air Services Negotiation Event (ICAN), hopeful of getting landing rights in more countries as it keeps expanding. ICAN 2024 that was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 21 to 25 October, brought together aviation industry leaders from around the globe, with the Ugandan …

The Independent (2024-10-26). World Polio Day: Rotarians recommit fight to end polio. independent.co.ug KAMPALA, UGANDA | THE INDEPENDENT | The Rotary fraternity in Uganda has reaffirmed its commitment to the fight to end polio across the world. This reaffirmation was made by Rotarians and Rotaractors from Districts 9213 and 9214, at the commemoration of World Polio Day. The recommitment aligns with Rotary International's shared vision of eradicating polio globally …

The Independent (2024-10-26). Fresh details emerge in Timbitwire case. independent.co.ug KAMPALA, UGANDA | THE INDEPENDENT | Fresh details have emerged in the case in which a woman, Mercy Timbitwire, was remanded for slapping a traffic policeman Charles Makawa. The viral video, which captured Timbitwire slapping Makawa, sparked significant public interest and scrutiny. A woman who identified herself as Jane said Makawa pursued Timbitwire on a motorcycle …

The Independent (2024-10-26). Kigogwa fire responders blame police for delayed response. independent.co.ug WAKISO, UGANDA | THE INDEPENDENT | The first responders to the fire outbreak in Kigoogwa town have described it as a horrifying incident and blamed the Police for the delayed response. On Tuesday, a fuel tank registration number UAM 292Q, from Kampala heading to Gulu overturned and caught fire in Kigoogwa town. At least 11 people …

The Independent (2024-10-26). Rose Kabagyeni declared as NRM flag bearer in the Kisoro Woman MP race. independent.co.ug Kisoro, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Rose Kabagyeni has won the National Resistance Movement (NRM) party primaries for the Kisoro Woman MP race. Kabagyeni, the Senior Presidential Advisor on Agriculture was announced winner with 39,941 votes. Her closest rival Grace Ngabirano Akifeza got 39197 votes. Irene Mahirwe got 1729, Brenda Fancy Nirere 1593, Faith Winfred Igiraneza 510, …

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